Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 492: Hot discussion in China, soaring fans in Europe and America

Why did Brother Xiaosa, Zhang Shaohan and Liu Yifei get together, and what happened between them?Outsiders don't know about all this, but obviously, this doesn't affect the outside world's speculation about the three of them, even if "The True Colors of a Man" is really popular now, the topic of Brother Xiao Sa's new album is hot. .

Favorite Immortal Sister: "If you don't hesitate to think in the worst direction, I think the surname Tang may have concealed some important information, and this information is about his relationship, his girlfriend, and I don't know about our fairy sister. Is it fallen, I hate it!"

I love you, ml: "There are some things that we don't need to guess, because I believe that there must be professional paparazzi brothers who will look after them for us, but the brothers upstairs must be sad, because I believe that your Liu Tianxian must have fallen under Brother Xiaosa's jeans a long time ago, otherwise, why did Brother Xiaosa still look for her for this record? "

One Night Ten Times Lang: "It's too bad I'm not Tang Xiaosa! Otherwise, I'd want One Night Hundred Times to kill all the beauties and celebrities I like, especially the fairy sister Liu Yifei, what a sense of accomplishment it is! "


Well, the comments on the Internet are really disgusting, so Brother Xiaosa usually doesn’t go to those messy websites and posts. If he wants to read news or pay attention to the latest developments of fans, then he will go to on your own posts and blog.

The former is managed by hundreds of administrators, and they often see disgusting posts, or posts attacking Brother Xiaosa.Then it will be deleted or banned immediately; and the latter is Li Minghao's daily management.This guy has a lot of time.He is also full of energy, and has a certain connection with the big bosses of fan clubs around the world. Once bad information appears in the comments of the blog, someone will call him immediately, and he can immediately delete or delete it. shield.

Of course, these so-called discussions are actually nothing, because more people obviously only pay attention to his new works, and they are talking about what his first Hollywood work will be.

Flash Carrot: "Boys, brother Xiaosa's new album will be released soon, let's guess the name of the album together! The last one was called "Smart Walk", so will this one be called "Still Smart"? Haha, I suddenly feel very looking forward to it! I don’t know if the quality of the new album can be compared to the previous one? Thousands of students in our school are looking forward to it enthusiastically! I hope Brother Xiaosa will not let us down.”

Zhang Xiaoqiu: "I feel very happy, buddy! I just watched the movie starring Brother Xiaosa, and his latest record will be ushered in soon. I can't wait for his new work to be released every season. If that's the case, these days How comfortable it is! Of course, I actually prefer to watch the movies played by Brother Xiaosa, the best action movies with sharp action and gorgeous action. I don’t know what kind of Hollywood first work he is talking about? I really hate it It's a dead giveaway."

Youyogurt: "It's useless to talk about quality and quantity. If this album goes on sale in late September, then it will start accepting pre-orders in September. Why don't you start saving money! Save two yuan a day, More than half a month is enough to buy a genuine copy. We Xiaosha Gang must unite as one this time, and we must strive to continue to top the sales of the gang leader's second album, lest those so-called industry insiders will make a lot of quibbles there , Said that the sales of Brother Xiao Sa's second album will definitely plummet, and it won't even make it to 9 million copies."


Yes, at the time when someone was busy recording and filming the MV, the market was already full of forecast data from "industry insiders". Almost all major portals and large comprehensive paper media were actively hyping up this topic.

"Selling 6000 million copies of "Stylish Journey", the most in the world in the 21st century; the second album may drop sharply, and sales of tens of millions will be difficult—the industry elite predicts that Tang Xiaosa's second album will not continue to do well!"—— "Yangcheng Evening News"

"Classics are hard to come by, but Tang Xiaosa may encounter Waterloo! ——The global record market continued to slump in 07, and No.21 in the 1st century will not be spared!" —— Sina Entertainment

"From records to movies, and from movies back to records, can Tang Xiaosa's miracle happen again? ——On the major blow of pirate groups to China's cultural industry!" ——"Liaoshen Evening News"


It is no exaggeration to say that, at least in the near future, among the entertainment news circulating on the market, at least 10 out of 2 are related to someone, either because of the box office of the movie "The True Colors of a Man", or because of In the prediction of his album, even the tabloid newspapers that are slanting their swords, they listed Brother Xiaosa as the protagonist, because many people want to read reports about him, Zhang Shaohan and Liu Yifei!

Therefore, although a certain person is busy working on his record, it can be said that he does not listen to the outside world and only drives the record, but his popularity has not dropped at all. Even in Europe and the United States, he is also because of The movie "man" has thus continued to deepen his popularity, allowing more and more Europeans and Americans to get to know himself and understand himself, and the number of his European and American fans has also begun to skyrocket again.


Petrovsky: "I have to admit, the guy in China Tang is really great, I love him to death!"

"I also heard his name last year, but I never had any interest in him, because I don't think a person of yellow race can make too wonderful performances in the field of artistic performances, whether it is singing and dancing, magic or even kung fu performances , he couldn't possibly be stronger than a white guy.

I even laughed at the people who bought tickets to his special show because the price was too expensive.

But guys, after I watched the movie "man" on the recommendation of my friends, I suddenly had a strong interest in him, because I think that he can fight so hard in the movie, and he must be the same in reality. A real kung fu master, and then, I specially applied for an account of 'Youtubi', and logged in to watch his performance videos.

So, I have now become his latest loyal fan. I bought two of his DVDs, one is his music album, and the other is the special performance at Madison Square that once caused a sensation in the world last year.

Guys listen to me, as long as you watch his performance videos, you will be horrified to find that he is really so all-powerful, he is simply the all-powerful idol God gave us, except for the color of the skin. "

Alexander: "I used to hate China Tang, oh god, he seduced my girlfriend to become one of his long-term fans, I can't stand it, because you can't accept your girlfriend, but you are always in Talking about a handsome Chinese guy in your ear, yes, I'm jealous!

But fortunately, when I actually watched one of his wonderful performance videos for the first time by accident, I suddenly felt as if I really missed some wonderful things because of jealousy, such as his wonderful performance. I never watched performances before. Although I knew he was very powerful, I never imagined that he could be so powerful. You can cut a drink bottle with a card...

My God, I am also obsessed with him now, his movies and music, my girlfriend and I are trying to interpret and listen, I found that I like China a little bit, like I started to like China Tang, as my Idol, maybe in the summer vacation next year, I will go to China with my girlfriend to see, if I can meet China Tang by chance, that would be great! "

Muhammad: "I came to New York from my hometown in Arabia. I have always been a little unaccustomed to it, because it is too open. I can't stand the kissing and sex everywhere. This has greatly affected my faith. The impact of this makes me always have an urge to leave here and return to my hometown."

The most important thing is that the way of entertainment here makes me very disgusted, all kinds of exaggeration and teasing, I don't even dare to watch movies, I can only stay in the room and don't go anywhere.

But at this time, a guy from the fellowship association told me that you might be able to find some interesting videos on the Internet, such as Youtubi.

So, I quickly became a member of this website, and for the first time I saw an interesting, shocking, and almost inimitable performance, that is the video of China Tang.

It's really unbelievable, a person can be omnipotent to this extent, what else can he not do?Why did I practice hard, but in the end I only learned one piano?Is this genius?

Since then, I have become a fan, and I also actively promote the deeds of China Tang in the fellow countrymen. This has made many Arabs who came to the United States but have nowhere to go, as if they have found the best comfort , We even established an Arab Chinese Tang fan group, and the number of members quickly reached more than 7000.

His first movie came out recently, and we almost all went out, and even some of our members watched it three times in a row, because this movie is really good, and the fighting is so intense that we have been discussing recently, what is China Kung fu is better, but the very popular Japanese karate and Korean taekwondo are even better.

Well, the last thing I want to say is: I hope my idol China Tang, he can come to the United States to perform a performance similar to Madison's night last year, we Arabian fans are looking forward to this day sooner rather than later .

Well, if only he could see my prayers! . )

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