Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 8: The Origin and Magic of the System

As long as it is a normal man, I believe that no one will refuse a chance to swim in the ocean of beauties and have fun wantonly.Especially now that we have entered the 21st century, except for a few regions in the world where polygamy is allowed, most countries and regions have already established the monogamy system through legislation.

Now, brother Xiaosa has such an opportunity, how will he choose?

Although Tang Xiaosa admits that he occasionally fantasizes how happy he would be if he could embrace Liu Yifei on the left and Zhang Ziyi on the right, but please, that's just the yy of an innocent little virgin who peeked at the "Island Infantry Movie". How can it be true?This is so immoral!

Therefore, when he heard this shit mission, he was almost taken aback for a moment, and then immediately stretched out the middle fingers of both hands and gave a clear answer: "Aren't you tm crazy? This can also be a mission? You can go further ~ Is it flowing?"

If ordinary people are scolded like this, they will definitely get angry, but the system hunk is "not human", he seemed to have not heard it, but put up his right thumb and praised: "I find that there is still a bit of waste, such as Yi He is angry and hypocritical, clearly thinking about it in his heart, but his mouth is full of objections."

"I...your mouth is stronger than mine!" Brother Xiao Sa blushed and was speechless, because he couldn't refute at all.Man, who wouldn't want that?

"Okay, I won't embarrass you anymore. Anyway, remember, when you have a suitable goal, the system will release the task in time. If you can't complete it, you can just wait and cry!" The strong man in the system seemed to change After opening a core program, he actually ended this topic, and said in a serious tone: "Now is the time for you to explain in detail the origin of this system to the player, and how it will help you successfully complete the three tasks of being a martial artist, an actor, and a singer. Your designated target."

So, it opened its mouth and told a story that can be called miraculous.

It is said that in another time and space, human civilization has fully entered the era of the big universe. In the words of the system, the technological civilization of that time and space is at least 10 levels ahead of the current earth. The entry level is the manned spacecraft reaching the speed of 13 light.But this is not the point, the important thing is that when the era of the big universe is fully prosperous, a group of top super scientists in the whole universe have a whim, and they decide to work together to develop a science that can help any ordinary person become an elite with a skill research plan.And this plan is called "Successor Plan".

It may be easy to turn an ordinary person into an elite, as long as you are willing to spend money and time on training, it is easy to succeed.But it is impossible to turn every ordinary person into an elite with a certain skill.Therefore, a scientist put forward a point of view: "Can we create a super training task system? It is the kind that can control the internal time passing speed, so that the brain consciousness of ordinary people can stay in it for a long time to learn various skills. But the time outside the body is very short.

In that time and space, scientists have already developed a warrior training system with virtual technology that is infinitely close to perfection. At the same time, the research on the theory and technology of space and time has reached a very high level.Therefore, when this point of view was raised, all the scientists devoted themselves to the research excitedly.

This research lasted for more than 100 years. During this period, many things happened, and many versions were developed intermittently. It was not until a talented brain neurologist joined in, which made this huge science named "Successor System" The research and development project is officially completed.This system is called "God's gift" because every ordinary person who has benefited from his body feels that only God can come up with such a magical weapon.

There is only this one in the final version, and it can adjust the ratio of real time to internal time up to 1:100.Soon, it will be distributed free of charge to all people in the universe. Anyone can use the winner system, choose their favorite goals, and finally succeed with the help of the system.

Tang Xiaosa opened his mouth wide: "Fuck me, I've been studying my brain for more than three months, but it's only been a day in reality?"

"This is just one of the functions." The strong man of the system explained: "The most important thing is that any scene can be transformed into any scene in the system. No matter what skill you want to learn, you can immediately transform into a corresponding training center. , The training method of this system is also absolutely the best, it is completely tailor-made. How about you want to experience it right away?" It asked temptingly.

I don't want the experience to be fake, brother Xiaosa can't wait to try it right away to see how effective this system is, but... "Then, why did you come to our earth?" Tang Xiaosa admired those awesome scientists, But still asked the question in my heart.

I don't know why, seeing that brother Xiaosa didn't agree to experience it right away, the strong man in the system seemed a little disappointed, but he still replied: "There are countless black holes in the universe, and there are even terrifying gaps in time and space. My last game user was doing it. During interstellar travel, I suddenly broke into a small space-time gap with a space battleship, and the entire battleship and people were completely wiped out, but the system unexpectedly came to this space, and the specific reason is not known."

"What exactly is your body? You can actually lurk directly in my body." Tang Xiaosa was a little thankful for his luck, but he was extremely puzzled. Is this software or hardware?Why are you so stupid?

"Because I can't connect to the universe, this system can't answer your question!" The strong man in the system shrugged: "But your luck is really good, because I have met hundreds of people before you, but no one is willing to answer your question." Enter your own information. They deserve it for not being successful, not even a little bit of curiosity!"

"Ahem..." Brother Xiaosa was choked and coughed. If he hadn't been curious about hackers, he probably wouldn't have filled in his personal information.In this way, isn't my luck really good?

"Okay, the origin and function of this system have been described, may I ask if the player decides to start planning his own path to success immediately?" The system hunk raised the old question again, and then said with a seductive expression: "You Your physical fitness has been completely remodeled, and a huge change will take place in at most three months. The handsome, tall, and strong body you set will all be realized. Except for the two mission goals of actors and singers, which cannot be directly changed and strengthened, Completing the martial artist option will be very simple, because at that time, your speed will be very fast, your reaction and balance ability will be super strong, and your vision, hearing...etc. will be completely different..."

"Then tell me, can I reach the state of "a cicada perceives before the autumn wind blows" in martial arts novels?" Tang Xiaosa immediately asked, remembering something in a novel he had read by chance before.

"This is not necessarily an ability that only martial artists have." The strong man of the system explained calmly: "When a person's six senses are strong enough, even if they are far away, once someone has strong hostility towards you, You can have an uncomfortable feeling. If you want to develop that ability, the system can add that to the training."

Well, this is the real cow!Brother Xiaosa applauded in his heart and put aside the question for the time being, thought for a while and said, "Then, tell me how to plan my career first!" , I should take the initiative to work hard to complete it!

At this moment, Tang Xiaosa really possessed a quality that a successful person must have: determination.

ps: This book is slowly heating up, and the next chapter will start training, and the excitement will follow, please bookmark, recommend and support.


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