Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 94: The First Large Press Conference

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Tell a lie, often need a hundred lies to make up.

When Brother Xiaosa calmly talked about his "music talent", especially the talent in musical instruments, which was really abnormal, the reporters put aside their so-called reservedness, and all stared at him with bright eyes. Someone with a fixed face couldn't suppress the feeling of wanting to ask questions.

However, even if they all want to ask, even if they want to pry open someone's head, so as to take a good look at his mind, what is the difference between him and ordinary people, but that still requires someone to be willing?

It's a pity that Brother Xiaosa, the "big digger", always only cares about killing but not burying. Even though he was interrupted by the noisy voices of the reporters, even though he understood the feelings of the reporters, he still coughed calmly He let out a sound, then looked at the excited crowd naturally, and said again: "What I just said, if you have a chance in the future, you can ask my grandparents, or someone in my village has seen it. I was just learning the guitar, and I was absolutely scrupulously studying the book "Introduction to Guitar."

Well, in fact, what he said has already been explained. After all, he said it all. When he first learned the guitar, someone saw it. I believe that the jerky feeling will definitely leave some impressions on others. In the future, in case If there is a chance, the truth will be revealed after a visit.

And what they don't know is that a guy who is lying is actually secretly rejoicing!Because when he was in his hometown, there was a time when he was idle. He sat in the sunbath with his guitar and played randomly, and a few passing folks pointed at him. Playing, it's just messing around, it doesn't sound good at all.

Brother Xiaosa remembered that he was still very upset at the time. After all, he was indeed plucking the strings randomly, and he never thought about playing any songs at all, so it would be strange if it sounds good.In the end, he was despised by a few middle-aged "bumps".

Thinking about it now, he still needs to thank those guys, otherwise, there would be no evidence for the "talent" he mentioned, and the credibility would be reduced by at least half.Because no matter how much grandparents prove it for him, others will not believe it.

Who knows if you are in collusion with your own family members?

Well, after what he said, the eagerness of the reporters was initially relieved, because everyone had already made a preliminary decision in their hearts, that is, they must visit his hometown.

See if someone is really good at "hiding", if he really has the perverted musical talent he says.

Brother Xiao Sa standing on the stage, although his facial muscles and body seemed to be in a calm state all the time, he didn't have the slightest worry at all.But in fact, his heart has been in a state of tension all the time, especially his eyes are even more imperceptible, secretly looking at the expressions of the reporters in the audience.

Because, he really wanted to know if the reporters from all over the country would be dubious when he said such an unbelievable thing.After all, if they don't believe it at all, let's not expect other ordinary people to believe it.

You know, the group of people standing here today includes all the mainstream propaganda channels in the current society, which can be called the trinity of newspapers, TV stations and the Internet.

If Brother Xiao Sa can let them publicize his "abnormal talent" in his interview, then at least hundreds of thousands of ordinary fans will be affected.

Therefore, when the reporters calmed down a little bit, someone on the stage immediately felt that his heart was beating a little slower, and he was no longer as nervous as before.Because this scene actually represented that the reporters had initially believed his explanation.Otherwise, everyone will not be able to "quiet" down, and they will definitely scramble to ask questions.

So, Brother Xiaosa, who calmed down a little, immediately went on to say: "I used to be a taciturn person. I believe those who knew me before knew this. Whether it was at school or in my hometown, I basically never went out. The limelight, at most, is to like it, even though I knew a long time ago that my imitation ability is actually pretty good, and because of my interest, I have gradually mastered magic performances..."

"I want to ask, who did you learn magic from?"

A young reporter holding a black leather notebook suddenly spoke loudly, and then he looked at someone who was a little unhappy because his speech was interrupted, and continued to speak loudly indifferently: "Magic is something that needs to be taught. Yes, do you have a master in magic?"

Yo, what's wrong with this guy?Seems a little resentful towards my buddy?

Being disturbed by this unexpected situation, not only Brother Xiaosa was quite puzzled by it, but the other reporters were also a little dumbfounded. After all, the atmosphere of the interview just now was very harmonious, even if the interviewee Brother Xiaosa had " The suspicion of the journalists, but at least, his revelations are strong and generous enough!

As long as you are willing to break the news and cooperate with everyone's interviews, even if you molested everyone, then you are still a good comrade.

And that's the mentality of this group of reporters.

But now, when this young "Lengtouqing" colleague suddenly stood up and interrupted Brother Xiaosa's self-report for the first time, and at the same time his tone seemed not very friendly, it made everyone feel a little hard to understand.

Did this guy take the wrong medicine?

"Who stipulated that magic performances must be apprenticed to learn?"

Brother Xiaosa was startled for a moment, then laughed immediately, as if he didn't mind the attitude of this unfriendly guy, he shook his head and said: "Let's put it this way, there are actually many kinds of magic, I will It’s just a kind of close-range magic that pays attention to techniques, such as changing things and floating performances of small objects. This kind of magic actually pays attention to two points. It must be proficient and fast, and there must be no obvious mistakes."

Speaking of this, Brother Xiaosa glanced lightly at the "Lengtouqing" reporter who had opened his mouth wide, and suddenly stretched out his fingers to change quickly and rhythmically in mid-air.

I saw that as his mind changed, the ups and downs of his four fingers (except the thumb) also changed from slow to fast. In less than three seconds, the four fingers connected into an afterimage. No one can tell which of his fingers is the middle finger or the index finger anymore.

"My God, this is the hand of a magician!"

The reporters started shouting. They had heard before that the most flexible part of a magician is their hands and fingers, especially for magicians who are good at performing transformations.Because only their fingers are very flexible, they can perform the "magic power" that surprises everyone in full view.

However, they know that they know it, but they have never really seen a magician perform his finger dexterity with all his strength!And this is still under the witness of everyone, under the shooting of at least 7 or 8 cameras.

At this time, the attitude just now was not very good, and he looked like the "Lengtouqing" who came to find fault, and he couldn't help being shocked, because his eyes told him that the stage was calmly demonstrating the dexterity of his fingers. Brother Xiaosha, he really doesn't seem like a guy who has trained magic tricks and then pretends to be a rookie to gain attention.

That's right, this "Lengtouqing" really doesn't have any grudges with Brother Xiaosa, nor does he dislike other people's limelight, he just really doubts that the Internet is hot now, and he will soon turn to physical media and TV media to expand himself someone's popularity.

Yes, he was suspicious, suspicious of this versatile guy, but he claimed to be a guy from a certain rural area in the southwest, and all his abilities were self-taught.

If you want to say that one of your talents is self-taught, this answer will definitely not cause doubts, and few people will doubt the two kinds of talents. However, you can sing, imitate, musical instruments, magic, kung fu, dance, etc. Wait, are you really a genius?

It is impossible for a person to be so perfect, or to put it another way, if you were really that good, why would you wait until now to come into everyone's sight?

Therefore, the reporter had a rough estimate in mind: this guy nicknamed "Imitation Emperor" must be a seed artist carefully cultivated by a large entertainment company, because only a big company can find such a talented embryo , At the same time, there are a lot of financial and material resources to train him.

As for you saying that if it is exposed, will it be self-defeating, which will arouse the public's resentment?Just kidding, as long as the time comes and people directly announce that they are joining a certain company, then even if a little bit of clues are accidentally revealed, even if everyone hypes up, how many people will take it seriously?Anyway, other people's fame has already expanded.

Therefore, the reporter has long been waiting for the opportunity to make trouble. Even if Xiao Sa didn't take the initiative to reveal his past, he would still look for opportunities to raise this issue directly.

However, his question was perfectly answered by Brother Xiaosha, because as he said, the biggest requirement for close-up magic is to have fast hand speed and skillful movements.

"Could it be that Imitation Emperor is really not the default artist of a certain giant crocodile?"

The "Lengtouqing" reporter frowned, and the firm thoughts in his heart were also faltering.


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