Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 98: Going International, Starting with Language

Keep asking!

Every day is a new beginning, but for Brother Xiaosha, at least for now, every morning is a kind of torment for him.

I cross, buddy really don't want to sign anymore!

When Brother Xiaosa was woken up from his dream by the alarm, sweating profusely, the first thing he said when he opened his eyes was howling loudly that he didn’t want to sign anymore, especially when he was surrounded by hundreds of people yesterday and wanted to leave The kind that can’t even leave, hungry and cold.

That's right, he had a dream just now, and the dream was still blocked by many people holding notebooks, everyone was shouting "Brother Chisa" loudly, and then he had to sign autographs.

Damn, this kind of life is simply impossible!Brother Xiaosa yawned loudly with tears streaming down his face. He hadn't had a dream for a long time, but he didn't know that he kept repeating the same dream last night, and every time he signed and signed, he was soft-hearted!

Just sat on the bed and thought for about 5 minutes, but when the alarm clock rang again, Xiao Sa jumped up from the bed, and then he said to the system: "Can you post a message in my post bar?" The news, just what I announced, starting today, I will never agree to sign autographs in the future, unless it is when a new album is released and an event is held."

With a beep, the system quickly said: "The system can help you publish the message you want to send, and it can be pinned to the top, but I'm afraid you still have to continue to sign today, because in reality it will not be spread until at least tomorrow. Open your manifesto."

"Tomorrow?" Brother Xiao Sa thought for a while, then immediately nodded and said: "Okay, tomorrow is fine, but it must be widely known, otherwise I am afraid that many people will not know about it tomorrow."


The system originally wanted to say something, but Brother Xiaosha had already said: "Okay, that's it, I'm going to be on my way soon, let's go eat something before talking."

After speaking, he began to brush his teeth and wash his face, and then packed up his clothes that were all soaked and had to be hung up to dry yesterday. After doing all this, he put on his raincoat and went downstairs to pay the bill, and then pushed The car slowly walked towards a steamed stuffed bun shop that I saw last night.

The mornings in a small town really can’t be compared with those in big cities, and it’s still raining, so I didn’t meet a few people along the way, at most I saw a few elderly people sitting in front rooms on both sides of the street. The town seemed quiet.

After ordering a bowl of porridge, a few big steamed buns, and a few steamed buns, Brother Xiaosa just ate a small plate of sauerkraut as a gift from the store, and in the process, the customers in the store also slowly More and more, and soon there were two young girls sitting opposite him.

"Xiaoling, did you watch the audition for "Super Girl" yesterday? I really like Li Yang, but it's a pity that she has to start over from the resurrection!"

"Haha, I still like Shang Wenjie, I think his aura is really too strong, so stylish!"

"Tch, Li Yang is better, she is much prettier than your Shang Wenjie."

"Fuck you, Shang Wenjie is so talented. She graduated from Fudan University and is a simultaneous French interpreter. She can also speak German very well. Is your Liu Liyang comparable to her?"


Brother Xiaosa just sat quietly across the table, eating with great concentration on the one hand, but on the other side he was eavesdropping on the conversation of the two girls, and at the same time, for the first time in his mind, the idea that Supergirl seemed not real Such a vulgar feeling.

That's right, although he has never expressed to others his contempt and disdain for talent shows like Supergirl, but deep down in his heart there is always a little bit of contempt. It is impossible to select a really good singer, because everyone is attracted by various means of the TV station.

In a word, those people are too frivolous, and they don't have the so-called singing skills or emotions at all.

But now, when he heard that a woman like Shang Wenjie who "comes from a famous family" and has a smooth career has joined the Supergirl camp, it really confuses him a bit!

Well, then don't blame brother for releasing a big killer.

Brother Xiaosa has never considered the so-called "internationalization" before, and has not thought about the plan to strengthen foreign language training. After all, his current task is mainly to make a big name in China. Even if he is proficient in a hundred foreign languages, he has no chance use.

But now, hearing that there is a foreign language expert like Shang Wenjie among this year's Super Girl contestants, he immediately decided to hurry up and improve his foreign language skills.

English is a must, and you will rely on it to get into Hollywood in the future. In addition, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, etc., of course, should also be listed as targets. Well, if the systematic training is really ruthless If he is strong enough, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean, even if he has learned all of them, he is ready to recognize them.

There was a crisp sound of "beep", he was biting the last bun, and then Brother Xiaosha, who was about to get up, check out and leave, suddenly sat down again, and then he heard the voice of the system rang in his ears: "Gamer Tang Xiaosha, your fighting spirit makes this system happy for you, but I'm sorry, you won't be able to use this system to learn foreign languages ​​until you arrive in Shanghai to complete your first main task."

Damn, what do you do when you start it?

After hearing what the system said, Brother Xiaosa stood up very depressed, and then handed the boss a 10 yuan bill.

"The meaning of this system is obvious. You can use your own ability to learn English well. You can't rely on this system for everything, otherwise you won't have enough points." The system said calmly.

Brother Xiaosa took the change back from the boss, and responded angrily in his heart: "You think learning a foreign language is really that easy, buddy, how can you have the time now?"

That's right, even if his memory has been strengthened several times now, how much time can he use?At most, it's just two or three hours of staying in the hotel every night. How much can I learn from this?

"You can practice listening during the day and recite words at night. I believe that with your strong memory now, your English level can at least pass the current TEM8 (Team 8 for English majors) within a month at most." The system is relaxed Said.

seriously?Is it so easy to pass professional level 8?My buddy is not a noob who doesn't understand special 8.

Brother Xiao Sa paused, and almost asked directly, but fortunately, he still remembered that this place was on the street, so he hurriedly pushed his bicycle and started to go out of town.

"Brother, English is very difficult for me. Since junior high school, I have never passed a pass. Is it really possible?" When he got on the national highway, he asked while riding a bicycle. road.

"You have to have some confidence in yourself..." the system said calmly: "The reason why you were not good at learning foreign languages ​​before was because your memory seemed to be blocked, and you had to write and read a few ordinary words. Ten times, with this efficiency, even if you are given another 100 years, I am afraid you will still not be able to learn English well."

Damn, it's no wonder my brother always relies on me when he takes the English test.It turns out that the memory is indeed slack to a certain extent!

Brother Xiaosa couldn't help but patted the faucet of the bicycle. He was so depressed at this moment, because he used to be so attentive, but he was always misunderstood by his family and teachers as not working hard. Everything was caused by his memory. !

"Okay, then I'll go to the county ahead to buy an English-Chinese dictionary, oh, and a repeater."

Brother Xiaosa was also encouraged by the system to arouse his determination. He really wished that he had a repeater to make good use of this time.

"Unless you rush to Zhangjiajie, you won't be able to buy very good textbooks and tapes at all." The system reminded again: "You will never pass through the county-level area on your way today, unless you want to detour about more half way."

Damn, who wants to travel so far just to buy some English textbooks?Brother Xiaosa quickly dispelled the excitement just now, for fear that the system would give out another weird temporary task, which would be all kinds of sad reminders.

This is all right, since I can't learn English for the time being, I should speed up and finish the task earlier.

Brother Xiaosa yelled, and the whole person stood up on the bicycle, and then arched his body and began to step on the pedals vigorously. For a moment, the bicycle was like a light motorcycle accelerated to the limit, and it swished on Speeding up on the national highway where there is not much traffic for the time being.


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