Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1002 The Soldier Without Fighting

For Hu Deqing, the 10 minutes spent in Secretary Li's office in the afternoon was really longer than a century.

During those 10 minutes, he was full of ghosts and sweat.He was originally a good eloquent, but when he answered some of Secretary Li's questions, he actually became a bit stammering and didn't make sense of the words, which made Secretary Li frowned several times, but he still didn't reprimand him in the end.

During this period, Hu Deqing has been waiting in fear for Secretary Li to mention Ye Ming, waiting for him to ask himself why Ye Ming should be demoted to the post, and why he did not let Ye Ming became the chief of the first section of the inspector.He even waited desperately for Secretary Li to interrogate him sternly, whether he had accepted Li Junhui's bribe, and whether he had arranged Ye Ming to be the deputy chief of the comprehensive department because he wanted to pave the way for Li Junhui?

However, what he was waiting for and fearing did not happen.From the beginning to the end, Secretary Li's expression was indifferent, he kept asking him about the supervision plan, and kept revising and revising that plan with a pencil. Except for frowning occasionally because he stuttered in answering questions, he There is no meaning of accusing and reprimanding myself.

After walking out of Secretary Li's office, Hu Deqing thought hard for a while on the road, and then he was sure: Ye Ming must not have complained to Secretary Li, let alone told Secretary Li that he accepted Li Junhui's bank card in his office yesterday.Otherwise, with Secretary Li's character and temper that can't tolerate half a grain of sand in his eyes, he would definitely be furious just now and slapped himself on the table angrily. .

Thinking of this, Hu Deqing only felt a fluke and a sense of relief in his heart, as if he had narrowly escaped death.

At the same time, Hu Deqing felt an almost adoring feeling for Ye Ming: This young man, it seems that he really underestimated him and looked down on him!Among other things, his good character of being modest and low-key, concealing evil and promoting good for others, is several levels higher than many people: he has such a close relationship with Secretary Li, and even like Secretary Li's family members can In and out of his home at any time.However, he has been in the inspection room for so many days, but he has never mentioned this matter to anyone, and he has never been arrogant and defiant because he has such a good relationship with Secretary Li!

Not only that, in order to improve the relationship with the leaders and colleagues of the inspection room, he did not hesitate to spend huge sums of money to treat guests to dinner and sing. When drinking and singing, he was so polite and humble to everyone.If it were someone else who had such a good relationship with Secretary Li, he would have put his tail to the sky long ago, not to mention inviting others to dinner, even if they invited him, he might not necessarily go!

Hu Deqing has worked in the Provincial Party Committee Office for many years, and he used to be a county magistrate in the local area. It can be said that he has come into contact with all kinds of cadres.However, this was the first time he had seen a cadre with a profound background like Ye Ming who was unassuming and unassuming, especially a young cadre.

What makes Hu Deqing even more ashamed and admired is: Ye Ming has been working in the inspection office for the past few days. He even repeatedly scolded him for making a fuss out of a molehill.However, he never brought out Secretary Li to scare himself, nor did he go to Secretary Li to sue him.This kind of mind and tolerance, this kind of forbearance and humility can really be described as "a prime minister can pull a boat in his belly, and a general can run a horse in his arms".Based on his character and mind alone, Hu Deqing judged that this young man must have a bright future...

In this way, Hu Deqing thought and sighed all the way, and returned to his office.

In the following time, Hu Deqing did two things.

First of all, he called Li Junhui to his office, then took out the CCB card he gave him from the drawer, handed it back to him, and said in an apologetic tone: "Junhui, it's a pity that you have two days to go." I still have to go back to the general department. Just now, a leader of the provincial party committee paid attention to Ye Ming's affairs and asked me why I didn't follow the spirit of the provincial party committee's notice and arrange Ye Ming to a real-time post in the regular department. So, your business is only Can you wait for a while, the future will be long, right? Don't worry, I will always keep your promotion and progress in mind. Next time, as long as there is a chance, I will do my best to help you."

With a frustrated and disappointed expression on Li Junhui's face, he asked a little worriedly: "Director Hu, did Ye Ming see me in your office yesterday, so he went to sue?"

Hu Deqing shook his hands vigorously and said: "Junhui, don't misunderstand Xiaoye, it's not the case, he didn't say anything!"

Speaking of which, he glanced at the door, and then lowered his voice and told Li Junhui, "Junhui, I can remind you: Comrade Ye Ming has a bright future, so don't treat him badly because of this incident." If you have any opinion, you can’t argue with him because of it. I won’t tell you anything else, I just tell you one fact: If you want to fight against Ye Ming, you are looking for your own death and digging your own grave! I These words are by no means alarmist, and you will naturally understand in the future!"

Li Junhui was even more surprised when he heard Hu Deqing speak so seriously, but it was hard for him to inquire after hearing half of what he said, so he pushed the card over again and said sincerely: "Director Hu, I listen to you." However, this is a little thought from me, and it is also to thank you for your care, care and support for me all the time. So, please accept this little thought!"

Hu Deqing was terrified in Secretary Li's office just now, how dare he ask for this card now?Therefore, while pushing away Li Junhui's hand to hand the card, he said: "Junhui, I appreciate your kindness, but I really can't accept this card. You listened to me right, you should take this card back. "

Seeing that he was determined not to accept him, Li Junhui didn't dare to force him anymore, so he left Hu Deqing's office in dismay.

After Li Junhui left his office, Hu Deqing lay back on the armchair, half-closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then straightened up suddenly, found three packs of "Hetianxia" cigarettes from the drawer that he usually brought back when he went out to socialize, kicked In his jacket and trouser pockets, he walked out of the office and went straight to the office of the deputy chief of the comprehensive department where Ye Ming was.

At this time, Ye Ming, Tang Xueli, and Bi Shengke were immersed in writing materials, and each of them was lighting a cigarette.Seeing Hu Deqing go in, Tang Xueli and Bi Shengke were shocked, and hurriedly extinguished the cigarette in the disposable paper cup filled with water, with embarrassed smiles on their faces.

Ye Ming still held the cigarette in his mouth, and blew out a smoke ring leisurely, without any intention of extinguishing the cigarette.

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