Ouyang Ming thought that Hao Jinbin, ** and others were his confidantes, so he wanted to take the opportunity of drinking today to punish Ye Ming and give him a good reputation.

But he never expected that as soon as Ye Ming came in, Hao Jinbin, ** and others seemed to see their own parents, with submissive smiles on their faces, and when they shook hands with Ye Ming, they would bend slightly and look servile. The appearance of the "Director Ye" in his mouth was yelling sweeter than the other, which made him extremely annoyed-these spineless bastards vowed yesterday that they would unite closely with themselves and work together to get the kid surnamed Ye from One division is driven out.I didn't expect that after one night, they would become this flattering and obedient face...

He was a smart person, but when he saw the empty places around him, he felt something was wrong.

So, he forced himself to be calm, pointed to the empty seats, and said to Hao Jinbin and ** in a bossy tone: "Jin Bin, **, since Director Ye doesn't want to sit inside, you can come and sit. The food is served at the door." position, leave some space.”

Hao Jinbin looked at Ye Ming, then at the empty seats, and said to Ouyang Ming: "Director Ou and Director Ye are sitting here. We are subordinates, so how dare we occupy the guest of honor seat? Besides, I am sitting here. It's convenient to say hello here, so you can sit in peace and leave us alone."

As soon as this remark came out, Ou Yangming's face turned red: Although Hao Jinbin's words were calm, he was clearly saying that he should not take the most central guest seat...

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere today: everyone at the wine table, except himself, was flattering and flattering Ye Ming.Although Ye Ming didn't say much, Hao Jinbin, ** and the others all turned their heads to him, striking up a few words with him from time to time, the bright smile on their faces made people get goosebumps...

No matter how conceited Ou Yangming is, he can see it now: the center of today's wine table is Ye Ming.Moreover, Hao Jinbin's so-called "fraternity gathering" is actually an excuse to prevaricate himself.The protagonist he really wants to invite today is Ye Ming...

After figuring this out, he stood up from the guest-of-honor seat unwillingly, and said to Hao Jinbin resentfully: "Jin Bin, please ask Director Ye to take this seat! He is also my leader, if I don't Giving up, just doesn’t understand the taste.”

With that said, he walked to an empty seat on the left, and sat down with a livid face.

Hao Jinbin saw that he gave up his seat, and without saying a word of politeness, he pulled Ye Ming to the guest-of-honor seat, and forced him to sit down.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled Liu Pengcheng and Chen Yi over to sit next to Ye Ming.

The more Ouyang Ming thought about it, the more angry he became, and suddenly he remembered his hardcore Lin Hai, so he asked Hao Jinbin with a straight face: "Jin Bin, where is Lin Hai? Why don't you call him?"

Hao Jinbin was stunned for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly: "Director Ou, Lin Hai is in a bad mood today, I dare not call him."

"He's doing well, why is he in a bad mood?"

Hao Jinbin was a little surprised and asked: "Director Ou, don't you know? Lin Hai was announced to be transferred to the labor union this afternoon. He went home a long time ago, and his mobile phone can't get through. He is probably sulking."

Ouyang Ming was taken aback. He stared dumbfounded at Ye Ming, who was sitting on the guest of honor with a smile on his face. He felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet, and his heart suddenly became cold: This Ye Ming must be too powerful!In just half a day, not only did Hao Jinbin and others recover, but Lin Hai was also driven to the trade union.

At this time, he had no interest in drinking at all, and felt that his mind was in chaos, so he stood up staggeringly, and while walking towards the door, he said to Hao Jinbin: "You guys eat, I feel a little sick, I'm going back first! "

When he got to the door, he suddenly turned his head and said to Ye Ming: "Director Ye, starting from tomorrow, I will take a one-week public leave. Please report to the People's Education Department for me. I will make up the leave when I come back."

After speaking, he walked out of the box without looking back.

No one at the wine table kept him, and no one sent him off, and the scene seemed a bit awkward for a while.

Ye Ming saw Ouyang Ming's distraught look, and his lonely back walking alone when he left the box, and a feeling of sympathy and pity suddenly surged in his heart: Anyway, Ouyang Ming and himself have been working together for four or five years. Be nice to yourself.If he didn't have a big flaw in his personality, with his ability and level, he should have done something...

At this moment, Ye Ming's cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the number, it was Chen Mengqi's.

Ye Ming glanced at Chen Yi who was sitting on his right in a panic, hesitating whether to answer the call.

Seeing his expression, Chen Yi knew that Chen Mengqi must be looking for him again, so she smiled lightly and said, "Director Ye, why don't you answer the phone? Is it your girlfriend calling? Look at you, I'm sorry What's so embarrassing about this? We are all colleagues, and it's only natural for you to find a girlfriend, and it's not like stealing someone, why are you so shy?"

Ye Ming knew that she said this on purpose to clear up the ambiguous relationship between her and himself, so he answered the phone with a wry smile.

"Brother, where are you? I miss you."

Chen Mengqi said with a bit of resentment.

"I ate at Sister Mo's local restaurant by the river, with my colleagues in the bureau."

"Then I'll come over too. You tell me the specific address, and I'll drive over immediately."

Before Ye Ming answered, Hao Jinbin seemed to have heard their conversation, and shouted: "Director Ye, is that your beautiful girlfriend? Call her over quickly, and we all have to toast her."

Hao Jinbin had a loud voice, Chen Mengqi heard his words on the phone, and proudly said to Ye Ming: "Brother, I heard, your colleague invited me over! Hehe!"

Ye Ming had no choice but to tell her the specific address.

Ten minutes later, Chen Mengqi walked into the box wearing a yellow down jacket with a smile.

Liu Pengcheng quickly stood up, smiled and said to Chen Mengqi: "Qiqi, sit here, the two of you sit together, how affectionate. When we toast, we can also toast you together."

When Chen Mengqi heard Liu Pengcheng call her and Ye Ming "couple", she couldn't help being elated, walked over with a smile on her face, just sat down next to Ye Ming, turned her head from time to time to look at Ye Ming charmingly, her face was full of happiness.

Chen Yi always had an indifferent smile on her face, she sat there calmly, turning a blind eye to Ye Ming's embarrassing glances from time to time.

Due to Chen Mengqi's arrival, the atmosphere at the wine table became even more heated.Hao Jinbin and the others stood up one by one, respecting Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi non-stop.

Hao Jinbin, ** and the others are old fritters who have "alcohol tested". Take a sip, and I won’t leave if the leader doesn’t drink.” And “If you don’t get drunk, it’s better to doze off!” “If you’re not drunk, I’m not drunk, who will sleep on the side of the road?”…

This set of toast words made Chen Mengqi laugh out loud.Even Chen Yi, who is reserved and dignified, has a smile that can't help but appear on her face...

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