Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1016 Run

Because Cai Heshun was once the richest man in Huangyuan County, he has a great reputation in the local area.Moreover, because he is modest and sincere, and has no bad habits, he has a good reputation and reputation among the local people.Therefore, when his "Heshun Company" began to raise funds from the society, the people, civil servants, and coal mine owners in Huangyuan County, who had a little savings at home, poured all their money into "Heshun Company" to earn up to two cents. , One-third of the monthly interest.Some families even mortgaged their houses and invested in "Heshun Company" with bank loans.For a while, the capital of Heshun Company skyrocketed. At the peak, Cai Heshun received an astonishing 8000 million yuan in cash deposits a day, and the company's accountant and cashier felt pain in their hands.

In this way, in just half a year, the public deposits absorbed by Heshun Company reached [-] to [-] million.Therefore, besides continuing to trade stocks and futures, Cai Heshun lent all the remaining funds to some coal mines, lead-zinc mines, and real estate companies that were seriously short of funds at an interest rate of five cents a month, hoping to earn the difference in the middle price to realize The company is profitable.

In the first few months, the hundreds of millions of dollars loaned out were able to recover the interest smoothly.However, as the economic situation continues to slump, those coal mines and real estate companies that have borrowed huge amounts of money from "Heshun Company" have broken their capital chains one after another. Going to the door, I had no choice but to "run away".All of a sudden, it became common for many wealthy bosses in Huangyuan County to "run away", and many of those who ran away were bosses who had borrowed huge loans from Heshun Company.

At this time, because Heshun Company could not receive the interest on the loan and could not return the principal, it had reached a precarious time and might collapse at any time.Fortunately, Cai Heshun still has a good reputation there, and he gritted his teeth and insisted on paying the interest of those fundraisers who came to the company to deposit on time. .

However, at this most critical moment, the leaders of those county committees saw that the situation was not right, and hurriedly forced Cai Heshun to return their savings to them.Each of these leaders has put millions of yuan in deposits in Heshun Company, and the monthly interest is higher than that of others, which is three or even four cents.Therefore, they have saved money in Heshun Company for more than a year, and everyone has almost doubled their money.At this time, they saw that the rumors were wrong, and they wanted to withdraw their deposits.

At this time, the funds in Cai Heshun's hands were only tens of millions of yuan, while the deposits and interest of those leaders totaled nearly 3000 million yuan.Once the deposit is withdrawn, it will be very difficult for Cai Heshun to pay interest to fundraisers on time.

Therefore, Cai Heshun begged them not to withdraw their deposits for the time being, so that he could survive this year.However, those leaders resolutely refused and threatened him that if Heshun Company did not return their deposits to them, they would arrest him for illegal fundraising.Moreover, they raised funds in Heshun Company, all of which were recorded in the names of relatives, so they were not afraid of Cai Heshun exposing them.

Cai Heshun knew that he couldn't beat these people, so he had to pay them the funds raised by them together with the principal and interest, and he borrowed another 5000 million yuan from the bank to continue to support it.

However, shortly after that, another event that Cai Heshun did not expect occurred, completely crushing Heshun Company.

It turned out that after the establishment of the investment company, Cai Heshun hired several traders from a talent market. Among them was Li Dongquan, a native of Huangyuan, who was said to have a high level of stock speculation.So, Cai He let him take charge of the stock market trading by the way.

At the beginning, Li Dongquan also worked very hard and helped the company make some money in stocks.Therefore, he proposed to Cai Heshun to borrow 50 yuan from the company, and he himself wanted to use the 50 yuan to speculate in stocks to make some money.Moreover, he also swore to Cai Heshun that he only made money from trading in stocks, and he only borrowed the 50 yuan for half a year, and paid interest to the company according to the bank loan interest rate.After he made money, he immediately returned 50 yuan to the company.

Cai Heshun was originally a kind and helpful person, and he saw that Li Dongquan was indeed capable, so he also wanted to keep him in the company team.Therefore, he really borrowed 50 yuan to Li Dongquan to speculate in stocks, and generously said that he would not want his interest, as long as he returned the principal within half a year.

Unexpectedly, after borrowing 50 yuan, Li Dongquan turned the cart before the horse and focused his energy on the control of his own private stocks, without caring about the company's stocks. In addition, the stock market plummeted all the way, making Heshun Company's stock market The market suffered heavy losses, and although he himself lost money, the amount was not large, estimated to be tens of thousands of yuan.

After Cai Heshun learned of this, he was extremely angry, immediately fired Li Dongquan, and forced him to repay the 50 yuan loan.

Unexpectedly, this Li Dongquan was very insidious. When he was working in the company, he took advantage of his position to hack into the company's financial computer and stole the information of some major customers who raised funds in Heshun Company.

Just one month after the leaders of the county party committee withdrew the fund-raising funds, Li Dongquan opened a new mobile phone card in the mobile company, and then, in the name of Heshun Company's internal staff, gave a dozen of Heshun Company deposits of millions or even thousands of dollars. Wan's major client sent a text message, saying that Heshun's capital chain had been broken, and that Cai Heshun would abscond with the money soon.Therefore, I would like to remind all investors who have saved money in Heshun Company to withdraw their savings as soon as possible before Cai Heshun "runs away", so as not to lose all their money in the future...

As soon as these dozen or so text messages were sent, it was like a bomb with huge energy, which set off a huge wave among all the fundraisers of Heshun Company.All of a sudden, those customers who had saved money in the company were panic-stricken, and they all rushed to the door of Heshun Company, demanding that the company immediately repay their principal and interest, which caused the company to face the most terrible situation among all investment companies: a run on!

Fortunately, Cai Heshun is very adaptable. When everyone was crowded at the door of Heshun Company to ask for money, he moved a chair, sat at the door in person, and said to the fund-raisers who came to withdraw money on the spot: I am Cai Heshun I will definitely not run away, but please give me time, and there must be no run.If you don't withdraw money in advance according to the time stipulated in the contract, the company will go bankrupt in an instant, and at that time, it will be your money that will be lost.So, please don't panic, let alone worry about losing your money.I am also working hard to recover the loan. As long as the loan is recovered, I will be able to repay the principal and interest on schedule!

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