Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1022 Word of mouth

When Ye Ming heard Hu Deqing's last few words, he immediately understood his intention: Hu Deqing is beginning to seduce and corrupt himself.Although his words were relatively cryptic, the meaning was obvious: this time their group went to Huangyuan County, it was a "fat job".That is to say: the leaders of Huangyuan County will receive their investigation team with delicious food and drinks, and will make all the people involved in the investigation feel "at home, like a spring breeze".Maybe, they will give each of them a big red envelope...

Of course, Ye Ming is also very clear about this situation: the investigation team, inspection team, acceptance team, and evaluation team of the higher-level agencies are generally very polite and enthusiastic when received by lower-level agencies.In addition to arranging to live in the best room, eat the best food, and drink the best wine, additional services such as singing, hair and feet washing, massage, and travel to local special attractions will also be arranged.In addition, the reception unit usually sends a red envelope to each member of the inspection team—this seems to have become a customary "rule" and "practice". This kind of thing seems to have become accustomed to it, and it is not surprising.

However, Ye Ming could clearly feel from Hu Deqing's tone: this time he went to Huangyuan County, the local leaders might "receive him exceptionally".At least, the red envelopes they sent to members of the investigation team may be relatively large.Hu Deqing is telling himself this now because he wants to give himself hope and expectation first, and if he really "returns with a full load" at that time, he must remember to accept his favor—because he personally proposed to go to Huangyuan...

Thinking of this, Ye Ming sneered in his heart: This Hu Deqing really underestimated himself!He thought that he was a "town treasure" who had never seen the world, and as long as he gave himself a little sweetness, he would be grateful to him and shed tears of gratitude.Moreover, he must have thought that he was like a few people. When he arrived at the new unit, he was thinking about how to make money and how to get benefits, so he did what he liked, and wanted to take him down to collect red envelopes and gift money, and by the way, win him over. confidant...

Of course, these are just Ye Ming's inner thoughts. On the surface, he was still polite to Hu Deqing, and even expressed his gratitude to him against his will.

Next, Hu Deqing said to Ye Ming: "You go to your department tomorrow to pick two or three people and take them to Huangyuan County! You are the deputy leader of the investigation team, and I am the leader of the investigation team. It’s just for you to take the helm and check the gates, and you still have to do the specific work. Therefore, you have to choose two or three people in your department who are strong in business ability, willing to do things, and have a good relationship with you. In this case, both It can make your work go smoothly, and it can also train you a few helpers in the department. A fence with three stakes, a hero with three helpers, right?"

Ye Ming nodded and said, "Okay, I'll think about it tonight and finalize the list tomorrow. We can go down in a few days."

What Ye Ming didn't expect was that he hadn't considered taking the three people from Keli to Huangyuan County, but two people came to recommend themselves that night.

The first person who came to see me was a deputy chief staff member named Hong Xi, who was about 25 or six years old, a little younger than Ye Ming.He came to Ye Ming's dormitory around eight o'clock, and when he came in, he was carrying a black plastic bag, which should have contained two cigarettes.

Ye Ming has been in the Inspector Section [-] for half a month, and he basically has a basic understanding of the people in Section [-].This Hongxi Yeming has the best impression, because he is very diligent, and he respects himself, the section chief who is only one year older than him. He goes to his office every day and sees soot or other things on his desk. If there are dirty things, he will take the initiative to pick up the rag and wipe the table for himself.He doesn't smoke himself, and sometimes he gets a pack or two of good cigarettes out of socializing, and secretly stuffs them for himself.

Ye Ming was not a person who liked flattery, and he also opposed others to flatter him.However, now he has his own point of view and logic: If a person goes to a new unit to be in charge and become the leader, someone really must flatter and respect him!

There are two reasons for this: first, when you go to a new unit as the leader, if the people in the unit ignore you and disagree with you, you will definitely feel very sweet and boring; on the contrary, once you go to the new unit , There are subordinates who come to say hello to you every day, come to sweep the floor and wipe the table for you, to prove that you are welcome in the new unit.Not to mention anything else, the psychological comfort and satisfaction alone are enough to make you feel very comfortable and useful.No wonder, there are so many people in the world who like to be flattered. It turns out that the taste of being flattered is really wonderful!

Second, after you work in a new unit, if you blindly oppose others to flatter you, or even ridicule and criticize those who flatter you, it will not only offend those who want to get close to you, but also make others People keep a respectful distance from you, think you are pretentious, and think you are putting on airs.In this case, no one will dare to get close to you in the future, and you will most likely become a loner!

With such an understanding, Ye Ming has a good impression of Hong Xi.Moreover, he could see that this Hong Xi really admired and respected him.Therefore, he acquiesced in his behavior of coming to say hello to himself every day, and occasionally took a pack or two of cigarettes he stuffed for himself, and sometimes chatted with him in the tone of a leader and asked him about his problems. work life situation.

Therefore, Hong Xi often told people recently: Chief Ye is very approachable, very humane, easy to deal with, and a good leader.Ye Ming also knew his evaluation of himself from other people's mouths, and he felt a little proud: because he wins over Hong Xi, he just wants such a word-of-mouth effect...

Now, when Ye Ming saw Hong Xi coming to his dormitory with two cigarettes, he immediately understood his intention: he wanted to follow him to Huangyuan County for investigation - because everyone in the department knew that Hu Deqing was in Huangyuan County used to be the county magistrate, so every time the people in the inspection office go to Huangyuan County on a business trip, the leaders there are very humane and polite. There will be no less, and it will be very rich. This is the first reason why everyone in Corey wants to go to Huangyuan.

The second reason is that for the investigation team that went to Huangyuan this time, the team leader was the head of the inspection office, and the deputy team leader was the head of the first inspection department.As a member of the first department, if you join this group, you will have the opportunity to get close to the two top leaders.And such opportunities are very rare.Therefore, whether it is out of consideration of economic interests or political future, they definitely want to join the investigation team that Ye Ming is in.

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