Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1027 Bait and Fisherman

Ye Ming has worked at the grassroots level for many years. He has never eaten pork but has seen pigs run away. He knows that some local government leaders like to follow the favor of their superiors and engage in crooked ways. "Give women to leaders" is one of these crooked ways.Some daring local leaders even specially raise a group of such women, give them a certain identity and position, and let them be responsible for the reception work, in order to win over and corrupt those superiors who are lustful, greedy, and have no principled standpoint lead.

It seems that this Chen Jianli belongs to the kind of local leaders who are particularly courageous.Moreover, Hu Deqing must have already been dragged into the water by them. Judging from his current ambiguous situation with another girl, it is estimated that the two of them have already had an affair.And this Zhou Meiyu in front of me should also be a "poisonous flower" brought by Chen Jianjian to corrupt her...

However, although Ye Ming is very disgusted with Chen Jianli and others' indecent practices, he doesn't want them to see this disgust now.On the contrary, he now wants to do whatever he can, pretending to accept the "special reception" from Chen Jianli and others, and paralyze them first, so that they can relax their vigilance against him, so as to facilitate his secret investigation.

Therefore, when Chen Jianli told him blatantly that Miss Zhou Meiyu was specially arranged by the county party committee to serve Section Chief Ye, Ye Ming pretended to be very happy to shake hands with Zhou Meiyu enthusiastically, and deliberately and unscrupulously looked at her a few times, with a look. Said in a joking tone: "Director Zhou, I heard in the provincial capital that there are two places in Tianjiang that produce beauties, one is Taoye County in the southwest, and the other is Huangyuan County in the northeast. Moreover, it is said that Huangshui is very nourishing. People, all the girls who grew up drinking Huangshui have extremely fair and tender skin. At that time, I still didn’t believe it, but now when I saw Ms. Zhou, I was completely convinced. It was a worthwhile trip to meet Ms. Zhou. Hahaha!"

While saying this, Ye Ming also took advantage of the opportunity to shake hands with Zhou Meiyu, deliberately and lightly squeezed her soft and boneless little palm, making Zhou Meiyu's already blushing face even more red. to ooze water...

Chen Jianli has been observing Ye Ming's expression, seeing that he seems to be very interested in Zhou Meiyu, talking and laughing with her, and some teasing words mixed in, he feels very happy and proud: It seems that this young man surnamed Ye After all, people are not deeply involved in the world, and their self-control is not strong. When they see beautiful women, they can't hold back.As long as he has hobbies in this area, it's easy to say: With Zhou Meiyu's charm, I believe that once he sleeps with her, he will never forget her.At that time, as long as I firmly control Zhou Meiyu, I can let Ye Ming serve me obediently...

At noon, Huangyuan County Party Committee and County Government opened two tables in the "Lotus Hall" box of Huangyuan Hotel to welcome members of the investigation team of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office.

When eating and drinking, Zhou Meiyu took the initiative to sit beside Ye Ming according to the arrangement of Chen Jianli and Zheng Xiaoliang, serving him and drinking with him.At the same time, the other "Four Flowers" from Huangyuan Hotel also came to the scene and sat next to several members of the investigation team to cheer everyone up.The whole scene looks like "drinking flower wine".

Moreover, these "six flowers" were obviously carefully selected by Chen Jianli and others. Not only are they all beautiful, but they are also very good at drinking.They also have many tricks to persuade people to drink. They are good at shaking dice, guessing fists, ordering, telling dirty jokes and jokes.It seems that their professional training is indeed in place, which also proves that Chen Jianli and others have indeed spent a lot of hard work in order to train them.

According to Hu Deqing's private instructions, the protagonist of this meal at noon today is Ye Ming.Therefore, in the process of drinking, Chen Jianli and other leaders of the county government and the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference all focused their toasts on Ye Ming, walked up to Ye Ming one by one, and toasted his wine while saying compliments.Those girls also saw the clue, so they all rushed to respect Ye Ming.Fortunately, Ye Ming drinks a lot, and he intends to numb Chen Jianli, Hu Deqing and others, so he deliberately pretended to be wild and unrestrained, and he would not refuse anyone who came to toast, and drank to his heart's content Dripping, won thunderous applause from the wine table.

Zhou Meiyu, who was sitting next to Ye Ming, had been watching Ye Ming's words and deeds attentively.She found that this young and handsome "provincial leader" was not only outstanding in appearance, but also gentle and eloquent in his speech and demeanor. It could be seen that he was very talented.What's more, his generous and unrestrained attitude when drinking, that kind of demeanor that never refuses, and that kind of high-spirited demeanor make people more and more fascinated, and the more you look at it, the more heart-thumping. Staring at Ye Ming, who was holding a cup to toast with Chen Jianli and others, his expression became a little bewildered, so that Zheng Xiaoliang on the opposite side called her a few times, but she didn't hear it...

Zheng Xiaoliang looked at his words and found that Zhou Meiyu seemed to be a little obsessed with Ye Ming. He couldn't help but "thump" in his heart, feeling ominous: According to Secretary Chen's vision, Zhou Meiyu was a fragrant "bait" that was going to be used to catch Ye Ming's fish. big fish.However, if the "bait" falls in love with the big fish and is willing to let the big fish swallow itself, it will be a disaster for the fisherman: because in this case, the bait will be lost. Its normal function is completely useless to the fisherman.

So, after calling Zhou Meiyu a few times without getting a response, Zheng Xiaoliang simply walked up to Zhou Meiyu, taking advantage of Ye Ming's opportunity to return to other people's wine, and whispered in her ear: "Xiao Zhou, don't you want me to drink?" Forgot my duty, Secretary Chen is waiting for your good news!"

Zhou Meiyu was suddenly awakened by Zheng Xiaoliang's words, her face blushed, she quickly looked away from Ye Ming, lowered her head and remained silent.

At this time, someone started booing, saying that they wanted Section Chief Ye and Director Zhou Meiyu to have a cup of wine, and they would also have a big cup of wine.

Ye Ming also wanted to give Chen Jianli and others the illusion that he was infatuated with Zhou Meiyu, so he said, "Okay, as long as Ms. Zhou saves me, I'm willing to drink this cup of wine!"

Zheng Xiaoliang pushed Zhou Meiyu, and said in a low voice, "Stand up quickly, Section Chief Ye is waiting for you to have a drink with him!"

Zhou Meiyu woke up like a dream, and quickly stood up with a blushing face. She and Ye Ming were close to each other, wrapped their arms around each other's necks, and drank a "Dajiao Cup".

After being drunk and full, Chen Jianli asked Hu Deqing and Ye Ming: Should I wash my feet at noon or just go to the room to rest?Hu Deqing wanted to wash his feet, but Ye Ming said that he drank too much and wanted to rest in his room.

Therefore, Chen Jianli gave Zhou Meiyu a wink, and motioned her to take Ye Ming to rest in the room.

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