Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1030 Active Volcano

After Chen Jianli came out of Ye Ming's room, he immediately called Liu Zhenxue, Deputy Secretary of the Huangyuan County Party Committee, Li Tong, Executive Deputy County Mayor, and Zhou Bihui, Secretary of the County Political and Legal Committee, and asked them to come to the small conference room of the Huangyuan Hotel for an urgent discussion. little thing.

After Liu Zhenxue, Li Tong, Zhou Bihui and others rushed to the small conference room, Chen Jianli picked up the cowhide envelope that Ye Ming had just returned, shook it in his hand, and said with a sullen face: "Comrades, this is just an investigation. The young man surnamed Ye in the group returned the red envelope to me. I just went in and persuaded him for a long time, but he insisted on returning the red envelope, saying that he had his principles and bottom line. Judging from this incident, this person is very Maybe the comer is not kind, and I guess they are not of the same mind with Director Hu. Therefore, we were a little too optimistic about the situation at the beginning, and we believed too much in Director Hu's words. Now we are likely to face a very serious situation. You may not Aware of this, but I already have a very ominous premonition."

Zhou Bihui asked a little puzzled: "Secretary Chen, are you making a fuss over a molehill? I've always been a little puzzled: that kid surnamed Ye is just a small section chief in the inspection office of the provincial party committee. Why are you being so polite to him?" , So respectful? As a result, we respected him as a person, but he didn’t appreciate it anymore. Isn’t that ignorant? Besides, you are talking about the matter so seriously now, it seems that the boy surnamed Ye didn’t accept the red envelope , it’s like a big disaster, are you flattering that kid too much? Anyway, he is only the deputy team leader of the investigation team! Director Hu is not only his immediate boss, but also the team leader of the investigation team As long as we get Director Hu settled, does that kid surnamed Ye dare to disobey Director Hu's instructions?"

It turned out that after Chen Jianli learned about Ye Ming's background from Hu Deqing, because Hu Deqing told him not to disclose the matter, so as not to cause confusion, it would spread to Ye Ming and even Secretary Li Runji's ears in the future, which would cause confusion. Come to unnecessary trouble.Therefore, he has never talked about Ye Ming's background with his cronies, and only told them: Ye Ming, the deputy leader of the investigation team, is a very powerful character. Put it on the same level as Director Hu, lest he do bad things in the middle.Therefore, Zhou Bihui only had such a question now.

Chen Jianli frowned and glanced at Zhou Bihui, thought for a while, and then said in a heavy tone: "Comrades, I didn't want to tell you about Ye Ming's background. But since Comrade Bihui proposed this If you have any doubts, I might as well tell everyone: According to the information that Director Hu conveyed to me, this Ye Ming has a lot of background. First of all, he is the godson of Secretary Li Runji of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He often walks around Secretary Li’s house. Listen. Secondly, he has a very close relationship with Director Xu Lizhong, the secretary of Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee, and Secretary Lu also knows him. It is said that Secretary Lu admires and values ​​him quite a lot. Based on these two relationships, do you think we should Should we treat him with high standards? Should we pay attention to his words and deeds?

"Comrades, I can tell you clearly: We are like sitting on a crater. Moreover, this crater is still active and may erupt at any time. If you want to stabilize this crater and prevent it from erupting, save The investigation team of the Commission’s Inspection Office is the key. Because the duty of this investigation team is to find out the current situation of illegal fund-raising in our county, the measures we have introduced to combat illegal fund-raising, and the results achieved after taking these measures After investigating these situations clearly, the investigation team should form an investigation report and report it to the main leaders of the provincial party committee.

"If this investigation report is written well, conceals some information for us, and then says that the phenomenon of illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County has been effectively curbed, then the Provincial Party Committee will no longer send the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial In this case, our county will be safe for the time being. As long as we strictly control those troublemakers and prevent them from going to the city or province to petition or make trouble, we will This period can be safely passed.

"Because this investigation team determines our life and death, and determines whether this active volcano in Huangyuan County will erupt, we must now attach great importance to this issue of Ye Ming. Because if he does not agree with Director Hu, It is very easy to find fault in our county, because we began to listen to Director Hu's words, thinking that he could settle Ye Ming and other members of the investigation team and would not embarrass our county, so we A lot of work is still not done well. Now it seems that this Ye Ming is likely to be a catastrophe, and it may also become a trigger that detonates the powder keg of illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County.

"So, I'm calling a few people here now, just to discuss how to take emergency measures to remedy the loopholes in our work. I just thought about it, and there are a few key points: First, the troublemakers of Heshun Company The creditors of the company should be closely monitored from now on, and if necessary, they can be arrested in the name of disturbing public order. As for the bosses of other investment companies, they should be told to hide and not let the investigation team find them. This matter, Comrade Bihui please take some time to implement it in place as soon as possible;

"Second, for the Wu Lijiao who has been brought under control, the Public Security Bureau must seize the time to complete the labor camp procedures for her, and send her to the labor camp in the past two days. Members of the investigation team must not find her, lest she be like Like a mad dog biting everyone. Comrade Bihui urges the County Public Security Bureau to implement this matter as soon as possible;

"Third, we must continue to increase our public relations efforts on Ye Ming, and take him down at all costs. It is best to let him be used by me. If we can win him over and let him help us like Director Hu, then , he is our greatest high-quality resource, and also the guarantee to ensure that we can survive this crisis safely - because he has a special relationship with Secretary Li, and Secretary Li will definitely believe what he reports. As long as he speaks good things to our county , saying that our county is very effective in cracking down on illegal fundraising, and now our illegal fundraising phenomenon has basically disappeared. In that case, the province will not send a joint inspection team over, and we will be considered safe."

Liu Zhenxue, Zhou Bihui and others nodded in admiration when they heard his penetrating analysis and deployment.

Chen Jianli took a sip of tea, looked at Zheng Xiaoliang who was sitting at the end, and said in a very solemn tone: "Xiao Zheng, regarding the public relations issue with Ye Ming, you have a great responsibility now! I now pin all my hopes on On you and Comrade Zhou Meiyu. I hope you two will live up to my expectations and win Ye Ming over as soon as possible."

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