According to the itinerary of the investigation team, Ye Ming and the others arrived in Huangyuan County on the afternoon of the first day to listen to the report of the Huangyuan County Party Committee on the county's crackdown on illegal fund-raising, and put forward their views and opinions on some issues in the report.

The report meeting was presided over by the county party secretary Chen Jianli, and he personally reported the situation on behalf of the county party committee and county government.In this report material, Chen Jianjian mainly talked about six aspects:

One is to attach great importance to and strengthen leadership.A special action leading group was established with County Party Secretary Chen Jianli as the team leader and other county Party Standing Committee members as deputy team leaders. Based on the actual situation of Huangyuan County, a work plan and measures were formulated to further increase efforts to combat and prevent illegal fund-raising.

The second is to refine measures and strengthen clean-up.The county public security organs actively mobilized the superior resources and strengths of various departments, performed their respective responsibilities, and cooperated closely to form a joint force of overall operations, and successfully destroyed the "Heshun Investment Company" fund-raising fraud criminal gang headed by Cai Heshun.

The third is to cooperate closely and improve the mechanism.The leading group strengthens communication and cooperation with relevant departments, establishes and improves the coordination mechanism, and forms a joint attack situation.

The fourth is to conduct a comprehensive investigation and conduct a thorough investigation.The leading group of the special action has organized and carried out investigations throughout the county for many times. In view of the characteristics of illegal fund-raising cases, it has firmly established the principle of "strike early and attack small ones, and take the initiative to attack". Give full play to the active role of secret forces and friendship, strengthen position control, and carry out targeted work.

The fifth is to mobilize the masses and expand publicity.The leading group used various forms of extensive publicity and mobilization, carried out concentrated publicity activities on the streets, distributed publicity materials, promptly announced the reporting telephone number to the public, and mobilized the people of the county to actively participate in the crackdown.At the same time, strengthen the connection with the news media, widely publicize the dangers of illegal fund-raising activities, expose the methods of illegal fund-raising activities, and timely report on crackdown actions, which has strengthened the momentum for the special action of illegal fund-raising in our county and continuously formed a joint force.

The sixth is to actively maintain stability, with remarkable results.By taking the above measures, Huangyuan County has achieved remarkable results in combating illegal fund-raising.Up to now, all illegal investment companies have been forcibly shut down, and most of the money raised from society has been returned to investors.At present, the society in Huangyuan County is stable, and there have been no riots caused by illegal fund-raising, nor have there been vicious criminal cases of fighting, besieging the government, wounding and killing people because of illegal fund-raising...

When reporting the content of these six aspects, Chen Jianli put the focus of the report on the second and sixth items.When reporting on the second point, he broke away from the report and specifically talked about Heshun Company and the company’s chairman Cai Heshun’s fund-raising fraud, the victim’s complaint, and the county party committee’s decisive measures to deal with the Heshun Company’s fraud case. Mention: After Cai Heshun committed suicide in fear of crime, his wife Wu Lijiao sued everywhere, spread rumors everywhere, slandered the leaders of the county party committee and county government, and tried to transfer the responsibility of Heshun Company to the leaders of the county party committee and county government. It is really sinister and despicable Shameless.

When reporting on the sixth point, Chen Jianli also broke away from his speech and talked endlessly about the effectiveness of Huangyuan County's crackdown on illegal fund-raising. The people of the county have a deep understanding of the dangers of illegal fund-raising, and they have withdrawn the money they put in the investment company, and no longer participate in illegal fund-raising.What's even more gratifying is that most of the investors didn't lose any money in this special operation. Therefore, Huangyuan County has a stable society and people live and work in peace and contentment, and has completely escaped the curse and shadow of illegal fundraising...

In all fairness, the report materials written by Chen Jianjian are very exciting and convincing. Not only are there methods, steps, and key points, but the results are indeed outstanding.Therefore, after he finished his report, Hu Deqing took the lead, and everyone in the investigation team, except Ye Ming, applauded enthusiastically.

Only Ye Ming, because he knew the inside story of Heshun Company being investigated and prosecuted, so when he heard Chen Jianli's report so gaudy, he felt extremely disgusted, and even forgot that he had to cover up now, to hide his true thoughts, Sitting opposite Chen Jianli frowned from time to time, and when he finished his report, he didn't applaud with Hu Deqing and others—all these actions of his fell into Chen Jianli's eyes, which aroused his vigilance and respect for him even more. beware...

Next, Ma Jili, director of the County Public Security Bureau, reported to the investigation team the specific measures taken by the public security department to crack down on illegal fund-raising.Then, it was Ye Ming's turn to speak.

Originally, Ye Ming wanted to ask Chen Jianli and others some questions about Heshun Company on the spot.But after thinking about it carefully, if I raise the issue of Heshun Company now, I will definitely startle the snake, which is not good.Therefore, he refrained from raising any questions, just said a few words in affirmation of Huangyuan County's achievements, and asked Director Hu Deqing to make a concluding speech.

In his concluding speech, Hu Deqing spared no expense of praise, and highly praised and fully affirmed the measures and achievements made by Huangyuan County in implementing the provincial party committee's decision-making and cracking down on illegal fund-raising. The fight against illegal fund-raising is so powerful, the achievements are so great, and the effect is so good, it can be established as an advanced model for the whole province to fight against illegal fund-raising, and some practices and experiences in the county can be written as typical materials, which can be reported to the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office's " Supervision and Inspection Situation Bulletin" was published above for the study and reference of all counties and cities in the province.

Finally, Hu Deqing stated: The investigation team will definitely scientifically evaluate the results of Huangyuan County’s crackdown on illegal fund-raising, and form an investigation report to report to the main leaders of the provincial party committee for instructions.If the leaders of the provincial party committee pass the test there, Huangyuan County’s experience in combating illegal fundraising can be promoted throughout the province...

Hu Deqing's concluding remarks without any investigation made Ye Ming feel particularly uncomfortable.Although at the report meeting, he did not raise any objections to Hu Deqing's speech, but at the next meeting of the investigation team, Ye Ming raised this issue.

This meeting was held in the small meeting room of Huangyuan Hotel. The purpose of this meeting was to determine the investigation direction and focus of the investigation team in the next step, as well as matters that should be paid attention to during the investigation, based on the report of the Huangyuan County Party Committee and the County Government.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ye Ming said unceremoniously: "Director Hu, I have different opinions on the summary speech you just made at the briefing."

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