Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1034 Grasping the Mainstream

So, Hu Deqing put on a serious face, finally put on an official air, and said very dissatisfied: "Comrade Ye Ming, I want to remind you: the report by Comrade Chen Jianli just now is not his personal, but represents the whole Huang The report given to us by the Yuan County Party Committee and the county government on behalf of the entire leadership team of Huangyuan County. You don’t have to trust Secretary Chen, or the person who wrote the materials. But you can’t doubt the entire leadership team of Huangyuan County—after all , Secretary Chen's report is to be discussed and approved by the standing committee meeting of the county party committee. All the contents in this report material, including the measures, methods, steps and all the data in it, have been approved by all members of the county party committee and even related functions. Approved by the department. You are now denying the report materials of Secretary Chen. In fact, you are suspecting that the entire leadership team in Huangyuan County is rotten. You suspect that they are collectively cheating and deceiving our investigation team. Your thinking , is a typical generalization, and it is a narrow and extreme view of 'there are no good people in Hongdong County'.

"Of course, Comrade Ye Ming has just been transferred to the Provincial Party Committee Office. He is young, promising, energetic, energetic, and enterprising. He wants to take this opportunity of investigation to expose the so-called problems in Huangyuan County and make some achievements. , fired the first shot for myself to work in the inspection room, I can fully understand this feeling. However, as you said, we must seek truth from facts in whatever work we do, and we cannot do whatever we want based on our own subjective wishes. How to do it.

"And the objective facts we are facing now are: Huangyuan County has indeed done a good job in combating illegal fund-raising and has made achievements. From Secretary Chen's report, we can also see that: the entire leadership team of the Huangyuan County Party Committee, They take the fight against illegal fund-raising very seriously and very seriously; they also spare no effort in implementing the provincial party committee and government's decision on cracking down on illegal fund-raising, and the results are obvious to all.

"So, you can't rely on your own subjective assumptions to think that Secretary Chen's report materials are watery and fake, and you can't artificially and deliberately obliterate Huangyuan just because you want to make achievements and meritorious service. These efforts and achievements of the county, not to mention picking the bones in order to achieve your personal goals, must look for loopholes and deficiencies in Huangyuan County in combating illegal fund-raising. Because we are very clear: no matter what we do No work can be perfect, nor can there be no loopholes and loopholes to exploit. What we need to look at is the mainstream and the overall situation, and we must grasp the main contradiction.

"What is the mainstream of Huangyuan County's crackdown on illegal fund-raising this time? In my opinion, this mainstream is effective measures, appropriate methods, and outstanding achievements. As for whether there will be imperfections and imperfections in it, I think there must be. But this is not the mainstream. Our investigation is to affirm the mainstream achievements of Huangyuan County, and not to hold on to some deficiencies.

"Of course, what I said may be a bit serious, and I may have misunderstood Comrade Ye Ming's meaning. However, if the drum does not beat, the words will not be clear. Since we are having a meeting to discuss, everyone can speak freely. Express your own views and opinions. Therefore, if you offend Comrade Ye Ming in what you said just now, please forgive me!"

Hu Deqing is worthy of being an old bureaucrat. The intention of these words is very vicious: in front of everyone in the investigation team, he pointed out that Ye Ming suspected that Chen Jianli's report materials were for meritorious service and publicity, and once again affirmed that Huang Yuan The county's results made it difficult for Ye Ming to distinguish.

While Ye Ming was listening, his face turned red and then pale, his eyes were burning with anger, and he just wanted to punch this official who was full of shit.However, he knew that Hu Deqing's intention might be to irritate himself, make himself confused, and mess himself up.

So, he forcibly controlled his anger, and after Hu Deqing finished speaking, he asked coldly: "Director Hu, according to your suggestion, how should we carry out investigation work? How to verify Huangyuan County's crackdown on illegal activities? The effect and results of fundraising?"

Hu Deqing thought that Ye Ming was refuted by what he said just now, so he breathed a sigh of relief, half-closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then said calmly: "Before I came to Huangyuan, I made a detailed review of our investigation procedures. Just think about it. First, we listen to the report of the Huangyuan County Party Committee and the County Government to understand the basic situation and grasp the results of Huangyuan County's crackdown on illegal fund-raising. This is the basis of our investigation. We have completed this step.

"Secondly, within the next two days, the Huangyuan County Special Operations Leading Group for Combating Illegal Fund-raising will arrange special personnel to accompany us to some investment companies and trading companies that have had illegal fund-raising in the past, and investigate them on the spot. Is there any illegal fund-raising behavior, and whether the fund-raiser's money has been returned on schedule.

"Third, in the last two days, the leading group will call some investment company bosses and investors who have raised funds in investment companies to the site of our investigation team for a discussion, and let them introduce the situation of Huangyuan County Party Committee and County Government's crackdown on illegal fund-raising. Their personal experience told about the dangers of illegal fund-raising, and introduced the results of Huangyuan County's crackdown on illegal fund-raising.

"I believe that by taking the above-mentioned three-step measures, our investigation must be very rigorous, and it must be very objective and credible. Especially the last symposium, let those investment companies and illegal fund-raisers who have suffered from it It must be very convincing to speak out, tell the dangers of illegal fund-raising, and explain the strength and results of Huangyuan County’s crackdown on illegal fund-raising.”

When Ye Ming heard Hu Deqing's three investigation steps, he felt even more angry: According to his investigation idea, the entire investigation work is arranged by the Huangyuan County Party Committee, and they can arrange some people to be actors in advance, and then Take the investigation team to those places, listen to them sing praises for the Huangyuan County Party Committee and the county government, and hear them brag about the so-called "achievements" of Huangyuan County's crackdown on illegal fund-raising. How can there be authenticity and objectivity?To put it bluntly, Hu Deqing's so-called investigation is just like some leaders going to a local area for research and investigation. The places that the leaders want to see are determined in advance, and then "extras" are arranged for the leaders to meet, and the leaders are "like a family". Then it was broadcast on TV, and the whole process was a carefully directed play...

So, he said to Hu Deqing unceremoniously: "Director Hu, I think your investigation method is completely manipulated by the Huangyuan County Party Committee and County Government. Our investigation has no authenticity and objectivity at all. Therefore, I personally express my firm opposition."

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