Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 104 Li Zhi

It may be because they both drank alcohol, that night in room 508 of Qingquan Hotel, Ye Ming and Chen Yi were extremely devoted and crazy.

Especially Chen Yi, who was [-]% drunk, and full of jealousy, so, during the lingering process, she kept entangled Ye Ming tightly like an octopus, wishing to integrate him into her body and become Be a part of her, not let other women take him away...

When the two of them gradually stepped into a crazy situation, Ye Ming's cell phone suddenly rang.

Knowing that it was Chen Mengqi's call, Ye Ming stopped his movements helplessly, took the mobile phone from the bedside table, and checked the number, it was indeed Chen Mengqi's.

"Brother Ye, are you here? I've already put away your bath water. If you don't come here again, it's going to be cold again!"

Chen Mengqi said anxiously on the phone.

Chen Yi also recognized that it was Chen Mengqi's voice, she suddenly raised her head, and covered Ye Ming's mouth with her lips, not allowing him to answer the phone.

Ye Ming had no choice but to hang up the phone, hugged Chen Yi's delicate body, and rolled her onto him...

However, just as Chen Yi twisted Ye Ming twice, her cell phone beeped sharply again.

Chen Yi stopped twisting helplessly, bent down to pick up the phone, and pressed the answer button.

"Wife, where are you? Why don't you go home?"

Li Zhi's angry voice came from the phone.

Chen Yi was riding on Ye Ming at this time, still panting slightly, in order not to be suspected by Li Zhi, she dared not speak for a while.

Ye Ming knew that the call was probably from Li Zhi, so he didn't dare to move.

Chen Yi glanced at Ye Ming below, and after her breathing calmed down a bit, she said lightly: "I told you last night that I want to divorce you, and we will be separated from now on. If you If you want to live in Biyuan Community, then I will move out, it is very simple."

"Where are you? What are you doing? I'll drive to pick you up right now. If we have something to say, let's go home and talk about it."

"I don't need you to worry about where I am, and you can't find me. I have something to do now, so I don't have time to talk to you. Let's talk about it during the day!"

As she spoke, she pressed the connect button and quickly turned off the phone.

Ye Ming waited for her to turn off the phone, clasped her slender waist with both hands, and asked with a playful smile: "Sister, what are you doing now? Is it what we are doing?"

Chen Yi stretched out her hand, slapped him across the face, and said bitterly, "It's you, you bastard, who led me into ruin..."

The next morning, Ye Ming went to the director's office to report to Director Zou the current basic situation of the first sub-bureau. He had just walked to the third floor and ran into Li Zhi head-on.

Li Zhi had just come out of Chen Yi's office, maybe the two of them had a bad conversation, and his expression was not very good-looking.Seeing Ye Ming, he just gave him a gloomy look, then turned and walked downstairs.

It turned out that although Li Zhi had known Ye Ming for a long time, he had always looked down on him.

The relationship between Li Zhi, Li Li, and Chen Weiping has always been very good.All the tax-related issues of his father's steel factory were handled by him, and he also took advantage of many countries in terms of taxation.

Of course, the favor fee he gave to Li Li and Chen Weiping was not a small amount.After Li Li was arrested, his father Li Botang was summoned by the procuratorate and asked him to explain the process and specific figures of bribing Li Li and Chen Weiping.

However, Li Botang is a representative of the Provincial People's Congress, and has a very good relationship with the current mayor of City K. It is said that they were sent down to a production team as educated youths and slept in the same bed.

Therefore, at the procuratorate, Li Botang insisted that he did not bribe Li Li and Chen Weiping, saying that the confessions of Li Li and Chen Weiping were all false and not reliable.

The people in the procuratorate knew that he had a wide network of connections and had a strong relationship with the mayor of City K, so they didn't dare to do anything to him, so they had to release him in the end. In this way, it was good for Li Li and Chen Weiping. All of a sudden, millions of bribes were lost...

Because Ye Ming and Chen Yi share the same office, Li Zhi also asked Li Li and Chen Weiping about Ye Ming's situation.

At that time, when Li Li and Chen Weiping talked about Ye Ming, their faces were full of disdain, saying that he had no foundation, no background, no general skills, and was still a stubborn bull. The life of writing materials and information...

Because of the influence of these words, Li Zhi has always looked down on Ye Ming - he is a businessman, and everything is for profit.He is very enthusiastic and generous to those cadres of the Local Taxation Bureau who have real power, have prospects for development, and may help him in the future.And for a cadre like Ye Ming who was looked down upon by the leaders, he would not look at him seriously.

When he came back this time, he only knew that something happened to Li Li and Chen Weiping, but he didn't know that the director of the first sub-bureau had also changed.

He came to the Local Taxation Bureau today to invite the leaders of the first branch to go out to dinner and to connect with each other—because he wants to apply for income tax relief, the first branch is the first pass, and it is a very important pass: his tax relief report and tax relief The basis of the policy must be investigated and verified by the special manager and leader of a branch office, and the report must be signed before it can be sent to the taxation and law department.If the leader of a sub-bureau does not sign, he will be stuck at the first level.

He didn't know that Ye Ming had been transferred to the first sub-bureau, let alone that he had actually taken over the power of the first sub-bureau.Therefore, after meeting Ye Ming on the stairs, he didn't even bother to say hello, and went directly downstairs to the first branch to find someone.

Ye Ming also didn't have a good impression of Li Zhi, seeing that he ignored him, he ignored him.

After Li Zhi came to the first floor, he went straight to the branch chief's office, knocked on the door, but seeing no one answered, he pushed the open door and walked in.He thought that the current sub-bureau chief was still Luo Wei, and Luo Wei had a very good relationship with him.Therefore, after he walked into the branch chief's office, he sat down on an armchair, raised his legs leisurely, and waited quietly for Luo Wei to come back, as if he had come to his own home.

At this moment, Ye Ming walked in.

Seeing Ye Ming coming in, Li Zhi glanced at him, and asked, "Xiao Ye, you are also here to find Director Luo? Now that the end of the year is coming, do you want to write some news reports for Director Luo? I heard that your pen is very good. If you After reporting the deeds of the first sub-bureau, maybe Director Luo is happy and asks your bureau leader to transfer you to the first sub-bureau.

Speaking of this, he laughed unscrupulously.

When Ye Ming saw him enter his office, he felt embarrassed to neglect him again, so he smiled and said, "That's it, that's it! Thank you for your suggestion! Let's have a glass of water first."

As he said that, he found a cup and poured water into the water dispenser for him.

Seeing that he took the initiative to pour water for himself, Li Zhi felt that he was not as ignorant as Li Li and Chen Weiping said, so he smashed his mouth in satisfaction and said, "Xiaoye, if you really want to transfer to the first branch , I can help you a little bit. I have a good relationship with Director Luo, so I should be able to help you with this favor."

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