Ye Ming heard that Zhou Meiyu said that she would tell him the inside story about the illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County, and he couldn't help but secretly happy, so he asked: "Miss Zhou, do you know a person named Cai Heshun in your county? It is said that he committed suicide in the county detention center, and his lover is still petitioning everywhere, what do you know about the inside story of Heshun Company?"

Seeing that Ye Ming suddenly asked about Heshun Company, Zhou Meiyu couldn't help being taken aback. She stared at him in disbelief, and after a long time asked suspiciously, "Mr. Ye, you just came down for a day, how did you know about Heshun Company? You Have you already done an investigation?"

Ye Ming smiled noncommittally, and said, "Don't ask too deeply about this. Anyway, I have heard about Heshun Company and I know Cai Heshun. To be honest: this time I am investigating illegal activities in Huangyuan County. The inside story of fundraising is to use Heshun Company's affairs as a breakthrough, to tear a hole from here, and then to expose the truth about illegal fundraising that your county deliberately concealed layer by layer."

Zhou Meiyu showed a very admiring expression on her face, and said in a low voice: "Chief Ye, it seems that you are really a person who does practical things and big things, and you are not a bureaucrat like Hu Deqing and others. Regarding the issue of Heshun Company, I’m actually hearing a lot of things, but I’m willing to tell you.”

Ye Ming looked at her with encouraging eyes, and said: "Miss Zhou, there are actually many truths, which are often hidden in the word of mouth of the masses. So, please tell me everything you have heard, I myself will select the essence from the rough, discard the false and preserve the true, and judge the authenticity of these hearsay."

Zhou Meiyu nodded and said: "Chief Ye, since you know about Heshun Company, you must have heard of two points: First, several major leaders in our county put money in Heshun Company Earn interest, and the amount is very large, and the profit is also very large; second, Cai Heshun did not commit suicide, but was murdered in the detention center-I believe you must have heard rumors about these two points, so I I won't repeat it."

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Yes, I have indeed heard of this, and it is also the two points I want to focus on investigation at present. What I want to ask you now is: Cai Heshun's lover Wu Lijiao, what do the leaders of your county plan to do?" Deal with her? Have you heard about her these days?"

Zhou Meiyu shook her head and said: "Chief Ye, I am just a tool in the hands of Chen Jianli and others. There are many inside stories that I cannot know. I only know that Wu Lijiao often goes to the higher authorities to petition and sue. Chen Jianli and others I hate her so much, I wanted to lock her up several times, but I was afraid of too much pressure from public opinion and causing a bigger disturbance, so I never dared to touch her. As for her current situation, I have no idea .

"However, I can give you two clues: First, Liu Xian, the head of the financial department of Heshun Company, has evidence that the main leaders of the county party committee have put money in Heshun Company for profit. He is currently absconding. Find ways to capture him. If you can find this person and make him trust you, your investigation will go much smoother;

"Secondly, in order to appease the investors of Heshun Company and create a false impression of stability, after arresting Cai Heshun, Chen Jianli personally came forward to coordinate and asked the County Industrial and Commercial Bank to loan [-] million yuan to the 'Huangyuan County Jinyuan Guarantee Company. '. This loan is directly used to repay part of Heshun Company's funds and interest, so as to stabilize most investors and keep them from making trouble. And this guarantee company, after investing [-] million in Heshun Company, can receive Most of Heshun's shares, including Cai Heshun's lead-zinc mines that are getting better and better, are now the assets of this guarantee company. It is said that the shareholders of this guarantee company are Chen Jianli, Zhou Bihui, etc. In fact, his relatives are private companies owned by the leaders of the county party committee. Therefore, after going through such ups and downs, Chen Jianli not only stabilized the investors of Heshun Company, but also embezzled the money accumulated by Cai Heshun's hard work for more than ten years. High-quality assets, took all his lead and zinc mines away."

Hearing this, Ye Ming suddenly slammed his fist on the bed, and said angrily: "This is unreasonable! This Chen Jianli is really a guy with a human face and a beast's heart. He not only seeks money, but also kills him. He doesn't look like a party leader. A cadre? You are simply a plundering, cruel and bloodthirsty bandit bully!"

At this time, he has already decided: he will take Hong Xi to find Wu Lijiao at noon tomorrow, and must let her contact Liu Xian as soon as possible, so that he can meet him as soon as possible, and let him hand over the evidence of Chen Jianli and others' crimes to him. , and then wipe out all these beastly people...

When Ye Ming was considering taking Hong Xi to find Wu Lijiao, Hong Xi had already been taken by Tong Zi'an to the Public Security Brigade of the County Public Security Bureau and was being interrogated in an interrogation room.

Tong Zian deliberately put on a business-like appearance, and after asking about Hong Xi's name, age, and work unit, he said in a sarcastic tone: "Oh, I can't tell, you, a prostitute who plays Shuangfei, still save money." The leader from here! You are a cadre of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office, why are you so unprincipled and bottom line, and went to a bathing center to go whoring? Are you able to go to that kind of low-level and indecent place? You I just said that you were taken by someone from the county party committee to take you to that bathing center. Why didn’t I see that cadre from the county party committee there? Besides, I just asked the person from the county party committee office, and there was no receptionist named Liang there. personnel. How do you explain this?"

After Hong Xi's fright, the drunkenness has completely disappeared, and his head has become sober.Now, when he heard Tong Zi'an say that there was no staff member surnamed Liang in the county committee office, he immediately understood: this was a trap arranged by the people in the county committee office. In the days to come, I will be at their mercy.And the origin of this incident should be related to my support for Ye Ming during the meeting in the afternoon...

Thinking of this, he regretted Mo Di in his heart.But the matter has come to this point, he has become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and there is no room for struggle.

So, he begged again tearfully: "Leader, please be merciful and forgive me this time. I was really drunk and committed something stupid. If you don't help me, my life will be over. I am from a rural background, and I finally took the college entrance examination and became a civil servant to work in the provincial party committee. If I am sentenced to prison and lose my job because of this incident, I will have no choice but to die. Leader, I beg you! As long as you let me go this time For me, I will definitely remember your great kindness, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

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