When he was convinced that Wu Lijiao was dead, Ye Ming's knees suddenly softened, and he knelt down on the ground. He stared straight at Wu Lijiao, who had bulging eyes, a pale face, and strands of blood still oozing from his nasal cavity. Tears of remorse and grief poured out from between his fingers as he brushed his hair, and fell to the ground again, soon wetting the concrete pavement in front of him...

The moment he rushed out of Santana, Ye Ming realized: This was a blatant murder.And the people who planned this murder were definitely Chen Jianli, Zhou Bihui, and Zheng Xiaoliang's gang!

Facing Wu Lijiao's body, Ye Ming almost wanted to slap himself several times: In a sense, Wu Lijiao was killed by himself!If I don’t come to Huangyuan County to conduct investigations, and I don’t start the investigation, I must use Wu Lijiao to investigate and deal with the illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County. Chen Jianli and others will not kill Wu Lijiao for the time being. let her out.In that case, at least her life can be saved.

However, with a rush of momentum, I decided to go to Wu Lijiao, and I wanted to rescue her, but in the end I killed her...

As for myself, my biggest mistake was to underestimate the viciousness of Chen Jianli and others, as well as their determination to obstruct the investigation.At the same time, I also overestimated my ability and relationship, thinking that I could hold down Chen Jianli and others, and that they would be afraid and restrained because of my relationship.Unexpectedly, they went to such a frenzied level in order to kill people and silence them.I really have too little understanding of the dangers of the human heart, and I am really too stupid and naive...

After shedding tears of remorse, Ye Ming looked up at the blue sky, then lowered his head, kowtowed respectfully to Wu Lijiao's body a few times, gritted his teeth and said silently: "Sister Wu, You are alive in heaven, please watch carefully: If I, Ye Ming, do not find out the murderers who killed you and your husband, and send them to the execution ground one by one, I will jump off the Huangshui Bridge by myself. Apology! Don't worry, your mother and your pair of children, I will take good care of them, treat them as my mother and children, and never let anyone bully them again!"

At this time, the 110 police also rushed over, and quickly pulled up a yellow cordon beside Wu Lijiao's body.Soon, criminal police and forensic doctors also rushed to the scene, busy investigating the scene, examining the corpse, and searching for physical evidence.

Ye Ming wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said to a leading criminal police captain: "Comrade police, this is not an ordinary car accident, but a murder case. Please report to the leaders of the Lianqiao Public Security Bureau as soon as possible, and ask them to mobilize immediately The police are looking for a white Poussin car without a license plate. The murderer is inside this car. If it was later, the murderer might have escaped from Lianqiao City."

The captain of the criminal police gave him a cold look, waved his hand, and said impatiently: "Go, go, who are you? We haven't finished our on-site investigation yet, how can you conclude that this is a murder case? Whether it is a traffic accident or a murder, this conclusion should be drawn by us, why did you command us instead?"

Ye Ming knew that he was entangled with him now, so he called Guo Guangwei directly and told him: When Wu Lijiao came out of the labor camp, she was hit and killed by a Santana car parked at the entrance of the labor camp in advance, and the vehicle involved immediately fled the scene.Therefore, it is certain that Wu Lijiao was murdered. I ask Director Guo to help and ask the Lianqiao City Public Security Bureau to immediately arrange police forces to chase and intercept the vehicle that caused the accident, find out the murderer as soon as possible, and find out the murderer who ordered him to kill Wu Lijiao.

Guo Guangwei heard that Wu Lijiao was murdered at the gate of the labor camp. He was shocked and angry, and shouted loudly on the phone: "Damn it, these scumbags are really lawless! Chief Ye, wait: I Call the 110 Command Center of the Provincial Department and the Traffic Police Corps now, and ask them to set up checkpoints all over the province to intercept the suspect vehicle. At the same time, I will arrange for Comrade Chen Guitian to personally lead the experts and investigators from the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Provincial Department to guide And urge the Lianqiao City Public Security Bureau to solve the case quickly. You can rest assured that Comrade Chen Guitian is very experienced in solving such cases and will bring the murderer to justice soon."

In the afternoon of the same day, Chen Guitian brought several experts and investigators to the Lianqiao Public Security Bureau, and personally directed the interception and search of the white Santana car. At the same time, he carefully studied the investigation report and evidence at the scene of the crime, and came to a conclusion. : This is a well-planned and well-prepared murder case.The perpetrator got the information in advance that Wu Lijiao would be released from the labor camp this morning, so before Ye Ming and Hong Xi arrived at the labor camp, he hid the Santana car that committed the crime under the wall at the end of the labor camp, and put his body He hid it inside the car to prevent Ye Ming from seeing his face.Then, when Wu Lijiao came out of the iron gate of the labor camp and arrived in the middle of the road to meet Ye Ming and the others, he suddenly started the car, drove over to knock Wu Lijiao into the air, and then continued to increase the accelerator to escape...

Therefore, the most critical issue now is to find the Santana car as soon as possible, find out the source of the car, and follow the clues to find the murderer.

Ye Ming stayed with Chen Guitian at the Lianqiao Public Security Bureau in the afternoon, waiting for the results of the search for the car by the Provincial Department and the Lianqiao Public Security Bureau.After Chen Guitian asked about the whole story of Wu Lijiao's case, he looked at Ye Ming worriedly, and said in a low voice, "Brother, the case you got involved in is not only complicated, but also very dangerous. How dare they blatantly send you to the labor camp?" The murder of a key person at the entrance of the office proves that they have gone all out to conceal the truth, and have reached the level of bloodthirsty, unscrupulous, and reckless. And if you continue to investigate, you may become their next murder target. Although you People with high skills are bold, but the so-called sharp gun is easy to hide and hidden arrow is hard to guard against, I am afraid that they are also facing great danger!"

Ye Ming said with red eyes: "Captain Chen, I know what you said is very reasonable, but I can't care so much now. Even if I know that there are mountains of swords and fires ahead, I must go for it. I am already in Sister Wu Before the body, I swore: If the murderers who murdered her and her husband were not found out and brought to justice, I would rather jump off the Huangshui Bridge by myself. Don’t worry, I will be extra careful from today on. It’s not me To say a big word: As long as I keep my vigilance up all the time, those bastards who want to hurt me will be a little bit weaker!"

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