Ye Ming looked at the upstream pointed by the master, thought for a while, then took out a hundred yuan from his wallet, handed it to the master, and said to him: "Master, we want to rent your This car is crossing the river. At five o'clock, please drive this car to the front of Sanwu Island Resort Hotel and park it, and wait for us there. This is our deposit. "

The master hurriedly replied with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay. Don't worry, sir, I will wait for you in front of the resort hotel at five o'clock."

Ye Ming reserved this car in case of an accident, if someone hunts down or murders Liu Xian, he can drag Liu Xian over here and escape in this master's van.Of course, this was just a way for him to prepare for a rainy day, and he didn't realize that Tong Zi'an and others were already sharpening their knives...

At this moment, the mobile phone in his jacket pocket suddenly heard a "beep" sound, and Liu Xian sent a message.

Ye Ming looked at the message and saw it said: "Excuse me, how many people are here?"

Ye Ming glanced at Hong Xi, and replied: "Two people. The other one is my colleague in the inspection room, named Hong Xi."

After this message was returned, Liu Xian quickly sent another text message: "Please take a photo of your face with your mobile phone and send it over. I have to confirm that it is you before I can show up."

Ye Ming immediately called Hong Xi over, first asked Hong Xi to take a photo of himself, then he took another photo of Hong Xi, and sent it over immediately.

At 45:[-], Liu Xian walked out of the small hotel where he was staying.He wore a pair of big sunglasses on his face, and with his head lowered all the time, he rushed to Sanwu Island in a hurry.

When he walked to the concrete bridge, Duan Da, who had been hiding on the top floor of the resort hotel since four o'clock and observed the movement nearby with a telescope, carefully observed his figure and face exposed in the sunglasses with the telescope After seeing the features outside, he immediately called his accomplices through the walkie-talkie: "The target appeared and is now passing the connecting bridge of Sanwu Island. Everyone immediately followed him quietly. After he turned around the resort hotel and avoided the sight of the hotel security, immediately Just do it. Attention: everyone must pay attention to concealment when they act, so that Liu Xian cannot notice it. Moreover, try to use a knife to deal with it when you do it, and do not shoot unless it is a last resort, so as not to alarm the people in the hotel."

Soon, several thugs dressed up as tourists and followed Liu Xian slowly, keeping a distance of about one meter from each other to avoid Liu Xian's suspicion.

Because there are often some tourists on this island to visit the island, and there is a resort hotel on the island.Therefore, those thugs did not arouse Liu Xian's suspicion.Moreover, he felt that if the police really wanted to arrest him, they would attack him as soon as he appeared, and it was impossible for him to follow him.Therefore, he completely relaxed his vigilance, quickly turned around the south side of the resort hotel, and walked towards the east direction of the big willow tree that Ye Ming had agreed upon...

At this time, Ye Ming and Hong Xi had already stood under the big willow tree and were looking towards the hotel.

When he saw a man wearing sunglasses turning around the resort hotel and appearing on the lawn north of the hotel, Ye Ming immediately guessed that this person was Liu Xian, and was about to wave to him, but suddenly found that behind Liu Xian, there were still a few A tourist who seems to be strolling leisurely.These people are all burly men, Ye Ming judged from their posture and pace, three of them should have practiced martial arts.

What's even more suspicious is that none of these people carried anything on their backs, neither backpacks nor cameras, and they were completely different from ordinary tourists.

After seeing these unusual people, Ye Ming's heart tightened, and he immediately ran towards Liu Xian, shouting as he ran, "Liu Xian, run to me quickly! Quick!"

Liu Xian suddenly heard Ye Ming's shout, and was stunned for a moment. Instead of running forward according to Ye Ming's shout, Liu Xian stopped there, looking a little confused, looking at Ye Ming who was running towards him quickly, looking a little bit At a loss.

At this moment, among the people following Liu Xian, two of them saw the incident come to light. Ye Ming had already seen through their identities, so according to the previous plan, they each took out a pistol, and one of them aimed at Liu Xian's gun. He fired several shots in the back, another person rushed forward, and fired several shots at Ye Ming who was rushing towards him.

When Ye Ming was running forward, he kept observing the movements of the people who followed Liu Xian.When two of them pulled out their guns suddenly, he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, so he immediately changed from a straight run to a curved run, but he still rushed forward without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that after a few gunshots, Liu Xian on the opposite side suddenly fell to the ground, his body twitching uncontrollably, obviously he had been shot.

At the same time, another person turned around from behind Liu Xian, raised a pistol and fired three shots at Ye Ming.However, because Ye Ming had been prepared for a long time and kept running in a curve, none of the three shots hit Ye Ming.

At this time, Ye Ming was less than three meters away from the gunman who shot at him.When he saw that the gunman turned the muzzle of the gun to aim at him again and was about to pull the trigger, Ye Ming suddenly roared. Taking advantage of his running momentum, he tiptoed to the ground and jumped up into the air, heading straight for the gunman. A gangster who shoots himself.

When he threw himself over the gangster's head, Ye Ming suddenly kicked out his legs in a row, hitting the opponent's forehead with one kick and his chest with the other.

With these two kicks, Ye Ming used almost all his strength, which was powerful enough to kick over a big bull. How could the gunman resist it?After hearing two "clicks, clicks", the gunman's forehead was first kicked, and blood gushed out of his head like a spring.At the same time, several ribs on his left chest were kicked off by Qi Xinzhen, and he fell to the ground with his head up. He died without even groaning!

Ye Ming was afraid that the gangster who shot Liu Xian would take advantage of the situation to attack him. After kicking the gangster in front of him to death, he immediately rolled his body on the ground, quickly stretched out his right hand, and snatched the gun from the dead gangster. pistol.

After the other gunman shot and knocked down Liu Xian, he hurried over to shoot Liu Xian who was on the ground.However, when he just ran to Liu Xian, he found that his companion had been kicked to the ground by Ye Ming. It hit Ye Ming's left shoulder, and blood burst out from his shoulder.

Ye Ming knew that he was at the moment of life and death, so he gritted his teeth to resist the severe pain in his shoulder, raised the pistol in his right hand, aimed at the gangster next to Liu Xian and fired two shots, one shot hit his chest, and the other shot hit him. scratched his cheek, and threw him to the ground...

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