Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1082 coma

This small town in Yu Province is too remote, so there are very few vehicles and pedestrians on the streets.Tong Zi'an's driving skills are relatively good. Driving the Peugeot, he turned around the main street of the town like a gallop, and turned right to the road leading to the North Bridge. From a distance, he saw that the van that Ye Ming was riding on I got off the bridge and was speeding towards the opposite side of the bridge.So, he speeded up to catch up with Ye Ming's car at the other end of the bridge, and stopped him - he knew very well that there was a fork in the road about one kilometer after crossing the bridge.The left side of this fork leads to Qijiang Town and Kongling County; the right side leads to the urban area of ​​Tianxi City, which belongs to Kongling County.

Tong Zi'an estimated: Ye Ming is now seriously injured, and he is eager to ask the police for help, and he is also eager to get rid of his car's pursuit.Therefore, he will definitely choose to let the driver turn left and drive the car to Qijiang Town, wanting to seek medical help.If he turns right, flee toward downtown Tianxi City.It was a national road, surrounded by fields and villages, and it took four or ten minutes to drive to Tianxi City.Moreover, there is no medical point, police area, or police station on the road.Ye Ming was shot three times. Even if he wasn't caught up, he probably wouldn't be able to survive for so long. He might die halfway through due to excessive bleeding and serious injuries.Ye Ming himself must have expected this.Therefore, it is unlikely that he will go to the right.

If Ye Ming is going to Qijiang Town, he has already arranged in advance for Duan Da to bring a few people to stop him on the road.Two groups of people attack together, as long as the police don't arrive in time, no matter how good Ye Ming's martial arts are, but he is seriously injured, he will definitely die...

At this time, Ye Ming, who had already reached the bridge, was still controlling himself with great perseverance, and called 110 again for help.However, this time it was the 110 center of a certain county in your province. After inquiring about his situation, he was informed that he was in a car and was about to drive towards Tianjiang Province, so he was asked to cross the bridge and enter Tianjiang Province. , and then ask the local 110 for help.Because even if they dispatched the police, it would take half an hour to arrive.After half an hour, Ye Ming and the others must have gone a long way.Therefore, such a police call has no meaning.

Ye Ming felt that what the operator said made sense, so he immediately hung up the phone, gasping for breath, while massaging his abdomen with his right hand to relieve the pain in his liver caused by the phone call.

At this time, the van had already crossed the bridge and entered the territory of Tianjiang Province.The driver turned around and asked anxiously: "Guest officer, there is a fork in the road one kilometer ahead, turn left to Qijiang Town and Kongling County, and it only takes 10 minutes to Kongling County; The urban area of ​​Tianxi City is a national road, and it takes four to five minutes to reach Tianxi City. Where should we go?"

Ye Ming thought about it for a while, and said decisively: "Master, please go to the right and go straight to Tianxi City!"

The master said worriedly: "Guest officer, you are so seriously injured, can you survive? No matter how fast I drive, it will take four to 10 minutes to reach the urban hospital. Moreover, this national road is very wide, and there is no traffic. There are fewer vehicles, and the gangsters behind us have better cars than us, so they can easily catch up with us. I think we should go to the town! Qijiang Town is full of people, and the gangsters probably don’t dare to attack. Moreover, the town There are also hospitals and police stations that can rescue you at any time."

Ye Ming shook his head and said, "Master, the gangsters who are chasing us this time are well-organized and vicious, and there are experts from the Public Security Bureau among them. If we can think of it, they must be able to think of it. I guess: they must also think of it." We will definitely go to Qijiang Town and seek medical help there. Therefore, they may arrange for some people to cross the river by boat from Sanwu Island, and then rent a car from Qijiang Town to intercept us.

"Besides, these people are extremely brutal, and they brought several guns. Even if we go to a crowded place in the town, they dare to shoot at us in front of the crowd, and they may accidentally injure the crowd. Even if the police come , they also dare to exchange fire with the police: because if they don't kill me, they will only die. In this case, they are a bunch of lunatics who don't care about anything. So, even if there is a police station in the town, if there is not enough police If it is, it may not be able to protect us.

"So, now we have to do the opposite, to do something beyond their expectations, turn right into the national highway, and go straight to the downtown area of ​​Tianxi City. Now the chasing car behind can't see us. If they reached the fork in front of them, they might misjudge us, thinking that we were going to Qijiang Town, so they turned left to chase us, and we won the opportunity to escape. As for my injury, I guess I will last for a while Two hours is fine. However, during this period, I may pass out. At that time, in case I pass out, please use my mobile phone to contact my friends."

At this time, the van just arrived at the fork in the road.Hearing what Ye Ming said was reasonable, the master turned the car to the right without hesitation and entered the national road leading to Tianxi City.

At this time, Ye Ming picked up his mobile phone again and called Guo Guangwei, director of the Public Security Department of Tianjiang Province.

When the call was dialed, Ye Ming's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and the strength he had been holding on to disappeared in an instant, only to feel that his whole body was suddenly cold and trembling, the stars shot out in front of his eyes, and his mind began to faint Suddenly, there was a feeling of fatigue that he wanted to fall asleep immediately - at this moment, he already had a premonition that he would not be able to hold on for a long time, and he might soon pass out, or even sleep forever!

So, he tried his best to open his eyelids, forced himself to maintain a clear consciousness, and then said in a weak and hoarse voice: "Director Guo, please help me!"

Guo Guangwei was startled when he heard Ye Ming's hoarse and feeble voice, and he said that he wanted to "save him". He raised his voice and asked anxiously, "Mr. Ye, what's the matter? thing?"

Ye Ming felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, so before he was completely unconscious, he replied intermittently: "I...I am...on...the national...national road leading to Tianxi City in Kongling County Going...was shot three...three times...there was...someone chasing...chasing..."

As soon as Ye Ming said this, he felt a bang in his head, the phone in his hand fell to the ground with a "crack", his head tilted to the side, and he passed out!

Guo Guangwei heard that he had been shot three times and that there were people chasing after him, so he couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and shouted into the microphone: "Section Chief Ye, who is chasing you? Who are those bastards? Section Chief Ye, hurry up!" answer!"

However, there is no echo in the microphone anymore, only the "hissing" electric sound.

Guo Guangwei guessed that Ye Ming had passed out, and the sweat on his forehead suddenly gushed out...

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