Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1098 Fishing in troubled waters

When Tong Zi'an heard Zheng Xiaoliang say that he wanted to disarm and surrender, a gloomy and fierce look immediately appeared in his eyes.

However, this gloomy and fierce light was fleeting, and Tong Zi'an quickly recovered his calm and unhurried demeanor, stood on tiptoe again to look at the lights and fires down the mountain, and said, "Old Zheng, It's midnight now, and it's still early before dawn. What are you afraid of? This Longpan Mountain is so big, and it's at night, no matter how many of them there are, there will always be gaps and loopholes. As long as we can find someone in their encirclement If there is a loophole, it is easy to escape. There are so many people here, and there must be a lot of cars parked at the foot of the mountain. At that time, we can snatch a single car without anyone noticing it. Ye Shi quickly escaped and rushed to the southern Yunnan border, where he could contact the local smuggling gang and sneak into Myanmar.

"As long as we enter Myanmar, we will be safe. Because I have a friend over there. He is from Huangyuan. , I covered him many times. Later he killed someone, and I funded him to escape. Now, he is doing well in the border between Myanmar and Yunnan Province. I am carrying out the task of assassinating Liu Xian and Ye Ming At that time, I considered the possibility of being exposed by mistake, and had already contacted Baibangguo in advance: as long as my action failed, I would immediately flee to Lincang City, Yunnan Province. go out.

"So, don't panic, and don't have any thoughts of disarming and surrendering. I still say the same thing: if you shrink your head, you will die, and if you stretch your head, you will die. It is better to be arrested and sentenced to death by them and suffer the torture of waiting for death." Fight to the death with them, maybe there is still a glimmer of life."

Zheng Xiaoliang thought about it, and felt that if he surrendered, it would be a death sentence anyway.Moreover, thinking of the feeling of despair and terror in the detention center waiting for the execution time, it would be better to be shot to death by them now.

Therefore, he swallowed hard, suppressed his fear, nodded and said, "Okay, I will listen to Director Tong. I hope we will help each other and break out of this encirclement together."

Tong Zian watched him turn and go down, with a sneer on his face, followed him with his gun raised, and hurried to the foot of the mountain.

In fact, Tong Zian still has an advantage in escaping. He did not tell Zheng Xiaoliang: In the 90s of the last century, Tong Zian served as a border guard in Lincang City, Yunnan Province for many years, where he joined the party and was promoted to the main camp. Finally, he changed jobs and returned to Huangyuan County at the beginning of this century, entered the County Public Security Bureau, and climbed to the position of Deputy Director of the County Bureau in a few years.

Therefore, Tong Zian has a certain degree of understanding of the border terrain of Yunnan Province and can speak the dialect of Yunnan Province.And this is extremely beneficial to his escape.However, out of some insidious thoughts, he did not tell Zheng Xiaoliang about this favorable condition...

After running down the mountain for more than 20 minutes, Tong Zi'an and Zheng Xiaoliang could vaguely hear the conversations and commands of the troops and militiamen who searched the mountain below.It is estimated that according to the first wave of mountain search teams, they only have a straight-line distance of 200 meters at most.

At this moment, under the bright moonlight, Tong Zi'an and Zheng Xiaoliang found that there were two roads in front of them: one went straight down, and the other led to their right.And the voices of those who searched the mountain came from the bottom of this straight path.It can be seen from this that the straight road going down is the main road, and the trail to the right is probably a relatively secret shortcut stepped on by a sheep and cattle herder.

So, Tong Zi'an waved to Zheng Xiaoliang, pointed to a thorny shed not far from the road, and said in a low voice, "Old Zheng, you go hide in that thorny shed first, and I will go down the path on the right for 50 meters." , to see if there is someone guarding this side. If the defense here is a little looser, I will come back immediately and ask you to go with me. Don't worry, this mountain road is winding, and the people below have to walk up while walking carefully. Search every possible hiding place on both sides of the road. Therefore, although we can hear their speech, it will take at least half an hour for them to search your current location. You just wait here with peace of mind , I'll be back in 10 minutes at most."

Zheng Xiaoliang now pinned all his hopes of escape on Tong Zi'an, so he obeyed him. Hearing what he said, he didn't have any doubts. He immediately climbed up a grass ridge, and got into the thorn canopy like a pheasant. in.

Tong Zi'an watched him get into the thorn canopy, sneered, turned around and walked to the road on the right, and ran down in a hurry.

After running for a while, Tong Zi'an suddenly heard someone speaking in the dialect of Yunnan Province not far away.So he hid behind a big rock, looked around, and saw about 50 meters ahead, there were many people in police uniforms and armed police uniforms, carefully searching behind those thatch, ridges, rocks, and even Use the flashlight to shine on the trees on both sides of the road.

After observing for a while, Tong Zi'an saw that the path was in the shape of an "S" at the moment, and he could get in through the thorn bushes to the back of the mountain-searching team.So, he quietly stood up from behind the rock, burrowed into the thorn bushes on the left side of the path, then sneaked low, and quickly inserted behind the search team.

Then he emerged from the bushes and followed the group silently, like them, gun in hand, and pretended to be looking around.Because he was also wearing a police uniform, and the searchers were drawn from different places.Therefore, none of the people who really searched the mountains doubted him.A policeman walking behind saw that he didn't have a flashlight, so he turned his head and reminded him: "Comrade, be careful, this trail is full of potholes, and it's easy to trip people up. You don't have a flashlight, so be careful not to fall."

Tong Zian nodded, and said in a very familiar dialect of Yunnan Province: "Thank you, I will pay attention."

Because there were still many people following up, in order not to let them doubt him, Tong Zi'an didn't dare to go down the mountain alone, so he had to mix with the mountain search team and gradually approached Zheng Xiaoliang's hiding place.

An armed police commander shined a bright flashlight on the ridge that Zheng Xiaoliang climbed just now, and found fresh footprints on the ridge. His face changed, and he immediately fell down on the spot, turned his head and whispered to the people behind: " Everyone put out the lights and lie down quickly. The criminal may be lurking somewhere above this ridge."

As soon as this remark was made, the more than [-] police and armed police who searched the mountain, including Tong Zi'an, immediately lay down on the spot and extinguished the flashlights in their hands, so as not to become the target of the gangsters.

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