Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1101 Zhou Meiyu's Testimony

Before Secretary Lu went downstairs from the office to Tianxi City, he went to the Internet to check the knowledge about blood donation. At this time, he said to the attending doctor: "Comrade Doctor: Before I rushed to Tianxi, I specially I checked the common sense questions about blood donation on the computer. I saw that a comrade, in order to rescue a patient with massive bleeding caused by a ruptured esophageal vein, gave 1 ml of blood at a time, but he donated blood in two parts. The first blood donation was 0 Milliliters, and donated 600 milliliters of blood after an interval of two hours. In the middle, the doctor infused him with glucose water and ate a little fruit. Afterwards, his body was fine. So, I think I can completely follow the instructions of the comrade who donated blood. How to do it, donate blood to Ye Ming twice, rest for two hours in between, infuse a little glucose water, eat a little fruit, there should be no problem."

Seeing that Secretary Lu was so persistent, the attending doctor nodded helplessly and said, "Well, Comrade Ye Ming's operation will take several hours anyway, during this period you can donate blood twice, in this case, the damage to your health may It will be reduced to a minimum. And, if you can donate 1 milliliters of blood, it is almost enough to ensure that the operation goes smoothly."

Soon, the vehicle transporting the stored blood from the Provincial Blood Bank ran on the expressway at a speed of 160 under the repeated urging of the hospital, and finally arrived at Tianxi Central Hospital on time.

Next, the director of the hospital personally directed Ye Ming to be moved into the operating room.Secretary Lu also started donating blood in a specially furnished medical room.

When Secretary Lu started donating blood, Li Runji and Guo Guangwei discussed behind closed doors in the office of the director of the hospital how to round up the criminals who hunted and killed Ye Ming, and how to identify and investigate the criminal leaders in Huangyuan County.

Li Runji first asked Guo Guangwei about the situation of rounding up criminals.Guo Guangwei told him: According to the on-site command personnel, the team involved in the roundup in Tianxi City has already joined the intercepting team in Yunnan Province.At the eastern foot of Longpan Mountain, that is, on the side of Kongling County, the bodies of four criminals were found. None of them had any identification documents. They were all shot dead from behind at close range. It is estimated that this hunt was organized. The culprits shot them to death to silence them.

At the western foot of Longpan Mountain, the team involved in the search and roundup had briefly exchanged fire with a criminal and killed the criminal on the spot in a thorn canopy.The criminal had an ID card on him, and his name was Zheng Xiaoliang, from Huangyuan County.After confirming with the relevant departments of Huangyuan County, this person is the director of the reception office of the Huangyuan County Party Committee Office.

Hearing this, Li Runji raised his thick eyebrows in a "huh", and sparks of anger appeared in his eyes. He suddenly raised his hand and slapped the table violently. Regardless of the fact that this is a hospital, he roared angrily: "These bandits, scoundrels, and scum! A county party committee member The director of the reception office of the office actually personally participated in the murder of a cadre of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office. In my opinion, the Huangyuan County team is completely rotten! There is a bandit den, a gangster that hides all kinds of filth base!"

After venting his anger, Li Runji gradually calmed down, and asked Guo Guangwei again: "Have all the criminals been shot to death? Have any been captured alive? Is there any missing fish?"

Guo Guangwei shook his head and said, "Secretary Li, we don't know how many criminals were involved in the pursuit of Comrade Ye Ming. When we asked the van driver, he only knew that someone was chasing and killing him, but he didn't know how many criminals there were. Therefore, after Zheng Xiaoliang's death, we couldn't figure out whether there were any criminals."

At this moment, Guo Guangwei's phone rang suddenly. It was Jiang Fangjun, director of the Tianxi City Public Security Bureau who was still on the scene directing the siege operation.

Jiang Fangjun said anxiously on the phone: "Director Guo, now there is a new situation: According to the confirmation of the headquarters involved in the siege in Yunnan Province, a police car in their siege team is missing, and the driver of the car is also missing. Now, the police car and the driver are nowhere to be found. On a provincial road about [-] kilometers away from the scene, the search personnel of the headquarters found a pool of blood and a bullet casing on the road. So, they Estimate: Some criminals escaped from the encirclement on Longpan Mountain, killed the driver of the police car, and fled in the car. As for how many people escaped, we don’t know yet.”

When Guo Guangwei heard that a criminal had escaped, his heart sank. He quickly hung up Jiang Fangjun's phone and reported the situation to Secretary Li.

Secretary Li didn't blame Guo Guangwei, but just told him to contact the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau as soon as possible, asking them to conduct surveillance throughout the province, search for suspicious vehicles and people, and strive to arrest the criminals as soon as possible.

Guo Guangwei quickly agreed, and immediately called Director Wu of the Yunnan Public Security Bureau to inform him of the situation.Director Wu promised to immediately dispatch troops to conduct a comprehensive investigation of suspicious vehicles on the provincial highway.Then, he asked Guo Guangwei: "Director Guo, can you confirm the identity of the escaped criminal? For example, what is his name and what are his characteristics. In this way, we can hunt him down in a targeted manner."

Guo Guangwei smiled bitterly and said: "Old Wu, we are not sure who the escaped people are now, and we don't know anything about their situation. However, we will find out their identities as soon as possible and inform you in time."

Guo Guangwei had just hung up the call of the Director of the Public Security Bureau of Yunnan Province when the phone rang again. Looking at the number, it was Chen Guitian calling.

I just heard Chen Guitian say on the phone: "Director Guo, before you went to Tianxi City, you told me that Section Chief Ye was hunted down. At that time, I was only worried, so I forgot to report an important clue to you: Comrade Ye Ming Before going to Kongling County, I was entrusted to take care of a lesbian named Zhou Meiyu at the reception desk of the Huangyuan County Party Committee. She said that she was an insider of the crimes committed by leaders in Huangyuan County, and that she would be a witness who could testify against those people in the future. Now I have sent This lesbian brought me to my office, would you listen to her talk about the situation?"

Guo Guangwei was worrying about not knowing who the escaped person was. Hearing what Chen Guitian said, his expression brightened, and he hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, let her tell Secretary Li about this."

After speaking, he handed the phone to Li Runji and said: "Secretary Li, before going to Kongling County, Comrade Ye Ming entrusted Comrade Chen Guitian, the chief criminal investigation chief of our provincial department, to protect a lesbian at the reception desk of the Huangyuan County Party Committee for him. Said that she has the criminal evidence of some members of the Huangyuan County Party Committee. Can you listen to her testimony first?"

Li Runji hurriedly took the mobile phone Guo Guangwei handed over, only to hear the suppressed sobs of a girl from inside.Then, I heard the girl choked up and asked: "Leader, hello: how is Ye Ming now? Is his life in danger?"

Li Runji hurriedly comforted her and said: "Girl, Ye Ming is being rescued now, so don't worry about him. I am Li Runji, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Please tell me about your situation in detail, and I will bring them to justice." Method!"

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