Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1103 Qiu Wangxi's Association

After Hu Haiyao explained the problems with Hu Deqing, she handed over some indecent videos she had taken to the investigators, and then cried and asked the investigators to keep her secret and not to leak these videos, saying that it was Chen Jian Jian and Zheng Xiaoliang forced her to take pictures, which was not her intention, and she never used these videos to coerce Hu Deqing.Now that I take the initiative to hand over these videos, I just want to prove that I have an affair with Hu Deqing, and I am not wronging him or falsely accusing him.

Zhou Meiyu also asked Chen Guitian to say hello to the relevant leaders of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, never to leak the videos provided by Hu Haiyao, and not to deal with Hu Haiyao, because she is also a victim, and she is very cowardly and worthy of sympathy.

Chen Guitian reported the situation to Secretary Li.Secretary Li heard that Hu Haiyao took the initiative to explain the problems with Hu Deqing, and exposed some evil deeds of Chen Jianjian and others, and also voluntarily handed over the indecent video of her and Hu Deqing, so he said to Chen Guitian: "You can do it later. Tell Hu Haiyao: We can count her confession and surrender, and she has performed meritorious service, and she will not be held accountable for political discipline and legal responsibility. Just let her feel at ease. Also, our Disciplinary Committee has confidentiality regulations when handling cases, so we will not take it lightly Leak the personal information of the people involved in the case, especially the witnesses. We will only use her video materials internally as evidence and will never leak them. Please rest assured."

At this time, it was already two o'clock in the morning the next day.Ye Ming's surgery is still going on nervously. After the first blood transfusion, Secretary Lu is infusing glucose nutrient solution in the intensive care unit and eating a few apples prepared for him by the hospital.

At this time, Qiu Wangxi, the acting secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee Office, hurried over from the provincial capital. At the entrance of the hospital, he happened to meet Gong Xinqiu, secretary of the Tianxi Municipal Party Committee, who was checking the situation of the sentry nearby to ensure the safety of the hospital. .

Gong Xinqiu saw Qiu Wangxi's car approaching the hospital gate, hurried up to meet him, opened the door for Qiu Wangxi, lowered his voice and asked in surprise: "Secretary Qiu, why did you come here? Why didn't you call first?" Give me a call?"

Qiu Wangxi waved his hands, and said in a low voice: "The two big bosses are here, but I, the big housekeeper, can't come, do you think it's okay? Xinqiu, let me ask you: What exactly are Secretary Lu and Secretary Li here for? Are they here to direct the investigation of the case and round up the criminals, or simply to visit the wounded cadre in our inspection room?"

Seeing Qiu Wangxi asking this question, Gong Xinqiu looked left and right, then pulled him aside, and said in a very confused tone: "Secretary-General Qiu, I was just about to ask you for advice! Let me tell you You may not believe it: Secretary Lu came to Tianxi this time with only one purpose: to give blood transfusion to the wounded cadre in your inspection room, and do everything possible to save his life. Moreover, I heard from the attending doctor of the Central Hospital. : In order to allow this cadre to be successfully rescued and operated smoothly, Secretary Lu insisted on giving him blood transfusions according to the maximum amount regardless of his age, and said that as long as he would not pass out or die, he would draw his blood according to the maximum amount , used to rescue the cadre. The attending doctor was afraid that he would have too much blood transfusion, which would cause damage to his health. This almost got angry.

"What's even more puzzling is: Secretary Lu and Secretary Li entered the emergency room. After inspecting Ye Ming's injuries, I noticed from the side: Secretary Lu's expression was extremely sad, with tears rolling in his eyes, but Lu The secretary forcibly restrained himself from tears. However, his sad expression, in my opinion, was like a father seeing his son in a dying state. At that moment, I felt lying The young man on the hospital bed seems to be the biological son of Secretary Lu. I know this feeling is strange and absurd, but at the time, I really felt that way."

The more Qiu Wangxi listened, the more surprised he became, and his eyes widened: What's going on?Secretary Lu rushed to Tianxi City in such a hurry, did he come to give a blood transfusion to an unknown little section chief to rescue him?Although Ye Ming is Secretary Li's godson, even if he is Secretary Li's own son, as a secretary of the provincial party committee, it is impossible for him to rush to Tianxi City overnight to donate blood to him - because it is obviously related to Secretary Lu's Identity mismatch.

Moreover, I just heard Gong Xinqiu say: When Secretary Lu donated blood, regardless of his own health, he insisted on donating blood to Ye Ming according to the highest amount of blood donation. What kind of intimate relationship does this have to make an imposing provincial party secretary this way?

Thinking of this, he also asked in a puzzled tone: "Xinqiu, tell me: Why does Ye Ming have to ask Secretary Lu to donate blood? Doesn't your blood bank have blood in reserve? Besides, blood donators With so many people, why does it have to be a secretary of the provincial party committee who came all the way from the provincial capital to donate blood? Isn’t that absurd?”

Gong Xinqiu hurriedly said: "Secretary-General Qiu, you may not know something: Ye Ming's blood type is rather strange. It is said that it is a rare blood type called rh-negative ab type. Less than two out of every 1 Han people have this type." Therefore, in our Tianxi City Blood Station and Provincial Blood Bank, the combined blood reserves of this blood type are not enough for Ye Ming to perform surgery. Moreover, there are very few people with this blood type donating blood, and it is even more impossible to go temporarily at night Find such a blood donor. But Secretary Lu happens to have this blood type. He may have heard about it at the provincial party committee, so he and Secretary Li rushed over starry night."

When Qiu Wangxi heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered some rumors he heard two years ago: According to some people who have inquired about Secretary Lu's past experience, Secretary Lu once had a romantic relationship with a family member when he was in college. Girls in Jiang Province had extramarital affairs.Therefore, his request to come to Tianjiang to work this time is probably because of an unforgettable old relationship, and he came here to find his old lover.

At the same time, he also heard from the staff of the Provincial Party Committee Office who followed Secretary Lu to K City for investigation and investigation the year before last, whispering: Secretary Lu once went to a remote mountain village alone in Xin Leng County, K City, to mourn a young man who died young female teacher.Moreover, he stayed at the home of the female teacher's son for one night, and formed a deep relationship with the teacher's son.

Ye Ming, on the other hand, was admitted to the Provincial Party Committee Office from the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau of K City.Could this Ye Ming be the son of that female teacher?So, what is the relationship between Secretary Lu and that female teacher?

The reason why Qiu Wangxi suddenly had these associations was because he knew: Under normal circumstances, some rare and rare blood types can only be matched by direct blood relatives, such as father, mother, brothers and sisters.The rare blood type match between Secretary Lu and Ye Ming, what does this mean?

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