Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1109 Shifting Chapter Titles

Xia Chuchu was resting during the day today, so when Lu Nianzi called her, she was still sound asleep. After being woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone, she, like Lu Nianzi, picked up the mobile phone next to the pillow and lazily Ask: "Who!"

"Chuchu, I'm Lu Nianzi. Are you still sleeping? Get up quickly and go to the airport with us to catch a flight to Tianjiang."

Seeing that it was Lu Nianzi who was calling, Xia Chuchu opened her eyes and asked in surprise, "Sister, what are you doing in Tianjiang? I have to broadcast the news at night!"

Lu Nianzi said anxiously: "You don't have to go, then we'll go first."

Xia Chuchu was even more baffled, hearing what Lu Nianzi meant, as if she was about to hang up the phone, she hurriedly asked: "Sister, what happened? You have to tell me the reason for going to Tianjiang!"

It was only then that Lu Nianzi came to his senses: So, in a panic, he even forgot to tell Xia Chuchu about Ye Ming's injury.

So, she said word by word: "Chuchu, Ye Ming is seriously injured now. He just finished the operation and is unconscious in the Tianxi Central Hospital in Tianjiang Province. The hospital still dare not announce that he is completely out of danger." So, we have to rush to Tianxi City now. If you want to go, hurry to the airport. We are going to take the [-]:[-] flight to Tianjiang Provincial City, and then rent a car from the airport to Tianxi City .”

When Xia Chuchu heard the news, her right hand holding the phone couldn't help but shake, and there was a "pop", and the phone fell to the ground, even the electric board was thrown out.

Then, tears rolled out of her eyes, and her body began to shake violently. The Simmons bed was made to "creak" by the shaking of her body...

After a long time, she woke up from the unspeakable pain, bent down to pick up the phone, reset the battery tremblingly, restarted the phone, dialed Lu Nianzi's number, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, With a choked voice, he said: "Sister, I'm going to the airport right now. Sister, don't worry too much, Ye Ming is a country bumpkin with a tough life and a bad temper. I guess the king of hell is afraid of him and dare not take him in easily. Yes. Moreover, he has practiced martial arts all year round, and his endurance and vitality are extraordinary. As long as he is alive, he will be able to survive..."

She originally wanted to comfort Lu Nianzi, but when she said the word "I'm alive", she suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her heart, a burst of panic, and she couldn't help crying into the phone microphone...

At around 07:30, Xia Chuchu had just arrived at the Capital Airport in a taxi, and before entering the waiting hall, her mobile phone rang suddenly.Looking at the caller ID, it was her classmate and buddy Zhang Yan calling.

"Chu Youhuo, at ten o'clock this morning, you have to come to the Yanjing Hotel on time! I told the organizer that you, the host of CCTV, will attend and host our movie premiere ceremony. You Put on your makeup first, dress up, and at nine o'clock, I will arrange a car from the crew to pick you up."

Xia Chuchu was taken aback, and then remembered: Zhang Yan's new movie "Red Leaf" has been edited and is scheduled to be released in major theaters across the country in five days.So, today the crew held the premiere ceremony at the Yanjing Hotel, and Zhang Yan invited her to be the host of the premiere ceremony last night.At that time, I felt that I would be fine during the day, so I agreed to her.Unexpectedly, I received the bad news that Ye Ming was injured early in the morning...

So, she said to Zhang Yan with tears in her eyes: "Zhang Yan, I'm sorry, I can't come to the premiere today. Ye Ming was hunted down at gunpoint in Tianxi City, Tianjiang Province last night and was seriously injured. Lying unconscious in the hospital. Therefore, I must rush to Tianxi City immediately. I have already asked Taili for a few days off, and I am going to stay by his side. Therefore, you can only ask you to hire someone else Be the host."

Zhang Yan didn't wait for her to finish, and screamed: "What's going on? Chu Youhuo, are you serious or joking? No wonder, I called Ye Ming last night to tell him about our film preparations. It's time to go to theaters, but no one answered his phone...By the way, who did this? Isn't Ye Ming's martial arts very strong? How could he be hunted down?"

Xia Chuchu was displeased and said, "Xiao Yan, what are you talking about? Didn't I tell you that those people chased and killed Ye Ming with guns? No matter how powerful his martial arts are, he can resist A gun? Really—”

Only then did Zhang Yan believe that she was telling the truth, and she became anxious, and said in a crying tone: "Chuchu, you go there first and see what's going on. I'll come with Chen Mengqi in the afternoon. I guess, Chen Mengqi heard After this news, she will definitely faint. And she is the second heroine of my movie, so she must attend this premiere. So, you must not tell her about Ye Ming's injury first. Otherwise, She will definitely not be present at the premiere, and will definitely find ways to rush to Tianjiang. So, after the premiere is over, I will accompany her to Tianxi City in the afternoon. If she comes alone, I will be very upset. rest assured."

In fact, Zhang Yan's heart is also anxious and painful now, and she can't wait to fly to Ye Ming's side to see his situation.However, in front of Xia Chuchu, she didn't dare to show her concern for Ye Ming, so she had to find an excuse, saying that she was worried about Chen Mengqi's accident and wanted to go with her.In this case, going to Tianjiang to see Ye Ming by himself will be justified and will not arouse Xia Chuchu's suspicion.

Xia Chuchu was worried about Ye Ming at this time, and she never doubted what Zhang Yan would think of Ye Ming.Therefore, she didn't think much about it at all, and replied casually: "Then you all come together in the afternoon, I will wait for you in Tianxi City. By the way, have you held a screening meeting for your movie? How did the audience respond? Sample?"

"The feedback is very good! Many professional film critics have given me high marks for this film. According to them, as soon as my film is released, it will definitely set off a movie-watching frenzy, and maybe the box office on the first day The income will exceed 300 million. So, I am full of expectations for this movie. By the way, did Ye Ming tell you about his investment in my movie? Didn’t he tell you? This guy, he Do you want to hide a large amount of private money from you! Let me tell you: he invested [-] million yuan in my movie. If the box office results are satisfactory, he will soon become a multi-millionaire. By then, you You have to keep a close eye on his money bag, don't let him go outside with the money and spend a lot of time drinking and seducing girls!"

In order to dilute the grief caused by Ye Ming's injury, Zhang Yan deliberately talked a lot about Ye Ming's investment in her movie, and deliberately joked with Xia Chuchu, hoping to relieve her from the sadness .

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