Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 111 The Curse of Fall

Ye Ming stared at the boxy bundle of notes, and asked in surprise: "Qiqi, don't I only need to borrow 7 yuan? Why do you take so much?"

Chen Mengqi smiled and said, "I was afraid that 7 yuan was not enough for you, so I deliberately took out a little more."

Ye Ming scratched her nose and said jokingly, "If you lend me 10 all at once without asking me why, you are not afraid that I will not pay back the loan?"

Chen Mengqi pursed her pretty little lips, and said angrily, "Brother, what are you talking about? I didn't ask you to pay it back. If you don't have enough, I'll get it for you now."

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Enough, enough. Also, Qiqi, let's make it clear now: You lent me the money, but it may be returned to you later. If you say not to pay it back, then I will I dare not borrow it."

Seeing his seriousness, Chen Mengqi said helplessly, "Okay, okay, let's count it as I lent it to you, okay! By the way, what are you going to do with it? Can you tell me about it?"

Ye Ming thought about it, and felt that Chen Mengqi was not a cadre in the bureau, and she was also a girl who didn't like to gossip about people everywhere, so it didn't hurt to tell her about Ouyang Ming, so he told her the purpose of borrowing money.

Chen Mengqi heard from Ye Ming that he took so much money to rescue a colleague, she was both moved and proud, her eyes were a little moist - it seems that her vision is really good: the sunny boy in front of him, Not only is he capable of both civil and military skills, but he is also upright and kind-hearted. He is definitely a real man worthy of his lifelong dependence...

When Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi rushed to Phoenix Mountain Villa, Ouyang Ming, who was detained in room 201 of the villa, was suffering from extreme fear.

He was guarded by three burly men, all of them vicious, with green dragons tattooed on their arms or the back of their hands, and each of them had a dagger in his trouser pocket.

Among them, the leader is Luo Shaoming, the owner of the "Deli Investment Company" who lent money to Ouyang Ming. His name is Huang Xianxiang. He is the most famous gangster on the street and is known for his cruelty.

Luo Shaoming just came to the room and took a look around.He used to know Ouyang Ming very well, and they used to call him brothers.However, since Ouyang Ming failed to pay the monthly interest of up to 1.5 yuan on time in the first two months, he began to turn his face against others: first, he sent Ma Zi to call every day to collect the debt.Later, Ouyang Ming really had no money to pay the interest, so he simply turned off his mobile phone, and he sent Ma Zi to look for him everywhere.

However, Ou Yangming hardly went to work in the game every day, and hid in some remote small teahouses every day playing cards to survive, and the more he lost, the more he lost.Luo Shaoming's horse boy searched for him for many days, but he couldn't find him.

Therefore, after they accidentally found Ouyang Ming in Phoenix Mountain Villa today, they immediately detained him and forced him to return the 15 yuan principal and four months' interest. The total principal and interest is 21 yuan...

Ou Yangming still had fantasies at the beginning, thinking that he had a better relationship with Luo Shaoming, and he had helped him with taxes, and wanted to get close to him, begging him to forgive him, give him some time, or pay back less money .

Unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Shaoming came in, his eyes were fierce, and he suddenly raised his hand and slapped him three times, until half of his cheeks were swollen.

After the beating, Luo Shaoming gritted his teeth and said, "My surname is Ou. I used to respect you as a cadre of the Local Taxation Bureau, and you were also a deputy director of the local tax bureau, so I was polite to you. You said you wanted to borrow money, but I didn't." I wanted anything from you as collateral and guarantee, and I lent you 15 yuan without saying a word. I didn't expect that you are such a rascal. In order to avoid debts, you dared to turn off your mobile phone, causing my brothers to look for you all over the street. A lot of time and energy were wasted. Since you fell into my hands today, I will not tell you more: you call immediately to raise money, first get 15 yuan, and return the principal. The remaining four The total monthly interest is 6 yuan, and you are limited to paying it back within half a month. Otherwise, my surname Luo will not recognize you as a shitty deputy director of the Land Taxation Bureau: You didn’t send the money before five o’clock, and I Just take off one of your arms. You should be clear: I am not scaring you! Think it over for yourself!"

After speaking, he ordered Huang Xianxiang and the other three to keep an eye on Ouyangming. He would come back at 04:30, then opened the door and left.

Ouyang Ming was dizzy and had nosebleeds from those slaps. At the same time, a strong sense of humiliation made him wish he could commit suicide against the wall: he was also a deputy director of the local tax bureau, and he didn't expect to end up in this position. , was arbitrarily bullied and beaten by a few hooligans on the street, and dared not resist, could not resist, what kind of humiliation is this...

But now, what he is more worried and afraid of is: if this matter becomes a big issue and spreads to the bureau, with Director Zou's character of being jealous of evil, he is afraid that he will at least be punished by demotion, maybe he will be fired or even expulsion

Therefore, after weighing his situation, he endured the tears of humiliation, and followed Huang Xianxiang's instructions, holding on to the last ray of hope.He called Hao Jinbin.

However, after listening to his narration, Hao Jinbin said in embarrassment: "Ou Ju, I really can't raise 15 yuan! Let alone 15, I can't even get 5. I'm sorry!"

Hao Jinbin hung up the phone immediately after saying "I'm sorry".

Ouyang Ming's last glimmer of hope was shattered, and his heart immediately fell into infinite terror: It seems that this time he is doomed!Even if Luo Shaoming doesn't let go of his own arm, as long as he spreads the news, or sends Huang Xianxiang and other scoundrels to the bureau or his home to collect debts every day, he will face the end of losing his job and even breaking up his wife and children. ——Because his wife said a long time ago: as long as she hears that he is gambling outside or in debt, she will divorce him without hesitation...

In this worry and fear, time passed by every minute.Seeing that it was almost 04:30, the despair in his heart became more and more intense.Due to being too emotional, blood kept flowing out of his broken nostrils, staining his face, and even his neck was flushed, but he didn't realize it...

At this time, he accidentally glanced at the dagger Huang Xianxiang put on the coffee table, and suddenly a strong resentment rose in his heart: as soon as Luo Shaoming comes over, he will grab this dagger first and stab him to death first. Luo Shaoming, a bastard who turns his face and denies anyone, and then commits suicide with a knife...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Huang Xianxiang thought it was Luo Shaoming, so he hurried over to open the door, and saw outside, it was a strange young man with a supermarket shopping bag in his hand, and asked calmly, "Excuse me, is Ouyang Ming in this room?"

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