Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1136 Exceptional Promotion Conditions

Qiu Wangxi saw that it was Jin Linglin, the deputy secretary-general in charge of organization and personnel work of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee who questioned the promotion of Ye Ming, and asked: "Comrade Jin Linglin, you are in charge of organization and personnel work, and you said that we promote Comrade Ye Ming?" It does not conform to the provisions of the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres", please explain in detail where it does not conform to?"

Among these deputy secretaries-general, Jin Linglin is the most rigid and principled one.Although he also knew that Ye Ming was the godson of Secretary Li Runji, Qiu Wangxi wanted to promote him to show his favor to Secretary Li, so he should not raise objections, and he also knew that if he opposed the promotion of Ye Ming, he would probably offend Secretary Li Runji .However, out of adherence to the regulations and rules, he still mustered up the courage to say: "Secretary-General Qiu, the second paragraph of Article [-] of the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres" stipulates: Generally, you should have the experience of serving in two or more positions at the next level; the third paragraph of Article [-] stipulates that if you are promoted to a leading position above the county level and a deputy is promoted to a principal position, you should work in the deputy position for more than two years, and the subordinate A principal who is promoted to a higher-level deputy shall have worked in the lower-level principal position for more than three years.

"However, we all know that Comrade Ye Ming served as the Chief of the First Section of the Inspection Office for less than three months, and before that, he was only the Director of the First Taxation Branch of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau, a position at the deputy section level Therefore, if he is now promoted to the deputy director of the inspection office at the deputy director level, it is a clear violation of the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article [-] of the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres."

Qiu Wangxi smiled and said: "Comrade Jinlinglin, I also read the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres" often, and I remember many articles. I remember that there is another article in this regulation: Party and Government Leading Cadres It should be promoted step by step. Cadres who are particularly outstanding or have special needs for work can break through the qualification requirements or be promoted to leadership positions. The expression of breaking the qualification requirements here means that if the cadres are promoted exceptionally, they do not need to It is completely in accordance with the provisions of Article [-] of the regulations on the number of years of service. Comrade Ye Ming's promotion to the deputy director of the inspection office is an exceptional promotion.

"Then, some comrades will ask: Does Comrade Ye Ming meet the conditions and standards for exceptional promotion? Let's first recall the circumstances under which cadres can be promoted exceptionally: According to the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres" "Article [-] stipulates that exceptionally outstanding cadres who are exceptionally promoted should have outstanding morality and ability, be highly recognized by the masses, and meet one of the following conditions: stand the test at critical moments or undertake urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks, perform outstandingly, and make major achievements. Contribution; outstanding work performance in areas or units with difficult conditions, complex environment, and poor foundation; due diligence in other positions, with particularly remarkable work performance.

"Comparing these exceptional promotion standards, we can find that Comrade Ye Ming fully meets the first condition, that is, 'withstand the test, perform outstandingly, and make major contributions at critical moments or when undertaking urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks'." In the process of uncovering the illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County and the corrupt nest of county party leaders, Comrade Ye Ming was brave and fearless, and dared to fight against evil forces. He withstood the test at critical moments and did not destroy Chen Jian The illegal and criminal group has made outstanding contributions. Just now everyone has no doubts about this at all, and they also agreed to declare first-class merit for Comrade Ye Ming. A cadre who has made first-class merit, can't we still break the rules and promote him?"

After he finished speaking, all the participants except Jin Linglin nodded in agreement.

Jin Linglin was still unconvinced and said: "Secretary-General Qiu, I also agree with Comrade Ye Ming's extraordinary promotion. However, there is still a problem here. Because in the regulations, there is a rigid rule for cadres who are promoted exceptionally. The qualification requirements are the third paragraph of Article [-] of the Regulations: "The department must strictly control the promotion of exceptions. The basic conditions stipulated in Article [-] of this Regulation and the qualification requirements stipulated in Item [-] of Article [-] shall not be violated. The probationary period has not expired. Or those who have been promoted for less than one year shall not be exceptionally promoted. No consecutive exceptions shall be allowed in terms of the length of service. No promotion beyond two levels shall be allowed'.

"As for Comrade Ye Ming, he was promoted from the sub-section level to the full-section level just three months ago, and his position as the chief of the first supervision section is also on probationary period. Therefore, if we break the rules and promote him, it is a clear violation of the law. Regarding this provision of the regulations, I hope Secretary-General Qiu will think twice."

Qiu Wangxi didn't expect Jinlinglin to be so stubborn and unresponsive, and he couldn't help but become a little annoyed.However, what he just said is indeed a rigid provision of the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres", and it is hard for me to refute him.

There was a brief silence in the venue.Everyone looked at Qiu Wangxi nervously, to see how he would answer Jinlinglin's question.

Qiu Wangxi is also a very experienced person. After looking up and thinking for a while, he finally found a reason.

So, he coughed softly and said, "Comrade Jinlinglin, you may have forgotten one thing: when we recruited for the two deputy division-level and two department-level positions run by the Provincial Party Committee in May last year, it was clear that A: Anyone who passed the written test and interview and finally took up a corresponding position in the Provincial Party Committee Office, his term of office will be counted from the time he is officially admitted to the Provincial Party Committee Office. I remember: Comrade Ye Ming and the others , it was officially confirmed in June last year that the Provincial Party Committee Office was recruited to take up their current positions. However, in order to allow them to have a basic theoretical level and improve their overall quality, we entrusted the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to work at the Provincial Party School Youth Ganban trained them for several months.

"Therefore, Comrade Ye Ming's probationary period should be counted from June last year, not from the time he formally went to work in the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office in March this year. Therefore, in a few days, Comrade Ye Ming's probationary period will be counted. It is full. There is no obstacle to his promotion. Besides, I also pointed out just now: Comrade Ye Ming’s appointment document will not be officially issued until after the party congress is held in September this year. Arrived At that time, Comrade Ye Ming had been in the official position for more than a year, everyone said, right?"

As soon as everyone heard Qiu Wangxi's somewhat irrational remarks, they knew that he must promote Ye Ming today, and it was useless for anyone to object.Therefore, even though his explanation was far-fetched and could not withstand scrutiny, the other deputy secretaries-general could only nod in agreement.

Jin Linglin also saw that something was wrong with today's situation. If he insisted on not promoting Ye Ming, he might arouse Qiu Wangxi's annoyance, or he might sue Secretary Li. It's worse.Therefore, he had no choice but to nod in agreement against his will.

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