Of course, for Secretary Lu, the biggest achievement of this National Party Congress is that he was successfully elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and officially became a "party and state leader."Many people speculate: According to the relationship between Secretary Lu and the No. [-] and No. [-] heads of the Central Committee, as well as his ability and promotion speed, after the next five years, he is likely to enter the Central Standing Committee.Because of this, although Li Runji's departure made him lose a "right-hand man", his prestige in Tianjiang Province is even higher, especially in the case of Guo Guangwei, Chang Ying, and Qiu Wang who were newly promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. In the minds of Xi, Qingtao and others, he has almost become a god-like existence.

In addition, Ye Ming's prospective father-in-law, Xia Bicheng, the former director of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, got his wish in September and was transferred to the Provincial Department of Finance as the director; Xiao Jin from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee was promoted to Deputy Director of the Organization Department; Xu Fei, the director, was promoted to be a member of the party group and chief economist of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau; Zou Wenming, the former director of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau, was promoted to be a member of the party group and deputy director of the K City Local Taxation Bureau...

In general, during the political changes in Tianjiang Province this time, apart from feeling a little depressed because Secretary Li was transferred from Tianjiang Province, Ye Ming was still very satisfied in other aspects: After just one year in the position, he was immediately promoted to deputy director level.Although there must be the face and favor of Secretary Lu and Secretary Li in it, but the experience and achievements of my struggle with Chen Jianjian in Huangyuan County, as well as the achievements I have gained from this experience That first-class merit is the most important factor.If he didn't have this life-and-death experience, and didn't have that first-class honor, then, even if Secretary Lu and Secretary Li had more face, it would be impossible for them to be promoted exceptionally.

Moreover, what makes him most happy is that the good friends he has met in the past two years, such as Zou Wenming, Xu Fei, Qing Tao, Guo Guangwei and others, have all been promoted.And their promotion has something to do with him to some extent - this makes him feel happy from the bottom of his heart, and also feels a little proud.

Besides, he was always grateful to Xiang Xiaoping, the van driver who saved his life.Therefore, after Zhang Yan transferred the first profit of 600 million yuan from his investment in the movie "Red Leaf" to the account, he first took out 50 yuan and bought a small residential building developed by Chen Mengqi and his company. The new house with two bedrooms and one living room was given to Xiang Xiaoping, so that his family had a place to live in the provincial capital.Then, he personally came forward and contacted Xiang Xiaoping's son and daughter with a school near the provincial party committee to solve their worries.

Of course, apart from these happy things, Ye Ming also has some worrying things, which is the marriage with Xia Chuchu.

Originally, when Xia Chuchu was in Tianxi Central Hospital, she told Ye Ming that within three months, the two must get married.Ye Ming also agreed at that time.

However, when Ye Ming asked Secretary Li for his opinion on this matter, Secretary Li considered that Secretary Lu would soon go to the capital to attend the party congress. He has neither the time nor the mood to think about Ye Ming's marriage.Therefore, he clearly said to Ye Ming: Your marriage with Chuchu must be postponed, at least until next year's New Year's Day.

Of course, when talking to Ye Ming, Secretary Li did not tell him that the real reason was that Secretary Lu was not free, and he himself was busy with his promotion. He just told Ye Ming: He is very busy these days, and Xia Chuchu's father, Xia Bicheng, was also working hard to be transferred to the Provincial Department of Finance, so there was no need to get married at this time, and it didn't matter if it was postponed for a few months.

However, when Ye Ming told Secretary Li's words to Xia Chuchu, Xia Chuchu was very dissatisfied.Because she didn't know that Secretary Li would be transferred to Province Z, and she didn't know that Secretary Lu was Ye Ming's biological father. She heard that Secretary Li objected to their immediate marriage. She thought that Secretary Li had other ideas, maybe he wanted him Chen Yi, her goddaughter, married Ye Ming, so she became suspicious, and even suspected that Ye Ming was in collusion with Secretary Li to fool her.

But Ye Ming didn't know that Xia Chuchu suspected that he wanted to marry Chen Yi. After being discharged from the hospital, because he had a month's recuperation time, he rushed to the capital, and took out one thousand from the money Zhang Yan sent him 200 million yuan, bought two houses in a community.One of the sets, he gave to Chen Yi, asking her to live in this suite with Xiao Benben, so don't bother Lu Nianzi all the time.Moreover, because he missed his son, he lived in Lu Nianzi's house for more than ten days, playing with Xiao Benben every day and telling him to call him Dad.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yan, who didn't hold back her words, told Xia Chuchu about Ye Ming's stay at Lu Nianzi's house, and immediately overturned her jealousy.Later, when Ye Ming called her again, she simply refused to answer it.

Ye Ming didn't know that Zhang Yan told Xia Chuchu that he lived in Lu Nianzi's house, thinking that Xia Chuchu was still angry at himself for delaying her marriage, so before returning to Tianjiang Province, he went to CCTV to find Xia Chuchu, I want to explain to her again, and by the way, give her the key to the house I bought for her in the capital.However, when he arrived at CCTV, he was told that Xia Chuchu had gone on a business trip to another province and would not be back until two days later.So, he had no choice but to rush back to Tianjiang Province by himself.

For more than a month after that, Xia Chuchu never answered Ye Ming's calls, nor did he reply Ye Ming's text messages.This time, Ye Ming finally panicked: In the past, Xia Chuchu lost her temper with her, and she would not be able to bear it for more than two days. I ignore it.Could it be that postponing the wedding this time really broke her heart?Or, is it because she already has another man she likes, so she wants to break up with herself?

Thinking of the latter situation, Ye Ming felt a little uneasy: In the capital, there are so many handsome men, second-generation officials, and second-generation rich people, and Xia Chuchu works in CCTV, and she is so good and beautiful, so, There will definitely be some very successful and outstanding men who will pursue her.When Zhang Yan gave herself the 600 million yuan, she half-jokingly and half-seriously said: Ye Ming, Chu Youhuo now often attends some high-end receptions and chambers of commerce. The second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people covet her. At least four outstanding men have told me that they want me to be their matchmaker and introduce you to them. The duck is flying!

At that time, he didn't pay much attention to Zhang Yan's words.But thinking about it now, he and Chu Chutian are on their own.Some people say: Separation in different places is the grave of love.Could it be that Xia Chuchu also wanted to break up with her because she couldn't stand the torment of a different place, or because she couldn't stand the temptation of some men with better conditions than herself?

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