Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 114 Mental Damage Fee

Luo Shaoming was even more surprised when he heard Chen Mengqi say that Ye Ming was her boyfriend. He immediately put on a respectful smile and said to Ye Ming, "Brother, I don't know Taishan with my eyes. Please forgive me! Today, I also have unspeakable difficulties: Now we lend money outside, and the debts are getting harder and harder. Some people who can’t pay back the money simply run away, so our company’s bad debts are getting worse and worse. More and more. We occasionally take some aggressive measures against debtors, and ask my younger brothers to scare them. This is true, and Director Ye, please don't take it to heart. Friend. But, with all due respect, Director Ou loves those two cards too much. He has fought repeatedly and failed repeatedly, and he doesn’t know how to stop when enough is enough. My 15 yuan was because I was friends with him. I only lent it to him because of his face. Because he does not have any guarantee or mortgage, the interest rate is a little higher than normal. This is also to minimize the risk of lending. Now that Mr. Ye has come forward, let’s sit down Let’s talk and find a suitable solution.”

Although he said these words to Ye Ming, in fact, his main intention was to explain to Chen Mengqi the reason for his high-interest lending, and to ask her not to call Brother Chao to check the accounts of "Deli Investment Company".

Chen Mengqi did not buy his account, saying: "Luo Shaoming, since you dared to lend money at high interest rates to Director Ou of the Local Taxation Bureau, and you dared to illegally detain him, it proves that you must have done similar things many times. I remember that you reported to me every month. There has never been any business with a monthly interest rate of more than 5% in the loan sub-account reported by my father. Therefore, I think you have enriched your own pockets by lending money outside the company's account. This matter must be clarified. My father has so many loans in Xinleng. If the people in charge of operation and management are like you, using my family’s company as a shell to earn your own money, then why do we still open these companies? It’s better to close them as soon as possible.”

Seeing that Chen Mengqi insisted on checking his account, Luo Shaoming was very anxious, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.In order to cover up, he suddenly opened the door of the box and shouted to the waiter outside: "Little girl, bring a cup of the best tea and a large fruit platter to everyone in this box. In addition, you need to prepare two wild rabbits in the kitchen." , an eagle, and two catties of wild boar meat, we will eat in the box later."

It turns out that Phoenix Villa is famous for eating game.In order to divert Chen Mengqi's attention, Luo Shaoming deliberately announced the names of these rare wild game aloud, and at the same time wanted to win the favor of Chen Mengqi and Ye Ming.

Chen Mengqi wished to stay with Ye Ming for a while longer, and when Luo Shaoming said that he wanted to invite them to dinner, he did not raise any objections.Ye Ming thought that anyway, he already owed so much money, and eating his meal was also paid for by the sheep.What's more, he also wanted to use the opportunity of eating and drinking to reconcile the relationship between Ouyang Ming, Luo Shaoming and others, so that Ou Yangming would not be retaliated by them in the future.Therefore, he did not make a sound.

The waiter quickly brought out the tea and fruit platter.Luo Shaoming respectfully invited Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi to sit down, and at the same time made a "please" gesture to Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming suddenly changed from a prisoner to a guest, feeling both emotional and sad, and at the same time, his gratitude to Ye Ming had penetrated deep into his bones.

Chen Mengqi rested her head on Ye Ming's shoulder, wrapped her left hand around his waist, and the two of them sat affectionately on the sofa at the entrance of Mian Duo.Ou Yangming and Luo Shaoming sat facing each other on two armchairs. They held up purple sand teacups to cover half of their cheeks, trying to avoid eye contact.

Ye Ming also picked up a cup of tea, took two sips, then turned his gaze to Luo Shaoming, and said calmly: "Mr. Luo, I want to settle the debt owed by Director Ou with you today. I know he has I paid you 9 yuan in interest for six months, and the principal is 15 yuan. In other words: your current principal has returned 60%. Of course, you make a living by lending money and collecting interest, and I won’t say No penny of interest. My idea is: Since we are friends, your interest rate will be lowered and calculated at 3% per month. I calculated it: Director Ou borrowed the 15 yuan For 10 months, calculated at 3% per month, the interest payable to you is 4.5 yuan, plus the principal, and the total should be 19.5 yuan. He has paid you 6 yuan in the first 9 months. Therefore, Now we should still pay you 10.5 yuan. Think about it: Is my proposal good? With 3% monthly interest, your company is still making money, just a little less, right?"

Speaking of this, he raised the shopping bag containing money that he had been carrying all the time, and said, "Mr. Luo, if you agree with my solution, I will give you 10.5 yuan now, how about it?"

Before Luo Shaoming answered, Chen Mengqi, who was sitting next to Ye Ming, snatched the bag, threw it behind her, and said to Luo Shaoming, "Luo Shaoming, I have the final say on today's matter: Director Ou owes the company 15 yuan." , but you detained him for a long time and slapped him a few times. As the saying goes: You don’t slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and you don’t expose your shortcomings when you scold someone. He is the deputy director of the first branch of the tax bureau. This kind of insult, you have to compensate him for the mental damage. Therefore, no matter how much the 15-month interest of 10 yuan is, and no matter what percentage is calculated, it can be regarded as the spirit and reputation you paid to Director Ou. Loss fees. Previously, Director Ou had already repaid you 9 yuan, and now he still owes you 6 yuan. You will deduct the 6 yuan from the profit of Deli Company. Then you will tell my father: I paid 6 yuan in the company RMB pocket money, I accept it."

Luo Shaoming heard her say that she slapped Ouyangming a few times, and he would be exempted from his 10-month interest. He couldn't help but feel heartbroken, pointed to his hair, and said with a mournful face: "Qiqi, Director Ye also slapped me just now. How should he calculate it? Should he also compensate me for damages to my spirit and reputation?"

Chen Mengqi said arrogantly: "Luo Shaoming, let me tell you, these are two different things: if you beat Director Ou, it is bullying and unreasonable; , you will beat people at every turn, and you will often be beaten. It is commonplace for you to be beaten. What kind of spiritual and reputation loss is there? Director Ou is a state cadre. If he wears a uniform, if you beat him, you are hitting the local tax authority The face is against the state organs. If you want to pay such a small amount of money, it will still let you off. Don’t you think so?”

Now Luo Shaoming is holding the handle in Chen Mengqi's hands, knowing that she is a mess and wanting to help her lover get the interest, but he dare not refute her, so he reluctantly nodded and agreed to Chen Mengqi's solution.

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