After being hit hard by Luo Shaoming's absconding with the money, Jinqiao Company's vitality was seriously injured, and its liquidity became tense all of a sudden: because Jinqiao Group's real estate stalls were too large and too wide, they bid for land everywhere and developed high-end real estate everywhere.As a result, the company's tens of billions of funds are backlogged on undeveloped land and some high-end buildings that have been developed but cannot be sold.

In order to obtain these lands and develop those real estate projects, Chen Yuanqiao borrowed more than 20 billion yuan from the bank, and opened several investment companies in provincial capitals, raising more than one billion yuan from the private sector, and only paid the interest of the bank and private financing every month. That's a huge number.Therefore, when the real estate sales are not moving and the funds cannot be withdrawn, Jinqiao Company can only adopt the method of drinking poison to quench thirst, and continue to raise a large amount of financing from the private sector through investment companies in the provincial capital at a high interest rate of up to three or even four cents a month. To pay the initial financing and bank loan interest, barely maintain the reputation of Jinqiao Company.However, this financing method of drinking poison to quench thirst also caused huge losses for the company.If there is no way to reverse the situation, it is estimated that within half a year, Jinqiao Company will fall into bankruptcy and bankruptcy due to its inability to pay interest and debts...

At this time, the provincial party committee and the provincial government began to step up efforts to crack down on illegal fund-raising.Since the second half of last year, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have ordered some counties and municipalities where illegal fundraising is more serious to carry out centralized rectification actions.By the beginning of this year, this wave of rectification actions finally spread to the provincial capital.Chen Yuanqiao's three investment companies are also on the list of companies with serious illegal fund-raising in this centralized rectification.

Chen Yuanqiao is very clear: if his three investment companies in the provincial capital are investigated and dealt with, it will involve returning more than one billion private funds raised.As for Jinqiao Group, there is simply no way to raise so much money to return those investors...

As soon as Ye Ming heard what Chen Yuanqiao said, he immediately understood his intention: because the current problem of illegal fund-raising in the provincial capital is being inspected by the inspection office, the municipal party committee and government of m city are required to step up rectification and investigation. All investment companies suspected of illegal fundraising must be banned before the end of this year.And the leader of the inspection team is him, the deputy director in charge of the first and second inspection departments.

Therefore, when Chen Yuanqiao came here this time, he just wanted to make a deal for his three companies, and not let the m city committee and government include them in the list of investigations and crackdowns, so that he would have a chance to breathe and not collapse because of the three investment companies , and plunged Jinqiao Group into a debt crisis.

So, he asked calmly: "Mr. Chen, what are the names of your three companies?"

Seeing him asking this question, Chen Yuanqiao thought that he had agreed to her request, so she couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly told Ye Ming the names of the three companies.

Ye Ming wrote down the name of the company with a piece of paper, and then asked: "Mr. Chen, what is the scale of financing for your three investment companies? How much financing do you have in total?"

Chen Yuanqiao hesitated for a moment, and said hesitantly: "I didn't go into specific statistics. However, I know a rough number, which should be around four to five billion."

Seeing his expression and listening to his tone of voice, Ye Ming knew that he must have narrowed down the fund-raising data, so he didn't point out him, and said in a somewhat embarrassed tone: "Mr. The problem is taken very seriously, because this problem has affected the stability and unity of our Tianjiang Province, causing many protests and petitions, and some even petitioned the central government. Therefore, the main leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government have held meetings many times, and the next We are determined to completely solve the problem of illegal fund-raising before the end of this year.

"You should also know: In May of this year, I was hunted down by gangsters in Kongling County and almost lost my life because of the investigation of illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County. So, if your three companies really have If there is a problem with fundraising, it must be rectified and the principal and interest of the fundraiser must be refunded. Because your company involves a relatively large amount of fundraising and has a relatively large impact. If other companies are investigated and dealt with, you will be left alone. Other companies will definitely have opinions, and they will definitely report and report to the above. At that time, not only will your company be lost, but we will also bear the responsibility for malfeasance. Do you think this is the truth? "

Hearing Ye Ming say this, Chen Yuanqiao had a disappointed expression on his face.However, he is also clear: Ye Ming's words are very reasonable.This crackdown on illegal fund-raising is a major action personally deployed by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and his three investment companies are well-known in the provincial capital.If the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of City m only cracked down on other investment companies and left three of their own companies alone, then the bosses of other investment companies would definitely sue.At that time, not only his own company will still be investigated, but Ye Ming and others will also be punished for it.

Thinking of this, his face became extremely pale, he stared at Ye Ming with blank eyes, and kept shaking his head and sighing.

Ye Ming looked at the former chairman of a large company who was incomparably beautiful in front of him, seeing his haggard face, absent-minded eyes, and hair that seemed to have turned gray overnight, and he felt great sympathy in his heart.

Moreover, at this time, he was still worried about Chen Mengqi: since she was born, Chen Mengqi has lived under the wings of her parents, and has hardly experienced any hardships or hardships in life.If Chen Yuanqiao's company suddenly collapses, can Chen Mengqi, who is used to a carefree life, adapt to the sudden gap from heaven to hell?With her frail body, can she withstand the blow of Jinqiao Company's bankruptcy overnight?

Thinking of Chen Mengqi, Ye Ming felt a great sense of sympathy and protection.So, he asked: "Mr. Chen, I think it is possible to go to the bank to borrow a few hundred million yuan, first pay off the principal and interest of the funds raised by your investment companies, and then close these companies. In this way, you can hide from the m city government's crackdown on illegal fund-raising. When the rumors are not so tight next year, you can find a way to find those old customers for financing, and let's get over the current difficulties. As long as your The reputation is still there, so you won’t be afraid of not being able to raise funds when the time comes, right?”

Chen Yuanqiao smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Director Ye, if the idea you mentioned could be implemented, I would have done it a long time ago. However, my problem now is: all my land and real estate that can be mortgaged are all It has already been mortgaged to the bank. Therefore, if I go to the bank to borrow money now, I don’t have any collateral. What’s more, the company has several large bank loans that will be due at the end of the year. I can’t pay off the old loans , where else can I apply for a new loan?"

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