Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1153 Agreement Transfer

Chen Mengqi is a person who doesn't have much business acumen and doesn't have much opinion. She works as the general manager of Jinqiao Hotel, and she is only responsible for supervision, inspection and business contact. Other business matters are taken care of by the business department managers below.Therefore, in terms of doing business, she is actually a layman, and she lacks the sensitivity and adaptability she should have.In addition, she is now fully focused on Ye Ming, and she is upset about Ye Ming's soon-to-be married every day. She has never thought about how to help her father tide over the financial difficulties, but passively wants to follow her father's advice. According to the request, he got engaged and married Xia Haoyu, and tried to get financial support from Huayu Heavy Industry, but he didn't expect that he still had a large profit in Zhang Yan's hands, so he could ask Zhang Yan to call the company for emergency after he settled the accounts.

Therefore, after listening to Ye Ming's words, she had an expression of enlightenment on her face, looked at Ye Ming with grateful eyes, and said, "Brother Ye, I've been confused all this time, and I completely forgot about it. But, you I can't use the company's money to pay off the debts. You are going to get married soon, and you have just been promoted. Now is the time when you need the money. You should save the money yourself for a rainy day. If you lend us all The company repays the debt, I'm afraid that if something unexpected happens to the company and it collapses overnight, then you will really lose everything, and I can't harm you!"

Ye Ming knew that Chen Mengqi didn't want to let himself take risks, so he was very moved, and he held her hand tightly and said, "Qiqi, since the day we met, you have always been very kind to me and cared about me. , Support me and give me a lot of help. Every time I need money, you have never hesitated. Now, you and your company have encountered difficulties, and I should help. My job is stable now, and the house is also stable. After buying it, there are still several million yuan in the bank, and there is no need to spend a lot of money.

"So, I can lend the 2000 million to your company without any interest. When your company's situation improves and the funds flow smoothly, just return it to me at that time. Don't have any psychological burden: what I earned The tens of millions of my money was also earned by accident. Even if the situation you are worried about occurs in your company in the future, and I can’t get my money back for a while, that’s okay, as long as I earn 2000 million less by accident. Money, it's no big deal."

When Chen Mengqi heard these words, she was moved and sad at the same time, she suddenly buried her head in Ye Ming's arms, and cried again...

After Chen Mengqi left, Ye Ming began to inquire about the land transfer policy, to see if he could find a compromise for Jinqiao Company to obtain the land in Huangma Town.

Soon, he found the laws and regulations on the transfer of state-owned land use rights. After careful study of these laws and regulations, he realized that not all transfers of state-owned land use rights must be carried out through "bidding, auction and listing".There is another way here: agreement transfer.

The so-called "transfer of land by agreement" means that the intended transferee of the land use right directly proposes to the representative of the state-owned land the desire to use the land for a fee, and the representative of the state-owned land negotiates and discusses with the intended transferee to negotiate the transfer of land use. A way of assigning the matter.The representative of this "state-owned land" is the land department.

That is to say: for the transfer of land by agreement, the unit that wants the land can apply to the land department, and then after the evaluation by the land department, a negotiated transfer price is determined, and the land can be transferred to the applicant.

However, there are also prerequisites for this agreement transfer, not all land can be transferred by agreement.Relevant policies and regulations clearly stipulate: Because the land use right is transferred by agreement, no competition mechanism has been introduced, it is not open, and there are many human factors. Loss of assets.Therefore, this method is only applicable to industrial projects, municipal public welfare projects, non-profit projects, and projects that the government needs to provide support and preferential policies to adjust the economic structure and implement industrial policies. Moreover, the transfer fee for transferring land use rights in this way Must not be lower than the minimum price determined by national regulations.

Before studying the policies and regulations on land transfer, Ye Ming always believed that all transfers of state-owned land use rights had to be carried out in the form of "bidding, auction and listing".In that case, every piece of land to be sold must be publicized, and the price must be auctioned, making it difficult to obtain land use rights at a low price.Now it seems that loopholes can be exploited here: as long as local government leaders intend to transfer a certain piece of land to a certain unit or company at a low price, they can adopt the method of "agreement transfer" and say hello to the land department. Transfer that piece of land to a company or a private individual at a relatively low price - the reason why many real estate developers can obtain land use rights at a low price is in this way.

Not long ago, when Chen Yuanqiao came to find him, he obviously wanted to obtain the land in Huangma Town at a low price through this "agreement transfer" method, and then sold it to Fuxing Technology Group at a high price.

Originally, Chen Yuanqiao had many convenient conditions to obtain this land at a low price: his brother-in-law, She Chuming, was the deputy mayor in charge of land, and the leaders of the Land Bureau of City M were also subordinates of She Chuming. As long as he applied, the land bureau and The government is in charge of leadership, which is easy to pass.

However, since the current secretary of the municipal party committee, Qing Tao, originally served as the mayor, he made strict regulations on the land transfer of the Xinghai Development Zone, and especially emphasized that all land transfers near the new administrative district in the future of City M must be reported. The main leaders of the municipal government research and approve, especially those involving the transfer of land use rights by agreement, must also be researched and approved by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, lest someone take advantage of the land value-added potential of this place, and the government and businessmen collude to profit from it.

Therefore, although She Chuming was bold, he did not dare to openly violate Qing Tao's principle. He could only ask Chen Yuanqiao to come to Ye Ming, and wanted Ye Ming to clear up Qing Tao's relationship.As long as Qing Tao agrees to transfer the land in Huangma Town to Jinqiao Group, the matter will be successful.But without Qing Tao's permission, Jinqiao Group would have no way to obtain this golden land at a low price...

After figuring out the policies and regulations, Ye Ming decided to give it a try, and talked to Qing Tao about the land, to see if it was possible to transfer the land to Jinqiao Group through an agreement.

So, he called Qing Tao and asked if he was free tomorrow night?Can we go out for dinner and tea together?

Qing Tao originally had an arrangement for tomorrow night, but since this was the first time Ye Ming invited him to dinner and tea after his promotion, he didn't want to spoil his interest, so he hurriedly replied that he happened to be free tomorrow night, and that he would invite him Ye Ming ate and drank tea.

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