Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1163 The Way of the Tortoise and Snake

Liu Fuyang has come to the provincial capital to engage in real estate development in the past two years, and he has been fighting openly and secretly with Jinqiao Group in the business field.The backer he was looking for was Meng Gongcheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of M City.Because of Meng Gongcheng's support, he was not afraid of She Chuming at that time, and he also got some good sites and developed several good properties.Although the overall real estate market is currently in a downturn, the stalls he has spread out are not large, and the backlog of funds is not much, so his company is currently operating fairly well.

This time, he also took a fancy to the piece of land in Huangma Town, and wanted to take it down, hoard it there, wait for it to become a new administrative center in a few years, and then sell that piece of land at a higher price.

However, now Meng Gongcheng has reached the age limit, and the new secretary of the municipal party committee, Qing Tao, has always been in harmony with Meng Gongcheng.Therefore, although Qing Tao did not carry out any crackdown and clean-up actions on Meng Gongcheng's old subordinates and old relationships, it will be even more difficult for Meng Gongcheng to exert influence.

Therefore, Liu Fuyang is now helpless in the provincial capital.Now, when he heard from Su Han that he had a way to get Deputy Mayor She to grant the land in Huangma Town to their company, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly asked, "Director Su, what tricks do you have in your pocket? Don't worry, as long as you can Let Deputy Mayor She help me, so that I can become good friends with Deputy Mayor She, I am willing to pay any price. Moreover, as long as Deputy Mayor She is willing to help me, I will never cooperate with Jinqiao Group in the real estate market in the future. Competition. Our two companies can become a cooperative unit, exchange what we need, go hand in hand, and make a fortune together!"

Su Han smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, if I go and tell Deputy Mayor She as you promised just now, I will be surprised if he doesn't scold me! Think about it: Deputy Mayor She is working as a deputy in the provincial capital. He has been the director of the planning bureau for so many years, and has been the deputy mayor in charge of land and planning for several years. His brother-in-law has opened such a big real estate company. Will he earn less money? Are you and Chen Yuanqiao from Jinqiao Group? Competitor, if you lure him with benefits, why would he care about your little money? Therefore, we cannot use this method to deal with him, but must find another way to make him obey us obediently."

Liu Fuyang heard something in his words, and asked a little suspiciously: "Director Su, in my impression, you are the secretary of Deputy Mayor She. I know the character of Deputy Mayor She. He is very tough, and he is also very strict with his subordinates. You just said that you want to find another way to make Vice Mayor She docile to you, how is this possible?"

Su Han showed a gloomy smile on his face, and said: "Mr. Liu, turtles have their own ways, and snakes have their own ways. Everyone has their own way and way. Since I dare to say this, there must be mine." Reasonable. You are a businessman and a sensible person. So, I don't need to tell you anything more now. When I call someone over, you will understand everything. "

As he said that, under Liu Fuyang's surprised gaze, he took out his mobile phone and called She Chuming's current lover, his cousin Su Xiaohong.

"Xiaohong, where are you? Are you playing mahjong again?"

"That's right! Brother, I live in a new apartment here, and I'm so bored every day. So, I can only go to the mahjong parlor near this apartment to play mahjong every day to pass the time. The mahjong here is very big. Today I have lost more than 1 yuan since I called at noon. Brother, if there is nothing important, I will hang up, and I have to win back what I lost!"

Su Han hurriedly said: "Xiao Hong, don't hang up the phone first, brother really has something very important to see you. I am now at the Qingxiang Teahouse on Chengnan Avenue, which is near the Shenlong Hotel, not far from the community where you live .You drive over here quickly, and I will pick you up on the side of the road outside the Shenlong Hotel."

Su Xiaohong said reluctantly: "Brother, my luck has just improved now, and it seems that I can win back the money I lost by catching a few hands. You call me to come to your side at this time, what about the money I lost?" Do? That’s more than 1 yuan!”

Su Han knew that Su Xiaohong loves money very much. Although she is very rich now, she usually doesn't take away any money. Apart from being generous to herself, she is also very stingy to other relatives, friends and even parents in the family.Every time her parents come to visit her from their hometown, she will not give them more than five hundred.She usually likes playing mahjong very much, but she can only win but not lose.If she loses one time, she will definitely pester the people on the table to fight with her until the end, and she must win back the lost money.

Therefore, in order to let her come over as soon as possible, Su Han had no choice but to say: "Xiaohong, there is really important matter now, you come here first. As for the money you lost, I will definitely let you get compensation later."

When Su Xiaohong heard that Su Han could compensate her for the money she lost today, she immediately guessed that someone must be looking for She Chuming to do business again today, and wanted to bribe She Chuming through her. Su Xiaohong has experienced a lot and has tasted the sweetness.

Therefore, she immediately said cheerfully: "Brother, that's good, I'll come over right away. You wait for me at the entrance of Shenlong Hotel. I'm still driving that white BMW. You know the license plate."

After Su Han hung up the phone, Liu Fuyang, who had already guessed something, asked excitedly: "Director Su, is this Xiao Hong the confidante of Deputy Mayor She? How is her relationship with you?"

Su Han said: "Mr. Liu, I will not keep this matter from you, and with your knowledge and experience, I guess I can't hide it from you, so I will tell you directly: The girl I called just now is called Su Xiaohong is from our same village. She calls me brother according to seniority. She used to be a nanny for Deputy Mayor She, but later Deputy Mayor She fell in love with her, and the two got together. Deputy Mayor She found her Empress Xiaohong seems to have rejuvenated her second life, and she is very fond of her. So, as long as she is willing to come forward and give you a pillow breeze with Deputy Mayor She, I guess your affairs can be settled."

Because he was worried that after Liu Fuyang knew that Su Xiaohong was his cousin, he would despise himself in his heart and feel that he was acting shamelessly, and even his cousin would be dragged into the pit of fire.Therefore, Su Han only said that Su Xiaohong was from his own village, but did not tell Liu Fuyang the truth.

When Liu Fuyang heard Su Han's words, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Director Su, then I have to prepare a red envelope for this little red tonight. Tell me: how much is enough?"

Su Han squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "This is the first time we meet, and I don't know if she can do something well, so this meeting gift should not be too much. In my opinion, let's give her a 1 yuan red envelope!" "

Liu Fuyang nodded and said: "Okay. You can tell your sister clearly later: as long as she puts me on the line of Deputy Mayor She, she will definitely reward her heavily in the future. If she can get Deputy Mayor She to transfer Real Madrid The land in the town was granted to our company, and she will have a generous commission in the future!"

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