Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1190 Panic

In the past few days, Su Han has always felt that there is a thought that is bothering him. He always feels that he was kicked away by Mayor Yao this time. It is not what he imagined, but because he acted carelessly. revealed Liu Fuyang's purchase of land, and made a foolish move, wanting Hu Kun to go to Secretary Qing to intercede, which aroused Secretary Qing's anger—although what happened was indeed like this, and it seemed that Hu Kun seemed to be Also suffered a little grievance.However, Su Han always felt that there was something wrong. He always felt that Hu Kun came to him suddenly and said that he wanted to bring him to make some money together. It was done on purpose.

Now, after being reminded by Liu Fuyang, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, and suddenly understood: from the beginning to the end of this matter, it was Hu Kun who set a trap for himself and made himself a cage, so that he would not know it. Drilled in.

It wasn't until this moment that he thought of all the strange things about Hu Kun: as Secretary Qing's secretary, Hu Kun's personality had always been calm and down-to-earth, and he had never committed any violation of discipline by taking advantage of his special status.But why did he suddenly come to him and ask him to make a fortune with him?This obviously doesn't match his character and behavior style!Why didn't I think of this at the beginning?

Moreover, Hu Kun has followed Secretary Qing for many years, so he must know Secretary Qing's character and temper, and he also knows that he is disgusted by people around him begging for help.Knowing that he would be rejected or even reprimanded by Secretary Qing for asking for mercy, he still promised himself to talk to Liu Fuyang about the land purchase, and was reprimanded by Secretary Qing, even implicating himself in it. ——From this point of view, Hu Kun seems to have done this on purpose: trying to get himself scolded, but also to drag himself in, to make Secretary Qing feel disgusted with him, and to report the situation to Mayor Yao, Make myself completely lose Mayor Yao's trust...

After figuring out these things, Su Han only felt chills running down his spine, regret and fear in his heart: It seems that Hu Kun came here specifically for himself this time.As for why he targeted and framed himself, the reason may be that the deputy director surnamed Lin spoke ill of himself in front of him, so he wanted to avenge his brother...

So, he smiled wryly and said to Liu Fuyang: "Mr. Liu, this incident has nothing to do with She Chuming and Chen Yuanqiao, but because of my personal grievances with someone. Because in my impression, She Chuming and Hu who framed me Kun didn't have a good relationship, and Chen Yuanqiao didn't even know Hu Kun. The reason why Hu Kun wanted to harm me was because I had offended a friend of his who had a close relationship. That person was named Lin and was also a deputy director of the government. He put such a big cage on me for the first time, and let me slip in, just to avenge that friend of his. Moreover, given my current situation and status, I can only bear this tone and not show it. Otherwise If not, I will really be trampled to death by Hu Kun and that Lin in the city government, and maybe I won’t even have a foothold.”

Hearing Su Han's bleak and pessimistic words, Liu Fuyang's heart trembled, and he couldn't say anything more, so he said goodbye to him.

In the next few days, Liu Fuyang hadn't recovered from the shock of Su Han's scorn, and he himself suffered a series of shocks that left him speechless.

First of all, a few people from the Inspection Bureau of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau suddenly came and began to conduct tax inspections on Xianglong Real Estate Development Company.Moreover, as soon as they came, they asked to check the accounts for two years.At first Liu Fuyang thought it was a routine inspection, so he didn't take it seriously, so he arranged for the person in charge of the finance department to invite the inspectors to dinner, and asked them to give each inspector a red envelope.

Unexpectedly, the few inspectors said that they rushed back to the provincial bureau for lunch and did not want the company's reception; they also firmly refused the red envelopes given to them by the finance department.

Liu Fuyang has been through the rivers and lakes for a long time. Looking at the posture and attitude of these people from the Inspection Bureau, he knew that they came prepared this time. They obviously came to find the company's troubles. He was anxious and scared, but he had no choice but to do it—— He is very clear that his company has been developing in the provincial capital for two years, and the amount of taxes evaded is tens of millions if not [-] million.More importantly, the company also adopted two sets of accounts, which concealed the actual profits and the distribution of dividends to shareholders.Once the fraudulent accounting is found out by them, it is a naked tax evasion.If they are serious, he, the chairman and the financial staff, will both go to jail.

While he was in panic, another piece of desperate news came from his hometown Longtan County: Longtan County Local Taxation Bureau Inspection Bureau suddenly wanted to conduct an inspection on Xianglong Company, and the inspection period was three years.Xianglong Company in Longtan County is the parent company. In the past few years, Liu Fuyang has a good relationship with the leaders of the local taxation bureau of the county, and has never been audited.Now that he suddenly heard that the county audit bureau was also going to conduct an audit on the parent company, and the person in charge said that the people from the county audit bureau were aggressive this time, as if deliberately trying to find fault, his heart became even more flustered : If both sides are investigated like this, the entire Xianglong Company will be closed down by their investigation!

So, he started to look for contacts and go through the back door, trying to find out the news from the Provincial Audit Bureau and ask them to be merciful.

However, after meeting with the leaders of the Inspection Bureau, the related persons he sought told him with regret: this time the Provincial Inspection Bureau has made up its mind to investigate clearly the tax evasion of Xianglong Company, and to investigate the tax evasion of Xianglong Company. The problem must be severely punished in accordance with the requirements of the tax law.If Xianglong is suspected of tax evasion, it will be transferred to the judiciary.

This time, Liu Fuyang was completely dumbfounded. He was in a state of panic every day, not knowing who he had offended. It was useless to ask someone to intercede for him so determinedly to investigate and deal with him...

In desperation, Liu Fuyang had no choice but to call Su Han again, and asked him with a glimmer of hope if he had any friends who had a good time at the provincial and local tax bureau, and if he could help him with this difficulty of the local tax bureau.

After listening to his narration and request, Su Han was silent for a long time on the other end of the phone, and then said weakly: "Mr. Liu, I don't have any friends in the local tax system. However, one of my classmates turned out to be from the local tax bureau of Xinleng County. Yes, his name is Ye Ming, and he has been transferred to work in the Provincial Party Committee Office. I'll try to find him and see if he can help you."

Liu Fuyang heard Su Han say that he was going to find a cadre who used to work in the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau for help. He couldn't help feeling disappointed, and said, "Director Su, what's the use of finding a cadre from the County Local Taxation Bureau! Even if your classmate is still in the local tax system, who in the Provincial Audit Bureau will know him and pay attention to him? What's more, he has left the local tax system now, isn't that just for nothing? "

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