Just as Liu Fuyang expected, the purpose of the public security brigade of the Daxing District Public Security Bureau to arrest gambling this time is very clear, which is to deliberately punish him and his friends who are officials: because that night, after recording the statement, he proposed He wanted to call his family or friends, but the security brigade refused him, saying that their gambling evidence was conclusive and the amount was huge, and they had to be dealt with according to law in accordance with the Public Security Management Punishment Regulations, so they were not allowed to contact the outside world for the time being, lest someone come to interfere with the case. .

At 5000 a.m. the next morning, the Daxing District Public Security Bureau made a decision on Liu Fuyang and others: confiscate all gambling funds, fine each person [-] yuan, and place administrative detention for ten days. During the detention period, no leave is allowed.

On the eighth day after Liu Fuyang was detained, the bidding process for the land in Huangma Town had been completed, and it was finally purchased by Jinqiao Group at a price of 3.5 million...

After coming out of the detention center, Liu Fuyang found Su Han. The two analyzed and judged again, and came to the same conclusion: all the encounters between Xianglong Company and Liu Fuyang during this period were related to Su Han being kicked away by Mayor Yao. The connection is all caused by Qing Tao's secretary Hu Ke and the director surnamed Lin - because in Su Han's view, the leaders and officers of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Daxing District Public Security Bureau should be mobilized to punish Liu Fuyang. Only Hu Ke has this ability: After all, he is the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary, and the leaders of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Daxing District Bureau all want to curry favor with him.Therefore, although Liu Fuyang had a good relationship with the urban and public security bureaus, he was still punished.

After reaching this conclusion, Liu Fuyang hated Hu Ke and the director surnamed Lin so much that his teeth were itchy, his eyes shot out fierce light, and he said to Su Han viciously: "Director Su, that kid Hu Ke is determined Our source of income, and wanting to kill me, you, and Xianglong Company, is a deep hatred! Since they are unkind, don’t blame us for being unrighteous. In my opinion, I might as well go to Longtan County to find some reliable brothers Let them find out the living habits of Hu Ke and that guy surnamed Lin, and then find an opportunity to break their legs, or pick their hamstrings, and let them lie in wheelchairs or beds for the rest of their lives. Besides, you can rest assured: the person I selected is absolutely loyal, absolutely reliable, and guaranteed to do things cleanly, leaving no future troubles."

It turned out that this Liu Fuyang, like Chen Yuanqiao, was also a well-known underworld leader in Longtan County before he made his fortune, and later successfully "transformed" into a real estate developer, but his old brothers were all there, and his influence in the underworld in Longtan County was still great.Therefore, his way of retaliating against people is also the usual method in the past: breaking people's legs, or breaking people's hamstrings.

Su Han actually hated Hu Kun and the deputy director named Lin even more than Liu Fuyang.However, he is a man in the officialdom after all. Although he has suffered setbacks in his official career, he always fantasizes that he will make a comeback one day.Therefore, he still had some scruples, and he didn't dare to use that extreme method to deal with Hu Kun and the others, so he persuaded Liu Fuyang: "Mr. Liu, you have a big business now, don't use such extreme methods to deal with others." Struggle. Although doing this can make us feel bad for a while, there will be endless troubles, and if we don’t do it well, we will go to prison. Moreover, once those who do it lose their sense of proportion and kill Hu Kun or the person surnamed Lin, then It's a big case, and you and I can't get away with it. So, we still can't go this way."

Liu Fuyang asked unwillingly: "Then what do you think we should do now? Do we just swallow our breath and let others bully us?"

Su Han said helplessly: "Mr. Liu, the so-called people have to bow their heads under the low eaves. Now Hu Kun is Secretary Qing's confidant, and I have completely lost the trust of Mayor Yao. I want to fight him now, which means Hitting a stone with an egg and bringing about self-destruction. Therefore, all I can do now is one word: Tolerance! With a knife on the head of the word Tolerance, you should understand my painful mood now. However, no matter how painful it is, I must endure it. Otherwise, , I may not even be able to keep my current position. You are the same, you are an entrepreneur, and the people do not fight against the government, so you cannot go against Hu Kun. The two of us must work together to make ourselves stronger and change We must be more powerful, until one day we have enough ability to trample Hu Kun and others to death, then we can vent our hatred. Therefore, I only have one request for you now: endure!"

Liu Fuyang tilted his head and thought about it, and felt that what Su Han said made sense, so he nodded reluctantly.

Su Han sat downcastly for a while, then drank a few cups of tea heartlessly, ready to say goodbye to Liu Fuyang and go home.After standing up, he asked casually: "Mr. Liu, who bid for the land near the high-speed rail station in Huangma Town? What was the price?"

Liu Fuyang said despondently: "The land has already been bought by Jinqiao Group at a price of 3.5 million. Damn, if I don't enter the detention center, this land will definitely be mine: because my bidding price is 4.5 million. , which is a full [-] million higher than that of Jinqiao Group. Moreover, I dare to say: my plan and plan for the development and utilization of that land is definitely better than that of Jinqiao Group, and it is more in line with the development strategy and requirements of the municipal party committee and government. It's a pity that such a piece of fat just slipped out of my hands. I'm such a **** bastard, how can I play cards at such a critical moment? You said that if I endured it for a few days, I wouldn't give it up. If there is any chance for the Daxing District Public Security Bureau to find fault, it is really hard to tell who will win the land! Sigh—”

When Su Han heard that the purchase price of that piece of land was actually 4.5 million yuan, his eyes straightened: According to Liu Fuyang's promise to himself, if Xianglong Company can buy that piece of land, he will pay 5% of the purchase price Pay yourself a fee.Then, according to Liu Fuyang's bidding price, I can get 2250 million yuan for this commission alone, and I will become a multi-millionaire all at once...

Su Han's heart aches when he thinks of such a large sum of money being lost in vain.After standing there for a moment with his eyes bulging, he suddenly thought of a question, and shouted: "Mr. Liu, you mean that this land has already been acquired by Jinqiao Group? And the price is one piece lower than your estimated price." [-] million?"

Liu Fuyang nodded and said: "That's right, as soon as I came out of the detention center, I heard from my subordinates that the land was indeed bought by Jinqiao Group, and the price was ridiculously low. Because according to my thinking, this land If everyone bids for the land, it will cost at least [-] million or more, and it may reach [-] million—because this land is so good, the potential for appreciation is very large, and I think [-] million is cheap."

Su Han fixed his eyes on Liu Fuyang, and then said word by word: "Mr. Liu, there is a problem, a big problem! You and I may have been played by She Chuming and Chen Yuanqiao!"

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