Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1209 Furious like madness

Since he had She Chuming's handle in his hand, and also knew that She Chuming would not dare to do anything to him, when Su Han told She Chuming about helping to buy the land, he didn't show any respect that his subordinates should have for their superiors. A bossy, reasonable and arrogant tone almost made She Chuming, who has a bad temper, explode his lungs.

However, She Chuming has not lost his mind for the time being, knowing that Su Han must have come prepared this time, and he is blackmailing himself by pinching his own shortcomings.Once he gets angry, this insidious villain will definitely report him.Therefore, no matter how angry and distraught he is, he must endure and control his emotions.

So, he shook his head vigorously, trying to suppress the growing anger in his heart, and said in a pleasant manner as much as possible: "Xiao Su, let me explain: it's not that I don't want to help you and Chairman Liu. Last time the land in Huangma Town was bid for, you and Chairman Liu should be very clear about this. As far as I know, Chairman Liu did not participate in the bidding for some reason. Therefore, Jinqiao Group won the bidding in the end. I can't blame me for this!

"As for the reserve land near Huangma Town you just mentioned, I am also very clear. It is indeed a good land, and it does not belong to the Xinghai Development Zone. But what you don't understand is: just the day before yesterday, Secretary Qing He also presided over a meeting to discuss the sale of land near the new administrative center. At this meeting, Secretary Qing made it clear again: not only the land transfer in Huangma Town must be collectively studied and decided by the municipal party committee and government, but also, The transfer of several reserve lands in other districts adjacent to Huangma Town must also be carried out in accordance with the land transfer principles of Huangma Town. That is to say: If you came to me two days ago, I can approve for you what you said A piece of land. But now, there is nothing I can do. If Chairman Liu wants to buy that piece of land, he must now go through a special meeting of the municipal government to study and decide. My personal decision is invalid. I hope you and Chairman Liu understand."

She Chuming's explanation is not a lie: It turns out that after the land in Huangma Town was sold to Jinqiao Group through bidding, Qing Tao was afraid that other real estate companies would follow the example of Jinqiao Group and find connections to buy Huangma Town and its adjacent land. For the land in the area, another special meeting was held, and some reserved land near the high-speed rail station and toll station near Huangma Town were included in the scope of land that must be collectively approved by the municipal party committee and the municipal government.Therefore, She Chuming is indeed unable to help Su Han and the others now.

However, Su Han thought it was She Chuming's evasion, so he said darkly: "Mayor She, when you bid for the land in Huangma Town last time, you said that Chairman Liu didn't participate for some reason, so I can't blame you. But , I would like to ask Mayor She to say something out of conscience: Chairman Liu was unable to participate in the bidding at that time, did you have something to do with Mayor She? Also, some time ago, those who targeted Chairman Liu and him Did you and Chairman Chen of the Jinqiao Group play a role behind the company's series of crackdowns? Mayor She, it is said that if you want people to know you have to do nothing. Your brother-in-law Chen Yuanqiao wants to get rich and buy land. You can do it for him. He helps. But, you can’t use suppression and sacrifice other people’s interests as a means! Do you not worry about retribution at all if you do this?”

Seeing that She Chuming shied away and didn't want to help himself and Liu Fuyang, Su Han simply broke the jar and directly expressed his doubts about She Chuming, Chen Yuanqiao and Ye Ming, and wanted to see She Chuming's reaction.

She Chuming is not a person who can hold his breath. When he suddenly heard Su Han's earth-shattering words, he was so startled that he almost jumped up from his seat, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he was stunned for a moment. Then he shouted in a somewhat exasperated tone: "Su Han, what are you talking about? Who suppressed Liu Fuyang and his company? Liu Fuyang was administratively detained by the Public Security Bureau because of gambling, and he couldn't participate in the bidding. What does it have to do with me and Chen Yuanqiao? Don't talk nonsense here!"

Su Han coldly said with a cold smile: "Mayor She, since you categorically deny it, let's open the window and speak plainly: If my guess is correct, all the suppression actions against Chairman Liu and Xianglong Company some time ago, such as saving The local tax bureau went to the company to inspect the company, the security guard of Xianglong Company was arrested by the Public Security Bureau, and Chairman Liu himself was imprisoned in the detention center under the pretext of gambling at the critical moment of bidding. What's more, these actions were probably planned and organized by my old classmate Ye Ming, right?

"Mayor She, I have followed you for many years, and I am quite familiar with your ways of doing things and your temper. Although you and Chen Yuanqiao are very secretive this time, you think you can hide the truth, but I still say the same thing: If you want people to know, you must There is nothing you can do. Those things you have done, as long as you have a little brain, you will figure it out after careful consideration."

She Chuming saw that Su Han's words became more and more reckless and confident, so he couldn't help being furious. The scruples and fears of Su Han in his mind were completely washed away by a fury of being despised and challenged by his subordinates. , suddenly stood up from behind the desk, crossed over the desk, grabbed Su Han's hair, lifted Su Han, who was as thin as a monkey, from the chair, and slapped Su Han with gritted teeth. He slapped a few times, and scolded with red eyes as he slapped: "Little bastard, bastard, you used to follow behind my ass like a dog, but now you have grown up, don't you? Your wings are hard? You think you are Who, it’s just a stray dog. It turns out that I beat the dog to see its master. I didn’t do anything to you. I tolerated you for a long time. Now that you have been kicked away by the master, do you think I will tolerate you? Hurry up and leave with your tail between your legs. Get out of Lao Tzu's office. Otherwise, I can send you to the detention center with just one phone call, do you believe it?"

At this moment, She Chuming was dazzled by anger, completely ignoring that Su Han was still holding him, and after slapping him a few times, pushed him across the desk.Su Han was so slapped by him that his eyes were staring, he couldn't stand firmly, and fell on the floor when he fell, and a big lump suddenly swelled up on the back of his head.

After struggling to get up from the ground, Su Han rubbed the back of his head while staring at She Chuming. After a long time, he said in a voice that popped out from between his teeth: "She Chuming, you are cruel! Yes, I turned out to be a A dog is a dog that only wags its tail and begs for food from you. But from today onwards, I will be a mad dog. Be careful, if a mad dog bites someone, sometimes it can be fatal."

After saying this, he limped towards the door of the office, leaving She Chuming alone there panting.

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