Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1216 1 loud noise

It turned out that Liu Fuyang started his career by relying on the gangsters. Among the thugs under his subordinates, there are all kinds of talents: there are retired special forces soldiers, retired shooting athletes, Sanda fighting champions, weapons experts who are proficient in various firearms, and The retired engineers who are proficient in blasting are simply a small armed group.These people are all placed in his security department, receive high salaries every month, and usually don't have much to do.However, if a company or Liu Fuyang is in trouble personally, these people can play their role.

For example, this time, when Liu Fuyang and Su Han guessed that Jinqiao Group and She Chuming might be playing tricks to prevent him from getting the land in Huangma Town, he hated Chen Yuanqiao, She Chuming and Ye Ming so much that he gritted his teeth.So, he thought of a way early: get rid of Su Xiaohong, and then frame She Chuming as a blame, and definitely kill She Chuming and Chen Yuanqiao.As for Ye Ming, he hasn't thought of a way to deal with him yet. He wants to bring She Chuming and Chen Yuanqiao down first, and then slowly plan to kill Ye Ming.

As for how to blame She Chuming, Liu Fuyang had already considered it many times, and he was inspired by the case of the director of the National People's Congress who killed his mistress through a car explosion. He felt that this method was the safest and safest. , and She Chuming can definitely be dragged in and charged with murder.

Therefore, he arranged for the retired engineer to quickly make a car bomb remotely controlled by a mobile phone, ready to implement the plan he envisioned.

Sure enough, as he expected: Su Xiaohong didn't cooperate with Su Han, and she didn't want anything to happen to She Chuming at all.Under such circumstances, getting rid of Su Xiaohong is Su Han's only choice...

Su Han heard Liu Fuyang say that he already had professional blasting talents, and the bombs were ready-made, so he glanced at him in surprise, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Liu, you mean you can kill Su Xiaohong tonight?" ?"

Liu Fuyang nodded with certainty, and said: "That's right, and you also said just now: To get rid of Su Xiaohong, it must be tonight. Otherwise, once Su Xiaohong meets She Chuming, she may tell us about our report on She Chuming." He, She Chuming will be on guard, maybe he will hide Su Xiaohong. At that time, it will be very difficult for us to find her, let alone get rid of her."

Su Han nodded and said, "Okay, then you can execute it!"

After Liu Fuyang's plan was completed, Su Han immediately found the report letter copied by Su Xiaohong in his collection, found a copy shop, made several copies, and sent them to the Disciplinary Committee of M City, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, m city procuratorate, provincial procuratorate.

That night, the retired engineering soldier arranged by Liu Fuyang to install the explosive device sneaked into the underground parking lot of the community where Su Xiaohong lived temporarily.Since the community has just been completed and there are few residents, there are few vehicles in the underground parking lot, and there are no cameras and surveillance cameras installed. This made it easy for the veteran to place a bomb under the driver's seat of Su Xiaohong's car.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Su Xiaohong happily dragged a large travel bag out of her temporary apartment, took the elevator to the underground parking lot, put the travel bag into the trunk, and then got into the driver's seat of the BMW. In the cabin, he started the car and drove outside, without noticing the bomb firmly stuck to the floor of the car with magnets under the driver's seat.

After she drove away, not far from the underground parking lot, another unremarkable ordinary Santana sedan also started, and accelerated out of the parking lot, closely following behind Su Xiaohong's BMW.In this car, there were two people sitting, both wearing thick masks and sunglasses to cover their faces. Among them, the person in the passenger seat was holding a mobile phone, and his eyes were fixed on Su Xiaohong's car for a moment. The rear of the car, waiting for the best time to arrive.

About ten minutes later, Su Xiaohong's car came to a relatively empty road, suddenly slowed down, and began to take out the phone to call She Chuming's cell phone.

After the call was connected, Su Xiaohong said in a delicate voice: "Old She, where are you! Did my brother go to talk to you yesterday afternoon? I'm going back to our home now, and I'll be there in a few minutes. You Come back quickly, I miss you to death!"

She Chuming asked in surprise and joy on the phone: "Xiaohong, are you really going to go back? That's great. I'll go home right away. You are waiting for me at home. I just want to have a good talk with you. Once! It’s been so long, I haven’t been able to find you, but it made me anxious—”

Just as he said this, there was a loud "bang" from the receiver, which almost shattered his eardrums.Then, the mobile phone signal was suddenly cut off, and there was only a hissing sound in the receiver, and there was no other sound.

She Chuming was startled by the loud noise, and subconsciously shouted: "Xiaohong, what's going on with you? Are you okay? Xiaohong, answer quickly!"

After yelling anxiously for a long time, She Chuming realized that something happened to Su Xiaohong, and the mobile phone signal was cut off.

So, he rushed out of the office quickly, called his secretary over, and told him to arrange a vehicle immediately to go to Xiangfu West Road—because his and Su Xiaohong's love nest was at the end of Xiangfu West Road.And just now Su Xiaohong said on the phone that she would be home in a few minutes, so She Chuming judged that the place where Su Xiaohong had an accident should be near Xiangfu West Road.

Ten minutes later, She Chuming's car came to Xiangfu West Road.Near a big turntable, She Chuming saw many people gathered together, and the nearby cars were full.Among the crowd and cars, thick smoke came out, and more than a dozen firefighters were there to save lives.

At the same time, from the east and west sides, there were police cars approaching with their sirens sharply blaring. A large number of police officers got out of the cars and squeezed into the crowd, urging the onlookers to get out of the way.

After seeing this scene, She Chuming's heart sank uncontrollably, and an ominous premonition made his face suddenly pale.

After gathering his composure, She Chuming ordered the driver to stop, and then he said to the secretary: "Xiao Li, go ahead and have a look. What happened? You must find out the situation and come back and tell me right away."

A few minutes later, the secretary came back in a hurry and reported to She Chuming: "Mayor She, an explosion occurred in a car in front, and a woman inside was killed on the spot. People from the public security agency are investigating the scene."

She Chuming's body trembled, and he asked in a Du voice: "What kind of car is that? Have you seen it clearly?"

"I can see clearly: the rear of the car was not blown up, and the license plate is still there. It is a white BMW with the license plate number Tian a56088."

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