Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 15 Shuanggui

After he was convinced that Xia Chuchu had developed a good impression of Ye Ming, Xu Fei decided to play a joke on the two of them, to test Xia Chuchu's reaction.

So, he turned his head, looked at Xia Chuchu with a smile, and then at Ye Ming who was sitting beside her, pretending to be amazed and said: "Tsk tsk, Chuchu, you and Xiaoye are sitting together like this, one is handsome and the other is as beautiful as a flower , They look like a pair of golden boys and girls! Come on, let me take a picture of you, just in time to make my lover and daughter envious when I go back!"

As he said that, he really stood up, took out his iPhone, and prepared to take pictures of them.

Just as he expected, after he made this blatant joke, Xia Chuchu was not angry, but showed a joyful and shy expression on his face, turned his head to look at Ye Ming, who was a little embarrassed, and tilted his head slightly. She leaned over to his side and posed for a group photo—obviously, she agreed with Xu Fei's proposal and was very happy.

Ye Ming, on the other hand, seemed a little at a loss for a moment—after all, the beautiful woman beside her was not only the star host of the provincial TV station, but also the daughter of the director of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau.Xu Fei made this kind of joke face to face, and even took a group photo with them. I wonder if it will make her angry?

However, he soon discovered that this worry was unnecessary: ​​Xia Chuchu was not only not angry, but showed a joyful and shy expression, and leaned her head forward, allowing Xu Fei to take several pictures of the two of them almost dizzy. Intimate photos of head-to-head...

This time, Ye Ming felt a little uneasy...

After such a small episode, the atmosphere among the three people suddenly became harmonious and harmonious.

Xia Chuchu also forgot the unhappiness when she first saw Xu Fei, and actually offered to drink some red wine.

While drinking, Xia Chuchu looked at Ye Ming, pouted and said, "Ye Ming, you have to drink three glasses of wine first. In the afternoon at the hospital gate, I asked your name, why did you lie to me? Xu Director, do you think he should be punished?"

Ye Ming smiled slightly and said, "I didn't lie to you! My surname is Ye. Secretary Li and Director Xu usually call me Xiaoye, so I asked you to call me Xiaoye too. That's right!"

After thinking about it, Xia Chuchu realized that she had heard "Xiao Ye" as "Xiao Ye", but when she saw the wicked smile on Ye Ming's face, she knew that he must have misunderstood her on purpose, so she smiled and used her small The fist lightly punched him on the shoulder, and forced him to drink two glasses of wine alone.

Seeing the two of them bickering and laughing at each other, Xu Fei couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled...

Soon, Xia Chuchu's white and jade-like face began to glow with a blush, and her eyes were a little misty, obviously a little bit drunk.

After having another drink with Ye Ming, she suddenly asked: "Ye Ming, tell me: why do you have such good martial arts? Is it because your father is a master of martial arts?"

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, his expression darkened immediately, he lowered his head and took a sip of wine silently, then said in a sad tone: "Director Xu, Miss Xia, to tell you the truth: I am an orphan now! I have been an orphan since I was a child. I don’t have a father. My mother is a middle school teacher. She brought me up through hard work so that I can finish college and enter the local tax system. However, I haven’t started working for a long time, and I haven’t had time to repay her for her upbringing. She fell ill and died..."

When he said this, his voice began to choke, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Xia Chuchu had been listening in a daze, but when she heard his last words, for some unknown reason, she suddenly felt sad, and tears immediately rolled down her cheeks like broken beads...

Xu Fei has never heard Ye Ming talk about his family situation. Now that he heard that he had no father since he was a child, and his mother died of illness a few years ago, he was also very surprised. Be self-reliant and self-reliant. If your mother knows that you are so promising, she will be very happy. Today is a happy day, so don't be immersed in such sad emotions... By the way, brother, take the liberty Ask: What happened to your father? Did your mother tell you about it?"

Xu Fei shook his head and said a little confused: "For me, my father has always been a mystery. According to the neighbors around me, they have never seen my father. My mother graduated from the Capital Normal University. , it was she who applied to teach in the rural middle school in our hometown. Moreover, she gave birth to me a few months after she arrived at the school. For this reason, many villagers still say that my mother was unmarried and conceived at school. There was really no other way to hide in a rural middle school."

"Then why don't you ask your mother: Where is your father now?"

Xu Fei asked immediately.

Ye Ming smiled bitterly, and said: "Of course I asked. But every time my mother replied: Don't ask now, and I won't tell you. If the opportunity comes in the future, you will see your father. If the opportunity If you don’t arrive, you may never see him in your life. She also told me: Don’t hate your father. My life for these decades was chosen by me willingly and has nothing to do with your father. So, Until my mother passed away, she never left me any clues to find my father, and only gave me a piece of jade before she died, saying that this piece of jade was given to her by my father..."

When he said this, Xia Chuchu next to him was already sobbing...

At this moment, Ye Ming's cell phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and saw that it was the number of Team Leader Zou of Xinleng County Bureau.

"Ye Ming, hurry up and rent a taxi to go home overnight, I have something very important to tell you."

Ye Ming was startled, and quickly asked, "Group Leader Zou, what's the matter? Can't you talk on the phone?"

"Tell me the truth: Did you go to the Provincial Commission for Disciplinary Inspection or the Petition Office when you went to the provincial capital?"

"No, why should I go for an interview? I told you earlier: this matter is over, and I don't want to mention it again."

Team leader Zou was silent on the phone for a few seconds, and then said carefully: "I'll tell you: the day before yesterday, the Supervision and Inspection Office of the City Bureau received a call from the Supervision Office of the Provincial Bureau, saying that the Law Enforcement and Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection called the Supervision Office and asked They will pay attention to the case where you have been punished to see if there is a problem of excessive punishment or insufficient basis for punishment. The leaders of the city bureau are very annoyed by this, thinking that you went to the province to commit suicide on purpose. Li Li heard about it , specifically went to the city bureau to find the leader and asked to re-open the case for investigation. According to the information I got, the party group of the city bureau seems to have reached a consensus and is going to take double regulation measures against you and investigate your beating again. Dig deep into your other problems in terms of style of work or building a clean government. Therefore, I suggest that you come back immediately and don’t stay in the provincial capital.”

Ye Ming was startled and angry, and he didn't have time to explain anything to Xu Fei and Xia Chuchu. After hanging up the phone, he said "I'm sorry, I have something urgent to go back to Xinleng" and hurried out of the hotel. I took a taxi and returned to Xinleng County Bureau overnight.

Sure enough, as Team Leader Zou said, the next day, Ye Ming was double-regulated by the Supervision Office of the Local Taxation Bureau of City K.

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