Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 169 Sacrifice

As the saying goes: "There is no impenetrable wall".Especially in the kind of ambiguous affairs between men and women, no matter how hard the parties try to hide it, there will always be some clues.For example: an occasional eye contact, the intimate tone of the two parties when talking, being bumped into by someone inadvertently during a date, each other's concern for each other, and so on.

These things that are easy to be noticed by others, sometimes the two parties in love don't feel it themselves, thinking that they are hiding it well, but in fact the bystanders have already talked about it.

What's more, for Lu Zhiyao and Zhao Han, this is their first love: Lu Zhiyao and Gu Huaying are not in a relationship at all, only when he is with Zhao Han can he truly experience the taste of passionate love; and Zhao Han, Before that, she had never interacted with other boys at all, because those boys with no connotation could not catch her eyes at all.

Because of this, the two of them love each other very passionately and crazily, wishing they could stay together all the time.As a result, it also caused great disasters.

It turned out that Lu Zhiyao had a colleague in a unit named Li Weidong, who was about the same age as Lu Zhiyao and had the same level, but they were in two different departments, but they were real competitors.

Like Lu Zhiyao, he also realized the importance of diplomas and academic qualifications, so he also chose to study as a graduate student at Capital University, and he was in the same department and class as Lu Zhiyao.

Because Li Weidong knew that Lu Zhiyao had a strong background, and his father-in-law had entered the central decision-making level, he was both envious and jealous of him. He was trampled and killed.

Therefore, when he heard his classmates discuss in private that Lu Zhiyao was very lucky, that the old cows eat tender grass, and that he fell in love with a 20-year-old girl with yellow flowers, he immediately felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: in those days, when If officials have a problem with their work style, it is the most deadly thing, and it is more serious than corruption and bribery.

What's more, Lu Zhiyao's wife is still a well-known jealous woman and tigress, and the family is powerful and powerful. Lu Zhiyao's political future is in the hands of her father.As long as he exposes the ambiguous relationship between Lu Zhiyao and that girl, Lu Zhiyao will die immediately...

Therefore, Li Weidong wrote several anonymous letters and sent them to the Disciplinary Committee of Capital University, the Youth League Central Committee, Gu Shenghao's office and Gu Huaying's unit respectively. Based on some rumors he heard about Lu Zhiyao and Zhao Han, he exposed Lu Zhiyao's moral corruption with embellishment. , The crime of seducing a girl from a good family...

After the Disciplinary Committee of Capital University and the League Central Committee received this anonymous report letter, because they all knew that Lu Zhiyao was Gu Shenghao's son-in-law, they did not dare to be self-reliant, so they temporarily refrigerated, did not dare to investigate and deal with it, and waited for the development of the situation.

Gu Huaying was the first to make a fuss.

After receiving this anonymous letter, she took one of her father's servants to Capital University that afternoon. Instead of looking for Lu Zhiyao, she found Zhao Han who was in class in the second and third classes of the Chinese Department, and ordered The orderly dragged her out of the classroom, and then she went over in person, grabbed Zhao Han's hair, slapped Zhao Han several times, yelled "bitch, whore" while beating him, and threatened to kill him. She was expelled from school and sent back to her hometown.

Several professors and teachers saw that she was making too much trouble, so they came to persuade her.

Not long after, Lu Zhiyao, who was attending class in another teaching building, came over after hearing the news and saw that Zhao Han had been beaten by Gu Huaying with red and swollen cheeks, but she held her head stubbornly, neither scolding Gu Huaying nor crying loudly. , but the aggrieved and helpless look in his eyes made his heart feel like a knife...

Lu Zhiyao immediately became enraged and lost his mind. Regardless of the many students who were watching the excitement and the teachers who were persuading him, he suddenly strode up to Gu Huaying, grabbed her by the hair, pushed her to the ground, and gritted his teeth. Punching and kicking, all the resentment towards her in the past few years was tilted to the fists and feet, and Gu Huaying was beaten to the ground, crying and howling.

The servant who followed Gu Huaying wanted to go up and hug Lu Zhiyao, but was punched by Lu Zhiyao on the bridge of the nose, bleeding profusely. To mess with Lu Zhiyao who is like an angry lion...

In the end, it was Zhao Han who jumped up and hugged Lu Zhiyao, dragged him aside, and then Gu Huaying got up from the ground...

This incident caused a sensation on the entire campus of Capital University at that time, and became a topic of discussion among the teachers and students of the school after dinner.

Of course, Li Weidong is the happiest - in his opinion, Lu Zhiyao's violent beating of Gu Huaying not only caused bad influence, but also definitely angered Gu Huaying's father, Gu Shenghao. As long as he utters a word, Lu Zhiyao will not only ruin his future , and if he wants to chase after him, he can also send Lu Zhiyao to a detention center or even a detention center.

The strange thing is: a few days later, Li Weidong learned from some people in the know: Gu Shenghao not only did not accuse Lu Zhiyao of punishing him, but instead sent his secretary to the League Central Committee and Capital University to spread the word: Lu Zhiyao's beating of Gu Huaying was a family conflict. Both parties are at fault, and I hope there will be no organizational or disciplinary action against him.As for the ambiguous relationship between Lu Zhiyao and Zhao Han, Gu Shenghao didn't mention a word.

On the contrary, it was Lu Zhiyao who, after beating Gu Huaying, returned home and insisted on divorcing Gu Huaying, and told her clearly: After he graduates, he doesn't want to stay in the capital to work, and he will go to the south...

After Zhao Han learned that Lu Zhiyao was arguing to divorce Gu Huaying, he neither showed surprise nor tried to persuade him.However, a week later, she suddenly disappeared from school, and she just entrusted a roommate who was very good at playing to give Lu Zhiyao a small locked wooden box, which contained the diary and the farewell letter...

Lu Zhiyao knew that she didn't want her to offend the Gu family and affect his political future, so she chose this extreme method: sacrifice the rest of her life, drop out of school automatically, and disappear without a trace ever since!

After seeing the farewell letter, Lu Zhiyao almost went crazy. He wanted to go to Zijiang County to look for Zhao Han several times, but his old father had already rushed to the capital from Xijing under the urging of Gu Shenghao. Watching him unfailingly, doing his ideological work earnestly, finally made him give up the idea of ​​abandoning school to find Zhao Han...

As for Gu Huaying, after being beaten up by him, she became much more docile and did not mention anything about him and Zhao Han anymore.

Gu Shenghao also personally had a long talk with Lu Zhiyao, admonishing him not to make the same mistake again, and hinting that as long as he keeps his own place, he can make great achievements in his official career.

Because of Zhao Han's leaving without saying goodbye, Lu Zhiyao's heart was ashamed, so he stopped tossing about and devoted himself to study and work. It took less than 20 years to climb up to the position of ministerial level...

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