Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 174 Blind Date

After making up her mind to stop ignoring Ye Ming, Xia Chuchu seemed to calm down a little, and the feeling of bitterness and jealousy seemed to be much lighter.

However, this calmness only lasted for an afternoon.In the evening, when she went to host the show, she stood on the stage of Langman Holding Hands and looked at those male and female guests. She couldn't help but think of Ye Ming, and the scene where he held hands with Chen Mengqi here, and felt anxious again. It hurt so much that in that episode of the program, she lost her mind several times and almost made a joke.

Especially after returning home after hosting the show, as soon as she lay down on the bed, she couldn't help but echo the bits and pieces of her relationship with Ye Ming in the past, and Ye Ming's sunny smiling face always appeared in her mind. His hearty laughter and mandarin with a new cold accent always echoed around her - all of these made her heartbroken and tossing and turning...

Several times, she suddenly got up from the bed, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and couldn't help but want to dial Ye Ming's number.

However, she changed her mind: She had just made the oath not to seek out Ye Ming again this afternoon, if she violated it now, wouldn't she be too worthless?Too impatient and reserved for a girl?

Moreover, if Ye Ming is with Chen Mengqi now, and he calls rashly in the middle of the night, will he be ridiculed and doubted by Chen Mengqi?

In such a contradictory state of mind, she spent another sleepless night...

Just yesterday, Xia Chuchu's mother, Zeng Yanhua, suddenly told her: A boy will come to the house for dinner tomorrow night.He is a Ph.D. in Germany, and his father is Wang Hai, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee.Therefore, she asked Xia Chuchu not to go out to socialize tomorrow night, but to go home for dinner.

As soon as Xia Chuchu heard her mother's words, she knew that she was looking for someone for herself.

At this time, she no longer had any hope that Ye Ming would take the initiative to call her, so she thought angrily: Since you, a country bumpkin, have found Chen Mengqi, I will also find one for you to see, so that you will regret it later.

So, she promised her mother that she would like to meet the boy.

Wang Xu came to Xia Chuchu's house on time at five o'clock, not bad for a minute - he had studied in Germany for several years, and his grades were not very good, but he had fully learned the rigid, rigorous and punctual habits of the Germans. up.

He had seen Xia Chuchu's demeanor on TV a long time ago, and he had always admired her.Therefore, when his father told him that someone had been arranged to propose marriage to Xia Chuchu's father, he was so happy that he didn't sleep well all night, and kept urging his father to arrange for him to meet Xia Chuchu as soon as possible.

Because of his great admiration for Xia Chuchu, when Wang walked into her house and saw Xia Chuchu standing at the door to greet him, his cheeks flushed with excitement, and he stammered to say hello to her, but because of Too excited, the greeting was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say it.

Xia Chuchu saw his red head, couldn't help covering his mouth and "cheating" and laughed coquettishly.

At this time, Xia Bicheng had already returned home. Seeing Wang Xu standing blankly at the door, neither entering nor retreating, with an awkward expression on his face, he hurriedly walked over with a smile, took his hand, and said kindly: Wang? Come in and sit down, come in and sit down! My Chuchu was spoiled by her mother since she was a child, she doesn't know how to treat guests, and she speaks and behaves more presumptuously, don't mind! Chuchu, come in and pour tea for the guests."

Xia Chuchu was upset when her father said this, and pouted and said, "Dad, why don't I know how to treat guests? I opened the door for him politely and greeted him with a smile. He was the one standing by himself. Why do you blame me for not talking at the door? Besides, he doesn’t talk or introduce himself, how do I know who he is?”

Although Xia Bicheng has been a leader for many years, every time he argues with his daughter who is the host, he always loses.

Therefore, after being refuted by his daughter, he could only smile wryly and say, "Okay, Dad blamed you wrongly, so I apologize to you, okay? Go make tea!"

Xia Chuchu agreed to a blind date today because she wanted to get angry with Ye Ming.Therefore, although Wang Xu's appearance and manners did not catch her eyes at all, she did not feel any disappointment in her heart. She just thought it was more fun, so she obediently went to make tea for Wang Xu.

While drinking tea, Xia Bicheng asked Wang Xu about his study and life in Germany in detail.

When talking about this topic, Wang Xu seemed to be very active. He introduced his major to Xia Bicheng eloquently, saying that applied physics is currently the most popular major. It's easy to succeed.

At the same time, he also mentioned intentionally or unintentionally: his father arranged for him to enter Yuehua Petrochemical, because he wanted him to exercise in a state-owned enterprise and lay the foundation for his future career.

Next, he began to spittle about his life in Germany, what he saw and heard, and anecdotes. The inadvertent sense of superiority in his flamboyant tone and expression made people sitting on the sofa on the other side Xia Chuchu frowned.

Xia Bicheng first saw Wang Xusi gentle and shy, and thought that he should be a sincere gentleman, but he did not expect him to be so boastful now, and he was very disappointed.However, he considered that Wang Xu was the son of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee after all, and this habit of boasting might be related to his family background, so he barely restrained himself from showing obvious disappointment and impatience.

However, Wang Xu felt very good about himself. During the chattering process, he secretly glanced at Xia Chuchu from time to time to see if she was moved by his words.

However, the result disappointed him greatly: Xia Chuchu didn't look at him at all, her eyes were always fixed on the TV screen in front of her, and she frowned from time to time with her pretty willow eyebrows, as if she wasn't listening to herself at all...

At this time, Xia Bicheng also felt his daughter's indifference. Afraid of offending Wang Xu, he turned his head and shouted: "Chuchu, turn off the TV. Aren't you usually eloquent? Xiao Wang is here today, and you can just communicate about work. And learning experience. I remember you once went to Germany, you can also talk to Xiao Wang about your experience in Germany!"

Xia Chuchu turned her head and said lazily, "Dad, you can talk to Mr. Wang. I'll go to the kitchen and help mom cook."

Just then, the cell phone in her bag rang.

Xia Chuchu took the bag, took out the phone from inside, glanced lazily at the caller ID on it, suddenly her eyes widened, and her face flushed with excitement: because the screen of the phone clearly showed the caller ID. Her haunted name - "Ye Ming"...

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