Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 180 The legendary car shock

After breaking up with Xia Chuchu at the gate of the Provincial Bureau, Ye Ming called Chen Mengqi and asked her to come pick him up and go back to Xinleng County together.

Chen Mengqi originally wanted to stay with Ye Ming in the provincial capital for one night, and the room was ready, but when she heard that Ye Ming was going back, she drove over without saying a word.

On the way back to Xinleng, Chen Mengqi asked Ye Ming with jealousy: "Brother, did you have dinner at Sister Chuchu's house tonight? I remember you said you were going to send her wedding candy."

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Yes. Chuchu went on a blind date today, and the other party is the son of Wang Hai, the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and a doctor in Liude. Seeing that I was sending her wedding candy, Chuchu took me to her home to have a meal together Fan, it may also mean that I want to serve as a staff officer!"

Although he didn't want to lie to Chen Mengqi, but now that he had a substantial relationship with her, he was afraid that she would be jealous if he told her the truth, so his words were half true and half false, and he dared not admit that he pretended to be Xia Chuchu's boyfriend to lie to her parents The matter with that Wang Xu.

When Chen Mengqi heard that Xia Chuchu had a blind date today, she immediately felt relieved, and the little bit of jealousy disappeared in an instant, with a smile on her face, she turned her head and asked, "So did she succeed in the blind date today? How is the boy? "

Ye Ming said vaguely: "I don't know the details. The boy looks average, but he wears glasses with thick lenses, and he seems to be very knowledgeable. However, his appearance always makes me wonder Reminds me of Professor Li Meiting described in the novel "Fortress Besieged". Hahaha!"

Chen Mengqi said in surprise: "Like Li Meiting? Isn't that obscene and ridiculous? Sister Chu Chu would also like such a person?"

Having said that, she turned her head again, looked at Ye Ming with a half-smile, and said, "Brother, you didn't deliberately vilify that boy because of jealousy!"

In Ye Ming's subconscious mind, he was actually a little jealous. Now that Chen Mengqi's words exposed him, he couldn't help being shocked. He waved his hand guiltily and said, "Qiqi, where are you going? Why am I jealous? That What Dr. Wang is indeed a bit wretched, with a strong sense of vanity, sitting with me in the living room for half an hour, and has been boasting about his family background and experience of studying in Germany. Moreover, every time he looks at Chu Chu, that The eyes behind the lens are so big that the eyeballs almost fall out. I remember that in "Fortress Besieged", when Mr. Qian Zhongshu described Li Meiting's obscenity and lust, he only used a few strokes, saying that he was looking at Miss Sun At that time, "With black glasses, I looked at Ms. Sun as if looking at microorganisms under a microscope..." Wang Xu looked at Chuchu at that time, which was exactly the same as the way Mr. Qian Zhongshu described Li Meiting when he looked at Ms. Sun. That's why I said he looks a bit like Li Meiting."

Chen Mengqi laughed and said: "Brother, in my impression, you have always been a very upright, modest but individual man. I didn't expect that you would be so mean and merciless when you hurt others. Look Come on, you really have to be more careful when dealing with talented people who have read poetry and books. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be portrayed as the villain in some novel, thank you! Haha!"

Knowing that she was joking, Ye Ming stretched out his palm to touch her right leg, and said with a smile: "Qiqi, don't worry, I will give you the characters in the novel, and they are absolutely beautiful, gentle, considerate and kind. The beautiful woman will never give you a villain."

When Chen Mengqi was touched by his hand on her leg, her whole body became numb immediately, and when she heard him praise herself as "beautiful, gentle, considerate and kind", she felt even more sweet and happy, so she suddenly stepped on the brakes and stopped the car. On the side of the road, turn off the headlights, move your body and face towards Ye Ming, snuggle into his arms, and say coquettishly, "Brother, I'm tired from driving. Hug me and kiss me first." , let me relax."

Ye Ming took her head into his arms and kissed her on the forehead first. With a wicked smile on his face, he said with a low voice, "Qiqi, it's eleven o'clock in the evening, and it's pitch black outside. There is no one in the wild. Now that you are making out with me, aren’t you afraid that a flame will suddenly rise from the bottom of my heart, and then the tiger’s body will be shaken, and you will be executed on the spot in the car?”

Chen Mengqi hadn't seen Ye Ming for two days since that night in the presidential suite of the Golden Bridge Hotel, and she really missed him.At this moment, being touched and pinched by Ye Ming again, his heart was already in full swing. Hearing Ye Ming say the words "the tiger's body shook", he couldn't help but giggled coquettishly, and said in a tired voice: "Brother , don't use the word 'tiger's body shakes', okay? Every time I read a novel, I feel like throwing up when I see these four words... But... But... If you really want it now, I will I'll give you..."

Ye Ming had just drank a little wine at Xia Chuchu's house, and at this moment, he felt drunk, and seeing Chen Mengqi soft and graceful, charming and charming, his heart really began to "flame rising", although there was no "tiger's body shake", but there was still a little Can't hold back...

So, he lowered his head and kissed Chen Mengqi's red lips. At the same time, his right hand honestly poked in from the open neckline of her suit, and grabbed her soft and upright little white rabbit...

Chen Mengqi was already in love with her, but now she was holding the tip of her tongue and pinching the tip of her most sensitive nipple, how could she bear it?Under Ye Ming's slightly rough movements, she had already softened into a puddle of mud. She began to moan in a low voice, and her body began to twist impatiently, burying her head deeply in Ye Ming's chest. , kept arching, sending a strong signal of courtship to him...

The road they parked on now is a shortcut from City K to Xinleng. It is relatively deserted, and there are very few passing vehicles in broad daylight.It's already eleven o'clock in the evening, so there are hardly any cars passing on this road...

Ye Ming was pressed against Chen Mengqi's hot body, he could hear her moaning in his ears, and felt the tenderness and tenderness of her breasts with his fingertips, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly lifted her body from the driver's seat He hugged her and let her sit on his lap.Then, in the dark, he unfastened the belt of her suit pants, and pulled off her outer pants and underwear.

When Ye Ming took off the belt, Chen Mengqi had already kicked off the high heels on her feet in cooperation, allowing him to easily push her pants down to the end, and then tremblingly pressed her naked body onto Ye Ming's body , tremblingly said: "Brother, as long as you want, I can give it to you at any time... But, wait a little bit, I'm afraid of pain..."

Ye Ming lifted her body, took off his trousers, then put his arms around her waist, straightened his body, and entered her tight and moist honey passage from bottom to top amidst her low scream. ...

Suddenly, the whole body began to shake slightly...

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