Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 19 Chen Yi's Appeal

After being stunned for a moment, Qiu Shunming gradually calmed down, rubbing the tempered glass teacup with his hand, and asked Lin Nan in a low voice: "Director Lin, you just came down from the provincial bureau last year, so you should have heard about Xia Chuchu. , Has anyone from the Provincial Bureau mentioned the matter of Chu Chu and Ye Ming?"

Lin Nan shook his head and said, "No, I've never heard of it. I was also wondering just now: If it's true as what Chu Chu said, Ye Ming has been with her for a long time, and has visited her house many times, someone should know Ah! At least, Director Wang of the Provincial Bureau Office should know, because he often runs around Director Xia’s house and is very familiar with Chuchu. If she found a cadre in the system to be her boyfriend, Director Wang should have known about it a long time ago. It will definitely spread in the provincial bureau."

Qiu Shunming nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Let's go in first, let's take a step at a time!"

Seeing them muttering outside, Xia Chuchu knew that they were judging the relationship between Ye Ming and herself, so she couldn't help laughing secretly. When she saw them walking in, she said in a teasing tone: "Director Qiu, look at your posture. , if I want to visit Ye Ming, you have to hold a temporary party group meeting to study it before making a decision, right? Can you just say a word, I won’t make things difficult for you.”

Qiu Shunming smiled awkwardly, and said: "Chuchu, according to the theory, Ye Ming is now in the period of shuanggui, and no one is allowed to visit him until his problem is clearly explained. However, for you, Chuchu, we can break it once. Example. How about this, let's go to dinner now. After dinner, Director Lin and I will personally accompany you to Baozhu County Bureau, where Ye Ming will be quarantined for inspection now."

Xia Chuchu shook her head and said, "I don't want to eat now, but I just want to see Ye Ming soon. Director Qiu, you can do your work. You just need to arrange for a cadre in the supervision room to take me to the place where Ye Ming is being held."

"How can I do that? Chuchu, you finally came to K City, we have to do our best as landlords!"

Qiu Shunming has been distressed by the gradual loss of the trust of Director Xia of the Provincial Bureau for a while—I heard from a friend of the Provincial Bureau that the party group of the Provincial Bureau, especially Director Xia, is always ranked behind the current work of the Local Taxation Bureau of City K in the province. Ming is very dissatisfied, and already has the intention of reorganizing the leadership team of the Municipal Bureau.

Therefore, when Qiu Shunming heard that Xia Chuchu had suddenly come to the Local Taxation Bureau of City K, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and felt that he had a chance to turn around the unfavorable situation: Xia Chuchu is Director Xia's only daughter, as long as she is received well, she will be treated well. Leave a good impression in my mind, let her give me a few good words from her father, maybe Director Xia will change his view of him, and he can sit in the top position for a few more years...

Therefore, he would rather give up the opportunity to have lunch with the mayor just now, and hurried back to receive Xia Chuchu, but he didn't expect that she came here because of Ye Ming...

However, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, and wanted to get closer to Director Xia by making friends with Xia Chuchu.Therefore, he insisted on having dinner with Xia Chuchu himself.

But Xia Chuchu didn't accept his favor, pouted her pretty mouth, and said stubbornly: "Director Qiu, if you want to be a landlord, you can accompany me to the Baozhu County Local Taxation Bureau now, and when I finish visiting Ye Ming After that, we will eat again!"

Qiu Shunming, Lin Nan and the others looked at me and I looked at you, they could only look at each other with wry smiles: I really have no choice but to follow her request...

Thus, this scene appeared in the office building of the Local Taxation Bureau of City K: a beautiful girl wearing sunglasses walked in front, while the head of the city bureau and several other members of the party group followed her step by step, with humble smiles on their faces , Many cadres and workers who were about to get off work were surprised: who is this girl, why is she so cowhide?Even if the leaders of the State Administration of Taxation come down to inspect and guide the work, it seems that there is no pomp like today...

When Xia Chuchu and his party took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor, a young woman who seemed to have been waiting in the lobby suddenly came over, blocked Director Qiu and the others, and said in a very calm tone: "Hello, Director Qiu! I am Chen Yi from the Office of the Xinleng County Bureau, came to the city bureau today to report to you the situation of my colleague Ye Ming being innocently punished. It happens that Director Lin, Director Wang and other leaders are here, so I won’t delay the leaders too much Time, I just want to invite you to take a look at this material in my hand."

As he spoke, he handed a printed document to Qiu Shunming who was a little caught off guard.

Lin Nan glanced worriedly at Xia Chuchu who was walking in front, and suddenly shouted to Chen Yi: "Chen Yi, what do you want to do? You have come to the city bureau every day to appeal for Ye Ming, don't you want to go to work? I told you yesterday Let me tell you: the organization will deal with Ye Ming's matter fairly. We will not wrong a good person, and we will never let a bad person go. How is it proper for you to come to the city bureau to make trouble like this again and again?"

Chen Yi looked directly at Lin Nan, without any fear in her eyes, and said in that calm and soft voice: "Director Lin, I am on vacation for the past few days, and I don't need to go to work. I am reporting the situation to the organization in a realistic manner. , I didn’t mess around. My materials clearly stated: Ye Ming beat Li Li because I was always harassed by Li Li, and he was so angry that he fought for my injustice. If you want to deal with Ye Ming, you must first investigate It's only fair that Li Li played hooliganism on me."

When Chen Yi stopped Qiu Shunming and the others, Xia Chuchu, who was walking in the front, didn't pay attention at first. Later, when Lin Nan said that this woman came to appeal for Ye Ming every day, she was startled. She quickly turned around and looked Chen Yi up and down. Yi took a few glances and saw that she was slender, fair-skinned, and extremely beautiful, and exuded a charming charm and elegant temperament all over her body, and suddenly felt a sour taste in her heart for no reason...

However, after she finished listening to what Chen Yi said, she was immediately attracted by what she said was the reason for Ye Ming's beating, so she took a few steps closer, stared at Chen Yi intently, and listened carefully. Watching the conversation between her and Lin Nan and others.

While listening to the conversation between Chen Yi and Lin Nan, Qiu Shunming read through the complaint materials at a glance, then stared at Chen Yi, and suddenly asked: "Xiao Chen, your materials mentioned Director Li of your county bureau many times. Harassing you, may I ask: Do you have evidence? Or, who else in your county bureau can confirm your statement?"

When Xia Chuchu heard Qiu Shunming's words, she immediately understood: He is favoring the chief surnamed Li—think about it: this kind of boss harassing female subordinates must happen when someone is behind their backs, and also, It is impossible to leave any evidence.When Qiu Shunming asked Chen Yi like this, he obviously knew that she would not be able to produce any evidence. He obviously wanted to embarrass her, or retreated in spite of the difficulties...

Sure enough, when Chen Yi heard that Qiu Shunming asked her to show evidence of Li Li's harassment of her, her face turned red all of a sudden, and tears of humiliation rolled out of her eyes...

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Qiu Shunming showed a smug smile on his face, and said, "Xiao Chen, I think you should listen to Director Lin's advice and go back to work hard! Ye Ming's problem is not limited to beating people. The Supervision and Inspection Office of the bureau is doing its best to investigate, and I hope you will stop interfering with our discipline inspection and supervision department's handling of the case."

With that said, he stepped forward to go to the door.

At this moment, Xia Chuchu suddenly walked up to Chen Yi and said, "Sister, I also came here for Ye Ming's affairs. Come on, you and I will go to Baozhu County to visit Ye Ming. Speak to me alone."

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Shunming, Lin Nan and others were all taken aback.

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