Zeng Qiang had noticed Ye Ming who was wearing a tax uniform and sitting on Gong Zhichao's left.He has dealt with the cadres of the Local Taxation Bureau many times, and on several occasions he almost clashed with them, so he is very familiar with their uniforms.

However, he has never met Ye Ming, and he knows that Brother Chao has always played well with government officials from various departments, so he didn't think about the taxation issue in the building materials market.

It wasn't until Brother Chao took the initiative to mention this issue that he suddenly realized: It turned out that Brother Chao was standing up for his little brother and so-called brother-in-law today, asking him not to fight against the local tax bureau...

Zeng Qiang is a miser who loves money like his life. For a small profit, he has to fight with others for nothing. The protection fee of the building materials market earns 40 million yuan every year.The basis and reason why he collects the protection fee is that it can protect those self-employed individuals who have paid the money from being bullied by others, and at the same time can avoid hundreds of yuan or even thousands of yuan in taxes and fees every month.

And once his promise not to pay taxes cannot be fulfilled, no matter how tyrannical he is, if the dozens of self-employed households unite and refuse to pay him protection fees, he will have nothing to do—after all, the so-called protection fees are not on the table.If he pushes those self-employed people into a hurry, they only need one person to raise their arms, and the others will attack in groups.Also, they might call the police.In that case, he would be regarded as a black and evil force and wiped out.The reason why he has been safe and sound now is that he appeased those self-employed individuals by supporting them not to pay taxes and fees, and obediently handed over the protection fee to him every month...

Therefore, when he heard that Gong Zhichao was going to talk to him about tax issues in the building materials market, even though he was rather intimidated by Gong Zhichao and could see that something was wrong with today's situation, his greed for money overcame his inner fear, and he slapped his neck. Ji, Zi said with a swollen face: "Brother Chao, if you tell me to stab someone or do something else, I will do it for you immediately without saying a word. But, The bosses in this building materials market are my parents. I have dozens of brothers, and I rely on them to pay hundreds of yuan a month. You know the rules in the world: take other people’s money and replace others Disaster relief! I have promised those bosses: As long as the protection fee is paid monthly, I will bear the other taxes and fees, and I will block them for them. You call me now, if you want to talk about paying taxes in the building materials market I'm sorry, but today I have to risk my life to offend Brother Chao. Let my younger brother come to your door to apologize to you some other day!"

Hearing his words "I will bear other tax and fee matters", Ye Ming couldn't help being filled with anger, slapped his palm on the coffee table, stood up with a "huh", his eyes were spitting fire. Staring at Zeng Qiang, he shouted: "Zeng, what are you? Are you the Secretary-General of the United Nations or the head of a global village? You say that businessmen in the building materials market don't have to pay taxes, so they don't have to? Where is it with other state agencies? Do you want to act as the power of the state organs and turn the new cold building materials market into a lawless independent kingdom? Let me tell you: Brother Chao is looking for you to talk today, and you still have room to retreat and stop. If you continue to persist like this, the person who will come to talk to you in a few days will be a policeman from the public security organ! You have to understand a truth: no matter how violent and powerful you are personally, if you go against the state organs, no matter how powerful you are. The ability of Tongtian will also be crushed into powder by the state government machine!"

Zeng Qiang saw that Ye Ming was young and looked gentle, but he didn't expect his words to be so sharp and imposing, he almost pointed at his face and scolded him, feeling ashamed, Can't help but become angry from embarrassment, and really want to slap this ignorant kid a few times.

However, in front of Brother Chao and his old brothers, he didn't dare to get angry on the spot, so he retreated to the door of the box, pointed at Ye Ming's face, and said through gritted teeth: "Boy, you have guts! Watch today!" In the face of Brother Chao, I will bear this tone! You remember: I grow hair to avenge my shame, never more than three days! Within three days, I will definitely let you know whether I am the Secretary-General of the United Nations or the head of the global village! "

Before he could finish his words, an old brother of Brother Chao who was standing beside him suddenly took a step forward and kicked him hard on the hollow of his knee, knocking him to the ground.

Then, he bent down, grabbed his long hair, pulled out the pistol in his trouser pocket, put the muzzle on his temple, and said in a gloomy tone: "Long hair, you are strong now, He brought a few little kids under his command, and he became the boss on the street, so he didn’t take Brother Chao seriously, did he? Director Ye is Brother Chao’s brother-in-law, and also his good brother. If you threaten Director Ye, you are threatening Chao. Brother! I don’t bother to talk to you now: I’ll count to three, and you say, ‘I’m wrong, please forgive me, Director Ye!’ After three counts, if you don’t shout out, I’ll beat your brains out immediately! ……two……"

The reason why Zeng Qiang dared to say those cruel words to Ye Ming at the beginning was that he was very young and thought he was a timid person, so he threatened him with a few cruel words, and at the same time redeemed a little bit in front of his old buddies. Ye Ming reprimanded the face in public; second, he felt that he was a "big brother" now, and he had sixty or seventy underlings, and they were all brave and ruthless characters. Fighting is also a bit famous, Brother Chao should also be afraid of it, he dare not be too much to himself, he will save himself some face.

Unexpectedly, before he could finish his threatening words, he was kicked to the ground, and was held to the temple with a gun by the opponent—he knew this old guy nicknamed "Iron Tuo" too well. : This person is usually silent, and seems to be very honest and honest.However, when it comes time to fight with others, he will turn into a fierce and aggressive wolf with grinning teeth. He is the most ruthless and willing to work hard. Never give up.

Therefore, he now says that he will shoot after counting to three. This is definitely not a joke, nor is it a threat to him-after he counts to three, if he does not do what he said, he will not hesitate Pull the trigger without batting an eyelid...

Thinking of this, Zeng Qiang couldn't help but lose his mind, and no longer cared about his face and dignity. When "Tie Tuo" just counted to the second, he struggled desperately while shouting at the top of his lungs: "Director Ye, I was wrong, please! Please forgive me...Brother Chao, help me!"

Gong Zhichao saw his distraught ugly appearance, frowned in disgust, waved to "Tie Tuo", and shouted: "Tie Tuo, let him go!"

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