Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 196 Accidental Discovery

After Ye Ming heard the strange noises in the room and the groans that he had heard before, his mind went blank for a moment: Sister Chen Yi obviously booked this room!

I remember that she once said: In order to fight the protracted divorce battle with Li Zhi, she has reserved this room for a month, and the room fee has been paid in advance.If she didn't go home, she could only live here!

Moreover, the groan that sounded familiar just now is indeed a bit like that of Sister Chen Yi...

But how is this possible?How could sister Chen Yi be such a person?

So, he looked suspiciously at the number of the guest room again: Yes, the three numbers "508" are clearly marked on the door of the guest room...

He put his ear close to the door again, wanting to judge again whether the groan was from Sister Chen Yi.

However, the two people inside may have sensed the movement outside, and suddenly stopped, and there was no sound inside, as if what they heard just now was just a dream...

Ye Ming was afraid that if a waiter came over and saw him standing furtively at the door of this room, he would ask questions aloud. He didn't dare to stay for a long time. With doubts in his heart, he quietly left the fifth floor and took the elevator to the lobby of the hotel.

After getting out of the elevator, he went straight to the main desk of the hotel, took out his "Tax Inspection Certificate" and handed it to a waiter at the front desk, and said seriously: "Miss, I am from the first sub-bureau of the Xinleng Land Tax Bureau. My surname is Ye. I think Take a look at your room registration status in the past few days, find out about the business status of your hotel, and estimate your tax sources. Please cooperate!"

The waiter took a closer look at his inspection certificate, and saw that the position on it was "Deputy Director", and immediately showed a sweet smile on his face. While handing the inspection certificate back to Ye Ming, he picked up the phone of the main station and said: "Hello Director Ye! Please wait a moment. Our hotel has regulations: Except for the leaders of the Public Security Bureau, they can check the registration information of the guest rooms at any time. Anyone who wants to check must obtain the consent of our general manager. I will find our Zhao for you now." total!"

After speaking, she dialed the phone number of their general manager and repeated Ye Ming's words to him.

In less than 2 minutes, a smart-looking middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came out of the elevator and walked towards Ye Ming in uniform with a smile on his face. While passing Ye Ming a cigarette, he said with a smile: " Director Ye, I’ve heard you famous for a long time! My name is Zhao Hongbo, I’m the manager of Qingquan Hotel, and I’m also in charge of financial affairs. I’m good friends with former Director Luo Wei and Deputy Director Ouyang Ming of your branch office. Not long ago, I heard that Director Ye was appointed to the first branch and was promoted to the head of the branch. Congratulations! I had wanted to visit Director Ye in person, but the hotel was too busy these days, so I didn’t have time. Today Ye It would be great if the director came here... Waiter, make a cup of high-quality Longjing for Director Ye first!"

As he said that, he was about to pull Ye Ming to sit in the rest area on the side.

It turned out that Manager Zhao misunderstood what Ye Ming meant, thinking that he hadn't visited him in the hotel and came here on purpose to make trouble today, so he felt a little uneasy, and his expression and tone appeared extraordinarily polite.

And Ye Ming just wanted to find out if the guest in Room 508 was Chen Yi just now, but he knew that in general hotels, people other than the Public Security Bureau would not check the room registration information, so he had an idea and thought of it. On the pretext of verifying the tax source, they took out their own "Tax Inspection Certificate" under the guise of selfishness, but unexpectedly alarmed their general manager.

Now that the play has reached this stage, Ye Ming is too embarrassed to explain the truth, so he has to make a fake show and smile to Manager Zhao: "Mr. Zhao, you are welcome, there is no need to make tea. Please ask the waiter to bring the nearest Show me the guest room registration book for a week, I just want to know your room occupancy rate, and calculate your approximate monthly turnover, it won’t take long.”

Manager Zhao thought that he really wanted to embarrass the hotel, and he was even more anxious-he heard from a friend of the Local Taxation Bureau that the new leader of the First Sub-bureau was young, but he had a strong background and a strong background. We are moving vigorously, and are now making great efforts to rectify the tax environment, and are planning to investigate and deal with some taxpayers who have long-term tax evasion and evasion as typical cases.

What he was worried about was: if Ye Ming had any opinion on the hotel and arranged some people to check the accounts, the "two sets of accounts" of his hotel might be exposed, which would be even worse!If he is identified as "tax evasion", he, the person in charge, may be imprisoned...

Therefore, after listening to Ye Ming's request, his expression became more respectful, and while ordering the waiter to show Ye Ming the "Passenger Registration Book", he patted Ye Ming's shoulder affectionately and said, "Director Ye, you Take a look here, I'll go up and close the door, and then I'll come down."

Ye Ming nodded, took the "Passenger Registration Book" handed over by the waiter, and couldn't wait to look through it.

He first turned to today's pages, found room 508, and looked at the name registered on it. It was called "Yin Kaibing", 45 years old, male.

When he saw this name, he breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and his depressed mood suddenly became brighter. At the same time, he secretly blamed himself: Ye Ming, Ye Ming, you and Sister Chen Yi have known each other for so long. What about her?How could she do such a thing?Is your thinking too nasty and sorry for sister Chen Yi?

While blaming himself like this, Ye Ming flipped to November 11th, wanting to see Chen Yi's registration information.

However, he searched carefully for a long time, but did not find Chen Yi's name.

So, he raised his head in doubt, and asked the waiter at the front desk: "Miss, is there anything missing in your registration book?"

There was a look of panic on the waiter's face, he was taken aback for a moment, and then replied with a guilty conscience: "Sir, we register according to the facts every day, and there will be no omissions!"

Ye Ming's eyes were so sharp. Although the panic expression on the waiter's face was only fleeting, he was sensitively captured immediately.

However, he didn't say anything more, and handed the register book back to the waiter without saying a word.

Then, he walked to a corner of the lobby, called Liu Pengcheng, and asked him to call the special administrator in charge of the self-employed "Qingquan Hotel", bring all the documents, put on his uniform, and issue a "tax inspection notice" and hurried to Qingquan Hotel.

It turned out that he had just seen that there was no Chen Yi's name on the registration book, and he immediately realized sensitively: this hotel probably made two sets of accounts, one set of fake accounts was for the public to be inspected by the tax department; It is for the shareholders of the hotel to see, and it is also the basis for dividends and profits.

Therefore, this hotel is suspected of major tax evasion!

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