Seeing that Chen Yi agreed to visit Chen Mengqi's house, Ye Ming couldn't say anything more, so he looked at Chen Yi with a helpless expression on his face, winked at her, and showed a wry smile on his face.

At this moment, Chen Mengqi's cell phone beeped twice, and someone sent a message.

Chen Mengqi picked up the phone and looked at the message, suddenly frowned, looked up at Ye Ming, and said angrily, "Brother, what does your classmate named Su Han mean? We talked with him in the provincial capital. From the beginning of the breakup, they called me every day, or sent me a few text messages, and invited me to go to the provincial capital for a while, saying that they would invite me to dinner and play; after a while, they asked me if I would like to receive him, saying that he was going to ask for leave Laixin looked at me coldly; after a while, he said inexplicably that he was going to break up with his current girlfriend, let me give him a reference. The text messages he sent were also things like poetry showing off his talents, or some Joke. I told him several times not to call me or send me messages when he was fine, but he never stopped. Look, now he sent me another inexplicable text message, I want to call Go and question him."

After speaking, he handed her phone to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming took her mobile phone and saw that it said: "Qiqi, I have nothing to do, I happened to think of the words of Xin Qiji's "Sapphire Case Yuanxi", and thought it fit my mood very well, so I recorded it, Share with you: "Dongfeng puts flowers and thousands of trees at night, and blows them down. Stars are like rain. BMW carved cars are fragrant all over the road, the wind is rustling, the jade pot is turning, and fish and dragons dance all night. E'erxue willow golden strands, full of laughter Go to the dark fragrance. The crowd searched for him thousands of times, and suddenly I looked back, but the man was there, in a dimly lit place."

At this time, Chen Yi, who was sitting on Ye Ming's left, also turned her head to read the text message.After reading it, she looked at Chen Mengqi with a smile and said, "Qiqi, congratulations! You are a great talent! And judging from what you just said and the poem he sent you today , this great talent is ready to pursue you! Take a look: "The crowd searched for him thousands of times, and suddenly I looked back, but the man was there, in a dimly lit place." This meaning is too obvious: he thinks his current girlfriend is not It's not the person he really likes, only when he met you did he suddenly realize that you are his true love... Am I right in my analysis?"

Chen Mengqi blushed, took a look at Ye Ming, and said dissatisfiedly: "Brother, the first time I saw your classmate, I thought he was a bit unnatural, he looked sinister, he looked like he was going to die, and when he spoke It's also yin and yang, and it sounds uncomfortable... Such a person, I think you should be more on guard in the future, and don't associate with him when you come in."

Ye Ming smiled and said: "Qiqi, I know Su Han. He is usually a bit sour. He likes to show off his talents and learning, and he is also a bit disrespectful. However, he came from a poor family and passed the exam with his own ability. The municipal government of the provincial capital is about to be promoted to deputy director soon, and it also has certain talents and abilities. I guess the reason why he often calls and texts you is because you are the niece of Deputy Mayor She. He wants to curry favor with you and ask you to give him a few good words in front of Deputy Mayor She. As for other ideas, I don’t think he will. If you don’t like him calling or sending messages, when you refuse him Try to be as tactful as possible. He is narrow-minded, loves to hold grudges, and will take revenge, so if it’s not a matter of principle, you don’t need to offend him. After all, he is still your uncle’s secretary now. You don’t look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha. , to save your uncle's face, there is no need to turn against him, right?"

In fact, Ye Ming saw it in the provincial capital: Su Han really has some thoughts about Chen Mengqi, which can be judged from the way he looks at Chen Mengqi.Moreover, he took a fancy to Chen Mengqi, largely due to the fact that Chen Mengqi is She Chuming's niece and the daughter of billionaire Chen Yuanqiao. ...

However, Ye Ming never speaks ill of his relatives, friends and classmates, no matter how they are related, behind their backs, and likes to hide evil and promote good.Therefore, even though he knew that Su Han called and texted Chen Mengqi with the intention of "Sima Zhao's heart—everyone knows", he was still trying to comfort Chen Mengqi.

Seeing Ye Ming consoling Chen Mengqi, Chen Yi showed an indifferent smile, and said, "Director Ye, a man should be open-minded and tolerant, but he must have a bottom line. You can't blindly be a good gentleman and blindly tolerate and give in." , otherwise, it will be considered a cowardly and incompetent performance. I, a bystander, can see what your classmate did: he definitely wants to take away love and take Kiki away from you If you tolerate him in this kind of matter, and even defend him, then there are only two possibilities: either you are afraid of your classmate and dare not offend him; or you don’t have deep feelings for Qiqi , with an attitude of indifference, and doesn't care about other boys pursuing her... I'm speaking directly, so don't take offense, you two!"

Before Ye Ming could answer, Chen Mengqi let out a "hum" from her nose, stretched out her arms and hugged Ye Ming's arm tightly, leaned her head on his shoulder, and said with disdain, "He came to chase me? Hmph, I don't take care of my own shadow. I will never marry in my life, and I will never marry a villain like him who is neither yin nor yang... Sister Chen Yi, brother Ye is not afraid of him, nor does he care about me, he It's because he really doesn't want to speculate on his classmates with malice, and it's also because he is afraid that I will offend the people around my uncle, so he comforts me like that. Brother Ye is really a gentleman, and that's what I like most about him!"

Chen Yi looked at Chen Mengqi's happy and intoxicated expression when she leaned on Ye Ming, and her proud and proud tone when she said Ye Ming was a gentleman, and couldn't help feeling mixed in her heart: This little girl is not only beautiful and gentle, but also I'm afraid that his feelings for Ye Ming are no worse than his own.If I am not married now, and I want to compete with her for Ye Ming at the same time, I am afraid that I may not be able to compete with her to win...

While Ye Ming and the others were sitting in the box chatting about Su Han, Xia Feifei was dressing up in the room where her sister rested at night on the second floor of the hotel.

Just now, she took the opportunity of chasing Monk Hua and hurriedly dragged her twin sister Xia Lulu along, and went upstairs to this small room. As soon as she entered the door, she looked in the mirror, first at her own face, and saw that part of the powder she put on in the morning had fallen off. , the lipstick was a little faded, so she asked her sister to quickly take out the makeup box, and then began to apply powder, trace eyebrows and lips carefully.

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