Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 229 Review of County Party Secretary

Even Secretary Lu himself didn't figure out why he suddenly thought of Ye Ming when he passed by Xinleng County.

Ever since he met Ye Ming before the "National Commendation Conference for the Advanced Individuals for the Righteousness and Bravery", Secretary Lu's handsome and sunny face would pop up in his mind from time to time.

This face shocked him very much at that time: because the facial features on his face and his expression when he smiled were very similar to Zhao Han when he was young.Moreover, when Ye Ming answered his own question, the tone and intonation with a slight local accent were similar to Zhao Han's.

For so many years, Zhao Han's delicate, beautiful, gentle and kind smiling face has been deeply engraved in his mind.After so many years of precipitation, he can clearly remember every subtle feature on that beautiful face.Moreover, some very attractive qualities contained in this face, such as sunshine, freshness, kindness, enthusiasm, etc., have been deeply ingrained in his mind.

And the moment he saw Ye Ming, Secretary Lu felt the same characteristics as Zhao Han's face from his smiling face...

Therefore, he always had a thought: this young man named Ye Ming seems to have some kind of mysterious inner connection with Zhao Han.

However, the meeting with Ye Ming was too hasty, and I learned that Ye Ming and his mother were both from Xinleng County, so I didn't have time to ask about his mother's situation carefully.

Later, he specially asked his secretary to find a copy of Ye Ming's advanced deeds. After looking at his birth date, he knew that he was 25 years old, so he judged that this could not be Zhao Han's child—because he and Zhao Han They also happen to be more than 25 years apart.With Zhao Han's character and her love for her, it is impossible to get married immediately after breaking up with her and have a child immediately.If Zhao Han wants to marry and have children, it should be three or four years after he left school.

Therefore, if Ye Ming is really the child of Zhao Han and someone else, he should be in his early twenties at most, not 25 years old...

It was precisely because of this preconceived judgment that Secretary Lu felt that Ye Ming could not be Zhao Han's child.The resemblance of Ye Ming's facial features and demeanor to Zhao Han's is purely coincidental - because, after all, there are many people in the world who look alike between two strangers, and it's not surprising.

Therefore, he did not arrange for Xu Lizhong to investigate the specific situation of Ye Ming and his mother.

However, when passing by Xinleng County today, he suddenly thought of Ye Ming again.

At the same time, because he has not received any news or clues about Zhao Han for several days, he is also very depressed and disappointed. Therefore, at this moment, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind: to stay in Xinleng County for a few hours, and then In the name of being an advanced individual, meeting and condolences, I called Ye Ming over, looked at his face that was very similar to Zhao Han, and chatted to resolve my longing for Zhao Han...

When Shen Youbin, secretary of the Xinleng County Party Committee, got into the car a little excitedly and a little nervously, Secretary Lu smiled kindly and shook hands with him, and said cordially: "You are Comrade Shen Youbin! Let's lead the way, find a quieter place, and listen to your preparations for Xinleng County's application for the second batch of resource-exhausted cities in the country."

With great difficulty, Shen Youbin suppressed his beating heart, tried his best to look unaffected, with a humble smile on his face, and said: "Secretary Lu, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to listen to us. Thanks for your report, and thank you for your concern about our county’s declaration of resource-exhausted cities. With your care and support, I believe that our county’s declaration of resource-exhausted cities will be successful. I will go to the front to lead you, let’s go together Xinleng Hotel. It was our original county party committee guest house, it is relatively quiet, and the food tastes good!"

Secretary Lu nodded and said: "Comrade Xiao Shen, we will have lunch at the guest house, but you must pay attention to the standards and don't set a table with big fish and meat. As for the standards, I think you know. After dinner Let's go, don't arrange a room to rest, we have to rush to Shizhu County."

Shen Youbin agreed again and again, then got out of the car and got into a small car in front, leading the way to Xinleng Hotel.

Secretary Lu listened to Shen Youbin's report on Xinleng County's application for the national "resource-exhausted city" in the conference room on the third floor of the VIP Building of Xinleng Hotel, and then asked about the direction and goals of the county's industrial transformation, as well as specific measures. .Shen Youbin gave detailed answers one by one.

Secretary Lu saw that he had a clear mind, a clear expression, and a thorough and thorough grasp of various data, knowledge and policies related to industrial transformation, with an expression of appreciation on his face. He felt that the young secretary of the county party committee was really good. No wonder he was young He easily became a member of the prefecture-level municipal party committee at the deputy department level.

Shen Youbin's report lasted for more than an hour and ended at nearly 11 o'clock.

At this time, Secretary Lu suddenly asked: "Comrade Xiao Shen, not long ago, the Civilization Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a commendation meeting for advanced individuals who acted bravely and rewarded ten advanced individuals who acted righteously and bravely in our province. I remember a young man named Ye Ming, It belongs to your Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau. This young man is very good, and his deeds are also very typical and representative. I would like to ask: Has your county committee commended Comrade Ye Ming accordingly? Have you publicized his excellence? Deeds?"

Shen Youbin was stunned for a moment, and his face turned red: It turned out that although he knew that there was an "advanced individual" in Xinleng County, he was received by Secretary Lu.However, at first, he felt that Ye Ming's honor was declared by the local tax system.The local tax system is also a semi-vertical management unit, and generally the cadres manage themselves.Therefore, Ye Ming's honor should be vigorously publicized within their system, and the local government only needs to commend it accordingly, which has not attracted enough attention from him;

Secondly, for the past ten days, he has been thinking and arranging how to find ways to meet Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee, although the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee has shown him the commendation document of the Civilization Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and asked for his opinion , asked the county if it wanted to commend and publicize Ye Ming's deeds.But he is not in the mood now, so he told the Minister of Propaganda that the matter of promoting Ye Ming should wait for a while.

Unexpectedly, Secretary Lu would suddenly ask about this matter now, which caught him off guard for a while, and then he said apologetically, "Secretary Lu, I want to review this matter with you and Secretary Qing. Although Comrade Ye Ming is a cadre of the local taxation system, he is still from our Xinleng County. We should commend and reward him as soon as possible, and vigorously publicize his outstanding deeds. However, due to too many things at the end of the year, this matter Our county party committee delayed it a bit, and the main responsibility lies with me, the squad leader."

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