Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 240 Meet in the Next Life

Xu Lizhong secretly observed Secretary Lu's face, and saw that he was staring at the tomb in the wild grass without blinking. His expression was sad, his eyes were moist, and his burly body seemed to be trembling slightly. Knowing that he was very emotional at the moment, he said Without saying a word, he led him around some thorns and thatch, along a faintly visible path, and came to the front of the tombstone.

Then, Xu Lizhong put down the bag he was carrying, and took out incense candles, a lighter, three apples, three oranges, three pears, three small plates, three small wine glasses, a bottle of wine, and a letter of five thousand. Loud firecrackers.

When he touched the woolen coat, Xu Lizhong hesitated for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Sir, can you take out this coat?"

Secretary Lu glanced at the woolen coat, nodded and said, "Take it out. Besides, you put the firecrackers in, don't set them off, and don't disturb her lucid dreams... She was very clean and didn't like too lively things. place!"

Speaking of this, the tears in his eyes finally couldn't be controlled, big ones dripped down, and his voice was a little choked up at the same time.

Xu Lizhong also felt sore in his heart, and his eyes began to moisten.

After putting all the things upright, Xu Lizhong knew that what Secretary Lu was going to do next was an extremely secret mourning ceremony, even if he was as close as himself, it might not be appropriate to watch from the sidelines, so he stood sensibly He got up, patted the dust off his hands, and said, "Chief, I'll go down and check first to see if anyone is coming up the mountain. Call me when you're done with your work, and I'll come up right away."

Although Secretary Lu had great trust in Xu Lizhong, he also knew that even if he knew the inside story, he would never let it out.However, he guessed that he would be very painful and sad later, and he didn't want Xu Lizhong to see his fragile and soft side; at the same time, he also knew that Xu Lizhong was an extremely cautious person, and he would not easily pry into other people's secrets, Therefore, if he does not let him go, he may still feel uneasy in his heart.

Therefore, he nodded and said: "You can go to check it. In addition, you can tell the police comrades below: If there are villagers who want to go up the mountain, they only need to persuade them with good words and ask them to wait." Now, don't scare them, let alone use violence. You go!"

After Xu Lizhong left the small soil flat and disappeared on the mountain road below, Secretary Lu bent down, rearranged the small plates containing apples, pears, and oranges, lit the incense candles with a lighter, and put the three small wine glasses Fill up with red wine.

Then, amidst the wisps of smoke, he suddenly knelt down on the cement foundation in front of the tombstone, kowtowed three times respectfully, and murmured in a low and mournful voice: "Zhao Han, my love! My wife!" I'm here, I'm here to see you... I have never kneeled before anyone except my parents in my life. However, in the face of your undead, I must kneel down and kowtow to make amends... Zhao Han, I am a sinner! I have ruined your life's happiness and your life's future... You think of everything for me, plan everything for me, but you don't think of yourself... How do you want me to bear you? This great love? How do you want me to repay your affection that is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea?... Zhao Han, my love! Your soul is not far away, have you seen me? Hear my words Is it? The sinner Luyuan came to see you and come to plead guilty to you... Today is December 12, which is your birthday. I brought you a birthday gift that was over twenty years late. You have knowledge in Jiuquan, you must accept this gift. It is the midwinter season, and it must be very cold over there. I hope this gift can shelter you from the wind and rain over there, and bring you a little warmth and comfort ..."

When he said this, he had already choked up, covered his cheeks with his hands, and tears of grief rolled down...

After kneeling and crying silently for a few minutes, Secretary Lu straightened up with difficulty, took out a tissue to wipe away the tears, and then bent down to look carefully at the granite tombstone.

The top and bottom of this tombstone are round, and above it is an oval stele eaves, which can keep out the wind and rain.

Under the eaves of the stele is a posthumous photo pasted with porcelain.The photos may have been carefully selected by Zhao Han and asked Ye Ming to post them after her death.In the photo, Zhao Han is still 20 years old, with a refreshing ponytail hairstyle, a sweet smile on his face, clear and bright eyes, as if he is looking affectionately at Lu Zhiyao who is lying in front of the tombstone... …

When Lu Zhiyao saw this photo, his heart ached again: this photo was the first single photo that Zhao Han gave him when they were in college, and it was also the photo that Zhao Han was most satisfied with— ——Obviously, she wants to leave her most beautiful image on her tombstone, hoping that the lover she has always missed in her heart can come here to see her one day, and can recall the good times they spent together... …

When Secretary Lu moved his gaze to the epitaph under the photo, his eyes suddenly widened, and his heart jumped wildly again.

I saw a few lines of poems engraved on the smooth granite from right to left: "The mountain is high and the road is far away, and the longing is long; after this death, I will be buried in Donggang; the deer sings, don't be sad or hurt; the soul is there You know, it will always be in the north!"

This poem must have been written by Zhao Han when she knew she was going to die, and her epitaph is also her last moment of life, a desperate love letter to Lu Zhiyao who is far away—in this poem In it, not only the name "Luyuan" was embedded, but also told him: She has been thinking about him all her life, although "the mountain is high and the road is far away", this kind of thinking has never been interrupted; after her death, she must Bury her in Donggang, let her be under the Nine Springs, and be able to look to the north all the time...

What makes Secretary Lu even more sad is that even when she was about to die, she still comforted him, asking him to "don't be sad or hurt" after learning of her death, and told him affectionately: If After her death, her soul has knowledge, and she will always be tied by his side...

This simple and straightforward little poem, like a tender dagger, pierced deeply into Secretary Lu's already sore heart, making him burst into tears again in an instant, and couldn't help hugging That piece of cold granite tombstone, stretched out his lips, kissed Zhao Han's photo on the porcelain, choked up and said: "Han, you are so kind and want me not to be sad or hurt , but I can't do it... I'm a party member, a materialist, but, you know? I really want a person to have a soul after death, and I really want to be able to reincarnate after death and recognize each other If there is a soul, Zhao Han, you must wait for me over there! I can't marry you in this life, I can't be a husband and wife with you, then we will meet in the next life..."

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