Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 243 Important Instructions

Lei Bo couldn't care less about arguing with Ye Ming at this time, and continued to point his gun at Ye Ming, then turned his head and shouted to the two policemen who were following behind: "Go over and handcuff him! Bring him to the nearby police later!" Go to the police station and let the local police hold him accountable for obstructing his official duties!"

Ye Ming was pointed at the top of his head by three guns, and he was charged with "obstructing the execution of official duties" by Lei Bo. Although he was very angry, he couldn't resist, so he could only "wheeze" and let the A policeman handcuffs himself.

Knowing that Ye Ming's martial arts skills are extremely high, after handcuffing him, Lei Bo was still worried, and ordered the two policemen to hold Ye Ming's head with a submachine gun to prevent him from resisting or continuing to run up the mountain.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the mountain road: "What are you doing? Let him go!"

Lei Bo was startled and looked up, and saw Secretary Lu standing at the turn of the mountain road about two meters away, staring at Ye Ming, who was handcuffed and had a gun pointed to his head, his face was purple with anger, his eyes The anger in it can almost ignite the dead branches nearby.

It turned out that when Xu Lizhong caught up with Secretary Lu just now, the two of them were hurrying to the foot of the mountain when they suddenly heard two gunshots of "bang bang" from below.

Xu Lizhong was taken aback, and instinctively jumped in front of Secretary Lu to stop him, then took out his pistol, and searched around vigilantly with his eyes, and saw that there was nothing unusual, and the gunshots did not go off again. Just relaxed a little.

When Secretary Lu saw him blocking him, he pushed him away with his hands and said, "Xiao Xu, why are you nervous? In such a barren mountain, is it possible that someone will rush over to assassinate him? If I guess right, It should be that someone forcibly broke into the mountain, and the comrades of the police were unable to stop them, so they fired warning shots. Moreover, the person who forcibly broke through the barrier is most likely Ye Ming!"

Secretary Lu has been in the officialdom for decades, and his ability to judge the situation and analyze problems has long been comparable to others.Therefore, he guessed the reason for the gunshot in a moment, and immediately pushed Xu Lizhong away, and walked down at a faster pace.

When seeing Ye Ming being put on the head with a gun and still wearing handcuffs, for some reason, Secretary Lu only felt a pang of distress and pity, and the anger in his heart also surged up, so he uttered that roar ...

Xu Lizhong already knew at this time: Even if this young man named Ye Ming is not the son of Secretary Lu, he must have a deep relationship with him.Secretary Lu has such a deep affection for his mother, so he will definitely not let him be wronged or bullied.

Therefore, he passed by Secretary Lu, ran to Lei Bo, and said with a livid face: "Captain Lei, what do you mean by this? I didn't tell you repeatedly: For the villagers who want to go up the mountain, they can only speak well." Do you want to persuade me not to be rough? Why did you fire warning shots and handcuff this little brother? If this is spread, what kind of bad influence will it have on the reputation of the chief? Have you ever thought about it?"

When Lei Bo saw that Secretary Lu was angry, he was already speechless with fright.At this moment, hearing what Xu Lizhong said again, I was even more flustered, and stammered to explain: "Chief, Director Xu, we just shot as a last resort: this little brother is very skilled, and he doesn't listen to dissuasion. I insisted on forcibly rushing up the mountain. I saw that he was very skilled, but I didn't know his origin and details. I was afraid that he would be harmful to the chief if he went up, so I had to fire a warning shot. Please forgive me!"

As he said that, he shouted to the two policemen who were standing there in a daze: "What are you still doing in a daze? Quickly take off his handcuffs."

After listening to his defense, Secretary Lu knew that he also had good intentions to protect himself, and he was very proud and proud when he heard his son repeatedly praised his son for being very skilled and skilled, so his face softened, and he walked over to pat him. Ye Ming's shoulders, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and said: "My child, look at you, are you eager to go up the mountain to visit your mother's grave? Do you know what I just went up for?"

Ye Ming just saw Secretary Lu appearing on the path down the mountain, he was in a state of surprise, he didn't know that he was a dignified secretary of the provincial party committee, so early in the morning he ran to this tomb with only his mother and nothing else What are you doing on the barren hills?

At this moment, seeing him asking himself this question again, he shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Secretary Lu smiled again and said, "I went to the grave just now. You must be very surprised, aren't you? Let me tell you why: Yesterday at noon, when you told me about your mother's deeds, I heard I was very touched: Your mother is amazing! A girl in her prime, capable and talented, can come to teach in this remote rural middle school with peace of mind, and she has been teaching for decades. After leaving, I was not moved by the hustle and bustle of the outside world, glitz, fame and fortune, sticking to my ideals and beliefs, dedicating my life to the cause of rural education, and finally fell on the podium in the classroom. This dedication and dedication Attitude is something that every comrade should learn from. Today, I was just about to go to Wantou Town for research, so I stopped by to visit your mother's grave first, to express my respect for your mother!"

When Secretary Lu started to say these words, Qing Tao, Shen Youbin and others had already rushed here out of breath—it turned out that they rushed to Wantou Town Middle School at [-]:[-] in order not to keep Secretary Lu waiting for a long time , and parked the car at the school gate, waiting for Secretary Lu to pass by.

However, as soon as they got out of the car, they heard two gunshots of "bang bang" from the opposite mountain.

At this moment, Qing Tao, Shen Youbin and the others all turned pale with fright: they had already seen Secretary Lu's No. [-] car and the police car, and estimated that Secretary Lu was near the small hill, and they might have gone up the hill.Now there are gunshots over there for no reason, if something happens to Secretary Lu, then none of them can escape responsibility...

So, after the gunshot, they ran over to the hill as fast as they could.When they saw Secretary Lu standing on the mountain path safe and sound, talking to Ye Ming, their hanging hearts were relieved...

The reason why Secretary Lu wanted to explain at such a lengthy length was that Ye Ming would doubt his real intention of coming to the grave on the mountain and guess something, so he found a high-sounding excuse and took the opportunity to praise Ye Han sincerely. After a while.

Secretary Lu's praise was originally a temporary idea to persuade Ye Ming.

Unexpectedly, Qing Tao and Shen Youbin heard a little implication from his words.When he started to praise Ye Han, the two of them quickly took out the small notebooks and pens they carried with them, and began to quickly record the "important instructions" of Secretary Lu...

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