Ye Ming knows that people like Chen Guoguang who are domineering and perverting the law exist to varying degrees in every department, and he has seen several of them himself, so he is not surprised.The reason why he called Tao Yong to complain about Chen Guoguang was that his arrogant attitude was so infuriating. When he said he wanted to complain about him, he actually said, "If you don't sue, you are my grandson." "—How does this look like the director of a police station?He's just a gangster on the street...

Therefore, when he heard Tao Yong say on the phone that he wanted Chen Guoguang to come back and apologize to him, he really didn't want to see his pockmarked, fierce and snobbish face again.Therefore, he said to Tao Yong: "County Tao, I am calling you today, just to remind you that a policeman like Chen Guoguang, especially because he is a grassroots leader of your Public Security Bureau, has such poor quality. , Blatantly violating police regulations and openly protecting lawbreakers, this will have a great negative impact on the image of your public security system. Therefore, I think you should strengthen education for him, restrain his words and deeds, and don't let him outside Such arrogance and domineering made the common people mistakenly think that your public security system is full of unqualified people like him. As for you saying that you want them to come back and apologize to me now, I think it is unnecessary: ​​they are all gone now, you can Calling them back to apologize to me is also duplicity and unwillingness, what's the point? I think it's better to forget it!"

Ye Ming is a person who likes to hide evil and promote good. Although he sometimes acts impulsively, when it comes to other people's sexuality or reputation issues, he will be very cautious and cautious. Don't easily label others and file a complaint.

For example, now, even though he hates and is very angry with Chen Guoguang, he also wants Tao Yong to punish him a little bit so that he can learn a lesson.However, he did not tell what Li Jinhai said on the phone about the benefits Chen Guoguang and the police officers from the station police station had at the Lvye Restaurant, and the private distribution of the 2 yuan invoices they reported at the restaurant every year.Because he felt: After all, these things are just Li Jinhai's one-sided words. Before there is no definite evidence, he can't say such things in front of Chen Guoguang and others' immediate superiors.In that case, he would not only be irresponsible to Chen Guoguang and others, but also irresponsible to himself!

Tao Yong heard Ye Ming say that he would not let Chen Guoguang and others come over to apologize to him. He thought he was really angry and was talking ironically. He hurriedly expressed his determination and said: "Brother, thank you for reminding me. I know Chen Guoguang is a bastard." , with a horse face all day long, as if he has a grudge against everyone, he usually speaks very aggressively, and likes to lose his temper. I criticized him many times, but he just can't change his shit. But, on the other hand, , People like Chen Mazi have a straightforward personality. As long as you follow his hair and temper, he is also very bold and loyal, and he usually listens to me. So, Brother Ye, this time you Just look at my face, take care of him more, don't worry about him. I'll call him first, let them all come over, and apologize to you one by one. In two days, I will ask them to go to Sanduojin Let's go to Hua Restaurant to treat guests, and we will drink a few more glasses of wine together. To be honest: since we drank and sang that time, I really miss you, my brother! Hahaha!"

Ye Ming heard him say "brother", calling him very affectionately.And listening to his tone of excuse for Chen Guoguang, it is obvious that he and Chen Guoguang have an extraordinary relationship. At least, Chen Guoguang should be counted as one of his cronies.No wonder that Chen Mazi said that he was not afraid of anything, it turned out that he was relying on the backing of Tao Yong...

Thinking of this, Ye Ming sighed slightly, and said helplessly, "Mayor Tao, thank you!"

After Tao Yong hung up Ye Ming's phone, he immediately dialed Chen Guoguang's cell phone number.

Chen Guoguang had almost returned to the office at this time, and was talking about Ye Ming with Director Li and others in the car.

"That little bastard surnamed Ye, what is it? He actually showed his power in front of me. If I didn't see him performing official duties today, I would handcuff him to the prison for any reason, and don't make him a half-dead man. Not surnamed Chen!"

Chen Guoguang's lingering hatred for Ye Ming still persisted, and he was still gnashing his teeth in the car thinking about how to fix Ye Ming.

Director Li said coldly: "Chen Suo, that kid is very arrogant. I guess he is used to showing off his power among taxpayers. He is flattered and flattered by those self-employed all day long. I don't know how high the sky is. I took a look at the work card on his chest, it was just a small deputy director of the first branch. I think, since he doesn't give us face, we have to show him some color and let him know how many dogs Ma Wangye has. Eye."

Chen Guoguang turned his head from the passenger seat, squinted his eyes at him, and asked, "Old Li, tell me: How can we give him some color?"

Director Li smiled and said: "It's not easy? I have three strategies here, the top, the middle and the bottom. Chen Suo, you can choose one: the best strategy is to find a buddy at the Chengguan Police Station and ask him to send a few joint defense team members to follow the surname. Ye's boy. People like them in the oil and water department have money and leisure. They usually go to play cards, wash saunas, and prostitute girls. As long as they are followed once, they will catch him. Send him to the detention center for administrative detention for a few days, ruining his reputation, and your breath will be completely relieved!"

Chen Guoguang nodded and said, "Although this is good, it's just too troublesome. What's the middle strategy you're talking about?"

"The middle strategy is very simple: find a lady at any massage parlor in the East Railway Station, and ask her to tell that Director Ye of the First Sub-bureau of the Local Taxation Bureau once prostituted her and paid her some money. Then, we record the statement and send it to her." A summons notice was sent to the Local Taxation Bureau to summon the boy surnamed Ye for twelve hours for questioning in the name of suspected prostitution. Although it is impossible to convict him of prostitution because of insufficient evidence, at least it can It caused him a bad influence in the Bureau, and made him notorious from now on. As for the worst strategy, it is simpler: let any brother in the camp find a few hooligans on Dongzhan Street, give them a little favor, and ask them to keep an eye on him. That kid surnamed Ye, as soon as he is alone, go up and beat him up immediately, and give us a bad breath, that's fine."

Just as Director Li said this, the cell phone in Chen Guoguang's pocket suddenly rang.

Chen Guoguang took out his mobile phone, looked at the number on it, and was so frightened that he hurriedly "shushed" the people in the car, and whispered, "Don't make any noise, it's the big boss!"

After the car became quiet, Chen Guoguang pressed the answer button. With a flattering smile on his pockmarked face, he said in a low voice, "Hi, boss! What instructions do you have?"

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