After the group entered the box and sat down, Xia Feifei, who had been following them, suddenly leaned over to Xia Jiao's ear and said, "Jiaojiao, come out with me."

Xia Jiao followed her to the outside of the box.Xia Feifei looked around and saw that no one was around, so she lowered her voice and asked, "Jiaojiao, what's the matter with you today? Just now I saw you and that Yuan Wanwan are very close, are you together? You little girl, when I asked you if you were going to be his second hair, you not only refused to admit it, but also scolded me. Now? You hooked up with him without making a sound... Hurry up Tell me honestly: what benefits did he give you, what did he promise you? Let me remind you: he has a wife, so don't really put any affection on him, and you will be the one who will suffer!"

Xia Feifei was sincerely doing good for Xia Jiao, for fear that she would be deceived and abandoned by Yuan Wanwan after playing with her.

Xia Jiao blushed, and said impatiently: "Sister Feifei, you don't need to take care of my affairs, I have my own discretion. I am already notorious now anyway, so what is there to suffer? I am innocent. Just because I have sat on the stage and because I am a young lady, I don’t want to give it to others for nothing, and I still have to be scolded and ridiculed by him. What should I worry about? I have only now understood: what comes out of the mud without being stained , that's all bullshit! As long as you get stuck in the mud, you will be considered black even if you are white. Since this is the case, it is better to be realistic. If you want to be black, you will be black to the end. What is so great? Others can Relying on my face and youth to make a lot of money, why can't I? It's not that I'm arrogant. With my looks and conditions, if I let it go, it shouldn't be a big deal to make tens of millions a year. Question!"

Xia Feifei heard that her tone was full of resentment, and then she suddenly realized: This little girl, I made it for Ye Ming on purpose today, it is a kind of self-destructive idea: Don't you, Ye Ming, think that I am a sell?Then I will simply let you misunderstand. I am not only "selling", but now I am also the "two hairs" of the big boss. What else can you say?

Xia Feifei knows that Xia Jiao is a strong girl with a high spirit, strong self-esteem, and can't bear the slightest grievance, and she dares to love and hate. If she hates Ye Ming, she might do something stupid.

Therefore, she persuaded tactfully: "Jiaojiao, I know you were wronged by Director Ye last time, and you were misunderstood by him, so you were angry. But, you can't give up on yourself! You know very well: I Although I have been in the romantic place for many years, I have always kept my body clean. Like you, I am still an innocent person. However, in the eyes of others, I don’t know how slutty and corrupt a woman I am! You see Have I complained about anything? No! Therefore, I advise you to put your mind on a little bit. Since you have a bottom line and a principle in your heart, you must stick to it to the end, never cross the bottom line, and never give up the principle. In this case, we Only in the future can there be a good result.

As for Yuan Wanwan, I think he is quite kind. If you really like him, then seriously ask him about his plans, whether it is possible to divorce and marry you.If he promises to divorce and marry you, then you follow him; if not, then no matter how much money he gives you, no matter how much benefits he promises you, you should not be fooled.There is a saying that "a man can live on, a sow can climb a tree", he may coax you with sweet words now, once he gets you, he will abandon you like shit.I have seen this kind of tragedy too much, I hope you will think about it! "

Xia Jiao lowered her head and remained silent. After being silent for a while, seeing that Xia Feifei didn't say anything else, she walked into the box without saying a word.

Yuan Wanwan had been fidgeting waiting for Xia Jiao to come in. After she sat back in her seat, she immediately reached out and took her hand.Xia Jiao originally wanted to get rid of him, but when she saw Chen Mengqi who was opposite Ye Ming, who was holding arms with Ye Ming affectionately, with her head slightly leaning on his shoulder, she couldn't help feeling jealous and hatred again, and she Let Yuan Wanwan grab his hand.

At this moment, the door of the box opened suddenly, and a man in his fifties with gray hair and a Chinese character face appeared at the door of the box, with an unnatural smile on his face, he greeted Li Botang who was sitting opposite the door : "Botang, I heard that you and Director Ye are eating in this box, so I came here specially to eat."

Ye Ming looked up, and his face immediately changed: It turned out that this man was Kang Wenxiang who had a big fight with him in the hospital this afternoon.

When he recognized Kang Wenxiang, he changed his mind and immediately understood: today's dinner is a scene directed by Li Botang and his son: in their name, ask him out.Then, Kang Wenxiang unexpectedly appeared in the box, making it difficult for him not to eat at the same table as him.

Although he didn't know why Kang Wenxiang did this, it was certain that Li Botang and his son wanted to be lobbyists today.As for myself, I don't want to get in touch with Kang Wenxiang and his son at all, and I never want to make peace with them—this pair of father and son are so arrogant, so arrogant, and so lawless. How much harm is done to others.What's more, now that Ouyang Ming is still in the hospital, if he makes peace with Kang Wenxiang and eats at the same table with him, wouldn't that be blatantly slapping him in the face?How will I face Ouyang Ming who took a shot for me in the future?

At this time, Li Botang also stood up with a smile on his face, went to the door and held Kang Wenxiang, and while walking inside, he introduced to the people in the box: "Everyone, this is my old classmate, the Municipal Intermediate People's Court." Vice President Mr. Kang Wenxiang."

When Yuan Wanwan heard that this unexpected visitor was the vice president of the Intermediate People's Court of S City, he was taken aback. He quickly stood up and greeted Kang Wenxiang with a nod and bow.

Ye Ming sat upright in his seat, without even looking at Kang Wenxiang.

Yuan Wanwan couldn't help being surprised when he saw that everyone in the box was sitting still except himself and Li Zhi who had stood up. He thought to himself that a vice president of the court came, why are these people so indifferent?Especially the deputy director of the local tax bureau, not only did not stand up to say hello, but also looked at his face, as if he dismissed the deputy director, his face was full of contempt, what is going on?

Seeing Ye Ming sitting there, Li Botang felt a little embarrassed, so he pulled Kang Wenxiang to him, and said with a smile, "Xiaoye, Dean Kang, you should have met! Come on, stand up and talk to Kang." Dean shake hands!"

When Kang Wenxiang was speaking in Li Botang, there was already a humble smile on his face, and he took the initiative to extend his hand to Ye Ming, and said, "Hello, Director Ye! I am here to apologize to you specially."

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