Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 310 in the mist

When Ye Ming heard Chen Mengqi's soft-spoken proposal, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, so why did he refuse: Ever since Chen Mengqi met him, she has always been helping him, such as paying Ouyang Ming's debts, finding a house for Chen Yi, Go out to eat or play for the first time and rush to pay the bill, buy yourself a few sets of high-end clothes every ten and a half months, and so on.As for himself, it seems that so far, he hasn't really helped her.

So, he hesitated and replied: "Qiqi, since you said so, then I will give it a try. However, I am not sure about this matter at all, so don't hold out too much hope. Also, even if This matter is done, and I don't want any commission from you. This is my bottom line, and I hope you agree. "

Hearing that he was willing to fight for it, Chen Mengqi was so happy that she hugged him around his neck, kissed him several times, and said cheerfully, "Brother, you are so kind! I knew you would promise me."

When she kissed Ye Ming, Chen Yi turned her head away, as if she was embarrassed to see this beautiful scene, but in fact, only she knew in her heart: she is jealous!

Yuan Wanwan was also very happy, and suddenly stood up, rushing to the bar to buy the bill.

Ye Ming chased him out to stop him, but it was too late.

Ye Ming wanted to pay him with money from his wallet, but the phone in his trouser pocket rang suddenly.He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Ouyang Ming calling.

"Yezi, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

"Convenient, you say it!"

"Let me tell you one thing: just now that Kang Genxin's father came to my ward again, and he was carrying a bag of money. It is estimated that there will be two to three hundred thousand in bundles of cash. He said it was used to compensate me. , Buy me nutrition and food. He also said: I hope I will not pursue his son’s shooting and wounding me in the future. As long as I promise to forgive his son, he is willing to give me another 30 yuan in cash.”

Ye Ming was taken aback, and shouted: "Director Ou, did you accept the money? You can't take it!"

Ou Yangming said displeasedly over there: "Yezi, who do you think I am? Although I am short of money, I can still tell right from wrong. Just now that Kang Wenxiang insisted on leaving the money on my bedside table, I grabbed the bag containing the money and threw it out, and told him: This matter cannot be settled with money. Moreover, I don’t want his nutrition expenses, my treatment expenses, I have to pay in advance from the local tax bureau. When the time comes, the court will decide who should come out. Seeing that I was very firm, he walked away in despair."

When Ye Ming heard this, he let out a long breath, and hurriedly said: "Director Ou, you are right. No matter what name the Kang family gave you, you can't accept it. Because you took money from his family. It means that you forgive Kang Genxin for shooting you. In that case, not only you and I will be passive in the future, but also the leaders in the bureau will be very passive. Director Zou told me yesterday: Kang Genxin held a gun A tax resistance case must be handled as a typical case, and must be reported to the municipal bureau, provincial bureau, and even the State Administration of Taxation. As for the criminal suspect Kang Genxin who resisted taxes with a gun, we must urge the judicial organs to bring him to justice. It should be punished according to the law, and public reports should be made to imitate others. If you accept this money, it will be difficult to say anything at that time."

Ouyang Ming hurriedly said: "Ye Zi, I know this, I know it well."

After the phone call, Ye Ming was very pleased with Ou Yangming's performance: It seems that his judgment of Ou Yangming was not wrong.Although he has one or another kind of shortcomings and flaws, he still has a clear head in the face of major issues of right and wrong, and can resist temptation: You know, he is most short of money now.If there is no concept of right and wrong, if Kang Wenxiang gave him several 10 yuan at once, he would definitely accept the money—because the money Kang Wenxiang gave him in the name of nutrition expenses.Even if he accepts it, no one can say anything about him.However, he resolutely refused, which proves that he has indeed reformed himself now, and wants to do his job well...

Because Chen Mengqi was going to sleep with Chen Yi at night, Ye Ming came to the County People's Hospital alone after eating, chatted with Ye Ming for a while, and then went home to rest.

When he was about to get off work the next morning, Ye Ming was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, but suddenly received a call from Xu Fei, the director of the Municipal Bureau, asking him to rush to the "Jinxiang Pavilion" near the Radio and Television Building to accompany him for dinner.

Ye Ming was a little surprised and asked: "Director Xu, when did you come to Xinleng? Why didn't I see you coming to the county bureau?"

Xu Fei chuckled and said, "Brother, I accompanied Mayor Wang down today. We just arrived, so we didn't come to your bureau. Director Zou and the others didn't know I was here. Don't tell me just now. They can come alone."

Ye Ming didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd, but he couldn't ask in detail, so he rushed to the "Jinxiang Pavilion" restaurant suspiciously, and asked the waiter to lead him to the third box.

Pushing open the box door, there were only two people sitting inside: one was Xu Fei, sitting on the left side, and the other was a tall, thin man with a relatively long face, big eyes, piercing eyes, a high bridge of nose, and skinny lips. Thin, looks like the kind of person who has honed his mouth all the year round and can speak well.

Seeing Ye Ming coming in, the man on the opposite side took the initiative to stand up, with a smile on his face, turned to look at Xu Fei, and asked, "Xiao Xu, is this little comrade Ye Ming Director Ye?"

Ye Ming had already heard from Xu Fei that he was here with Mayor Wang Xiuguang, so he guessed that he was Wang Xiuguang, but he didn't know why he was so polite, he stood up with a smile on his face, and called himself "Director Ye" , couldn't help being a little at a loss, and looked at Xu Fei, not daring to call that person without authorization.

Xu Fei hurriedly pulled him over, pointed to the tall and thin man, and said to him: "Xiaoye, this is Mayor Wang, he is here today to conduct a survey on the construction of financial resources, and he will go to the County Finance Office and Finance Bureau in the afternoon , the National Taxation Bureau and the Local Taxation Bureau. I have nothing to do at noon, so I specially call you to come over and have a light meal together."

When Ye Ming heard Xu Fei say that Wang Xiuguang called him here on purpose, he was startled, and quickly called Mayor Wang.

Wang Xiuguang shook hands with him enthusiastically, then pulled him to sit down next to him, then smiled and said, "Xiaoye, you should be familiar with this shop, come and order! I heard Director Xu say that you He has a lot of alcohol. How about the three of us bring a bottle of Wuliangye and have a few drinks together, okay? I am very happy to meet you, little brother today. Although I usually don’t drink at noon, but Make an exception today."

When Ye Ming saw that the mayor, whom he met for the first time, called himself "little brother" like Xu Fei, he was even more confused and confused about the situation.

(This chapter adds more VIP tickets for the book friend "Friendship Forever")

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