Xia Chuchu was not afraid of his father at all. Although his tone on the phone was very severe, he still laughed and said, "Dad, I'm at the gate of the Provincial Bureau! I'm having dinner at Uncle Li's house tonight, so I won't come back to eat." Lah! By the way, don’t you go to Uncle Li’s house for dinner? His family has a lot of delicious food to eat today! When the time comes, don’t regret it! Hee hee!”

Xia Bicheng had nothing to do with his precious daughter, so he had to slow down and say, "Chuchu, isn't your Uncle Li celebrating his birthday tomorrow? You are not afraid of Uncle Li and Aunt Li's jokes if you rescue him and go to his house for dinner today? Tell me: Are you with Ye Ming from Xinleng Land Tax Bureau?"

Xia Chuchu admitted straight away: "Yes, I'll be with him now, and I'm going to go to Uncle Li's house for dinner with him later. Or, you and your mother should come over too, Uncle Li's house is very lively today."

"Nonsense! Your mother has already prepared the meals, and she is waiting for you to go home to eat. Where are you? If you don't come back, I will ask Wang Yaozhong to take you home. Do you believe it?"

Xia Chuchu pouted and said, "Dad, why are you so fierce? Wang Yaozhong dares to come and take me home? Let me tell you: I'm in Secretary Lu's car now. If you lend Wang Yaozhong ten guts, he won't dare to go to the provincial party committee. Let the secretary’s car come up to drag you away! If you don’t believe me, come down and see for yourself!”

Secretary Lu frowned when he heard that she was unrestrained, and directly disclosed the news that he had come to the Land Tax Bureau to her father, but he soon felt relieved: This little girl really seems to have no city, and she is also I don't know any taboos at all, and say what I have, innocent, unrestrained, and unaffected.

And this kind of character is exactly what he likes and appreciates...

Xia Bicheng was taken aback when his daughter said that she was in Secretary Lu's car at the moment, and asked in disbelief, "Chuchu, what did you just say? Whose car are you in now?"

Xia Chuchu turned her head to look at Secretary Lu, saw that he still had a gentle smile on his face, and didn't seem to be angry, so she said emphatically, "I'm in the car of Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee, and I'm going to dinner at Uncle Li's house together. ...Dad, the efficiency of the gate guard at your gate is too low! Secretary Lu’s driver has been registered there for a long time, but he has not registered yet. Your local tax bureau is not a national security agency, why do you need such cumbersome registration procedures? ?”

When Xia Bicheng heard her affirm that he was in Secretary Lu's car, he couldn't help being very excited: If he can get on line with Secretary Lu, and with the support of Secretary Li, his future prospects will be too bright.Compared with Secretary Lu, Governor Qin and Secretary-General Wang, it means that the fire of fireflies is brighter than the sun!

So, he hurriedly said to Xia Chuchu: "Chuchu, go to the gate guard and tell them not to do any registration, and let them go immediately. Also, when you get to Uncle Li's house, tell him, just say me I also want to go to grab a meal. I will change my clothes first, and I will come over immediately."

At this time, Xia Bicheng had long forgotten about Xia Chuchu and Ye Ming being together, and immediately hung up the phone after telling Xia Chuchu.

Hearing her father's urgent tone, Xia Chuchu smiled secretly, closed the phone cover, and was about to get out of the car to talk to the guard, but saw Xu Lizhong had already completed the registration procedures and came up.

Before starting the car, Xu Lizhong muttered: "The door of the local tax bureau is more difficult to enter than the door of Zhongnanhai!"

Xia Chuchu laughed and said, "Brother, you don't know: not long ago, there was an explosion targeting national tax cadres in the capital city of a neighboring province. A gangster took advantage of a meeting of a branch of the National Tax Bureau and packed a homemade explosive put it on the wall outside the conference room, and detonated explosives, killing four national tax officials on the spot, and several others were injured. Since then, the provincial bureau has stepped up its guard. It took a long time to check. You don’t have a pass, and you’re not a family member, so it’s not bad to let your car in.”

Secretary Lu interjected: "Nowadays, the social security situation is relatively complicated, with all kinds of strange cases emerging one after another. It is also right for the local tax bureau to strengthen security measures. I really appreciate the serious and responsible attitude of your gate guards. If our civil servants If they are as serious and responsible as this doorman, and they are meticulous about their work, that would be fine."

The car drove straight into the family courtyard of the Local Taxation Bureau and stopped at the third family building.

Ye Ming got out of the car first, opened the car door for Secretary Lu, and stretched out a hand to help him get off.

Secretary Lu was very satisfied with his action and felt very warm, so he let him hold his right arm, walked out of the car door with a smile on his face, and patted him on the shoulder to show his encouragement and appreciation.

After Xia Chuchu came down from the front door, she happened to see the scene of Ye Ming bending over to help Secretary Lu, so she curled her lips contemptuously again, rolled Ye Ming's eyes a few times, and muttered softly: "Sycophant!"

Ye Ming is a martial artist with good ears, so even though Xia Chuchu said "sycophant" very softly, it still fell into his ears, making him dumbfounded.

Secretary Lu said to Xu Lizhong: "Xiao Xu, drive the car back first, go to the canteen and wait for my call after eating, and come pick me up then."

Ye Ming had a good impression of Xu Lizhong, a taciturn but seemingly very reliable and trustworthy elder brother, so he said to Secretary Lu: "Secretary Lu, let Director Xu go to Secretary Li's house to eat a little and forget it! This way in and out The doorman of the Land Taxation Bureau is very difficult to deal with, and if Director Xu comes back, it will be very troublesome."

Secretary Lu thought for a while, and felt that his words were very reasonable, so he said to Xu Lizhong: "You pull over the car and go up to dinner with us!"

In fact, Xu Lizhong really wanted to go to Secretary Li's house to have a meal with Secretary Lu - after all, although he was Secretary Lu's driver, he was also the deputy director of the first office of the Provincial Party Committee Office, and he was also regarded as an official. It would be an honor to be able to eat at the same table with the secretaries of the two standing committees at the same time.

So, when Ye Ming asked to keep him, although he didn't say anything, his eyes showed a grateful expression. He looked at Ye Ming meaningfully, nodded, and then pulled over the car. He got out of the car and followed Secretary Lu and the others to the elevator.

When walking towards the elevator entrance, Xia Chuchu walked quickly to Ye Ming, stretched out her hand to naturally take his arm, and walked forward with him, as if she wanted to demonstrate to Secretary Lu.

With embarrassment on his face, Ye Ming turned his head and said to Xia Chuchu in a low voice: "Didn't you say I'm a sycophant? Why are you so close to a sycophant?"

Xia Chuchu raised her eyebrows and answered him with one word: "Get out!"

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