Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 33 Noose

Xia Chuchu saw that Li Jingya also made a joke about her and Ye Ming, she felt shy and sweet at the same time, she kept looking towards Ye Ming, but saw him sitting seriously beside Secretary Li with a serious look on his face. With a polite and indifferent smile, it seemed that he didn't take the joke seriously at all, and he couldn't help being slightly disappointed.

In fact, just as Xia Chuchu guessed, Ye Ming never thought about the relationship he would have with Xia Chuchu at all, and he really didn't take these jokes seriously.In his mind, a gentle, quiet, virtuous and considerate woman like Chen Yi is his ideal lover.Although Xia Chuchu was cheerful, lively, beautiful and generous, she was indeed not her favorite type.

The more important point is: he feels that he and Xia Chuchu are very different in terms of family, social status and other aspects: he is just a small civil servant, while the other party is a well-known TV star host; he is a small county town The orphan of the provincial and local tax bureau, and the other party is the precious daughter of the head of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau...

Therefore, he thinks that it is absolutely impossible for Xia Chuchu to fall in love with himself, a "hillies" and "old turtle".Director Xu and the others were joking just now, but they just saw two young people with similar talents and looks together, just talking casually to add to the fun.And Xia Chuchu was interested in her only because she saved Secretary Li's life, so she felt very curious.Moreover, she is still wholeheartedly thinking of pulling herself on her "Lang Man Holding Hands" program, that's why she went to K city to visit her...

That morning, Ye Ming, Xia Chuchu and Xu Fei stayed at Secretary Li's house all the time, laughing and chatting with their family of three, and had lunch at his house, and then the three left and went out.

After walking downstairs, Xia Chuchu squinted at Ye Ming and asked, "You bumpkin, what are your plans for the afternoon? Do you want me to take you around the provincial capital to broaden your horizons?"

Ye Ming smiled and said, "Thank you, Ms. Xia, for your kindness! I really want to take Ms. Xia's luxury car and enjoy the streets and alleys of the provincial capital. Unfortunately, I have to go to the provincial bureau to do something, so I have to excuse myself."

Xia Chuchu let out a "hum" from her nose, then ignored him, got into the car and started the engine, and drove out of the courtyard of the provincial bureau's family like an arrow.

Ye Ming followed Xu Fei to his office.Xu Fei closed the door first, then made him a cup of tea, then sat on the sofa face to face with him, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Ye, thank you! You took me to Secretary Li's house today, and achieved the effect I expected. Next step , I already have plans, but I still need your recommendation and cooperation."

"What are your plans?"

Xu Fei smiled mysteriously, and said: "This will be kept secret for the time being, and you will understand when the time comes. Do you remember? When I was having dinner at Secretary Li's house just now, Chu Chu mentioned that Secretary Li's mother's birthday will be five days away. You were He also said that he was going to celebrate the old lady's birthday. On that day, you just ask me to go with you. "

Ye Ming nodded and said, "Okay. I have to go back to Xinleng County today, take a look at the situation there, and think about my future. I will come back on the old lady's birthday."

The next morning, Ye Ming showed up at the bureau on time at eight o'clock.

When signing in, Ye Ming found that his colleagues in the bureau suddenly became intimate with him. Everyone who saw him greeted him with a smile.Even the second-in-command Zhang Dongfang, who had always been indifferent to him, enthusiastically came over to shake hands with him, and told him that the city bureau had received internal news that his punishment for serious demerits would soon be revoked.

Ye Ming walked into the office amidst greetings and greetings, and saw Chen Yi with flushed cheeks, standing by the desk, looking at him with a smile.

Ye Ming also looked at her with a smile, and the two of them exchanged gazes, with deep affection in their eyes, and a warm feeling in their hearts.

At this moment, Chen Weiping, the director of the office, opened the door and walked in. As soon as he saw Ye Ming, his classic flattering smile appeared on his face, and he said in a low voice, "Xiao Ye, you are back? Congratulations, the Municipal Bureau Office has already left." You have been notified, and we are required to organize competent personnel to collect and sort out your outstanding deeds, and form materials to report to them, and prepare to declare the honorary title of advanced individual for righteousness and bravery in the province. Director Li also attaches great importance to this matter, and the party group meeting was held yesterday. Special study on your declaration of honor. By the way, I came from his office just now, and he asked me to inform you: please go to his office, I have something very important to talk to you about."

Ye Ming smiled contemptuously, and said, "I have nothing to talk to him about. If he has any demands, just tell me directly. There is no need to hide behind people's backs."

Chen Weiping smiled awkwardly, didn't dare to say anything, turned around and went to the director's office on the fourth floor.

Soon, Li Li appeared at the door of the office.

I hadn't seen him for two days, and Li Li seemed to have grown old and haggard all of a sudden: his face was gray, his beard was sloppy, and his back hair, which was usually slicked back, looked a little disheveled at the moment, completely losing the domineering demeanor of the past.

At this time, although there was a smile on his face, no matter how awkward it looked, it was uglier than crying.

When Chen Yi saw it, she immediately turned down, turned and walked out of the office.

Seeing Chen Yi disappearing at the door, Li Li quickly closed the office door. The smile on his face that was uglier than crying was quickly replaced by a panicked expression, and he rushed to Ye Ming's side in a few steps, like fishing for straws , grabbed Ye Ming's right hand tightly with both hands, and said in a crying voice: "Xiaoye, if I have sorry for you in the past, please forgive me! This time, please save me! If you don't forgive me , If you don’t save me, I will be finished, completely finished..."

It turned out that since he came back from Baozhu County the day before yesterday, Li Li had received several pieces of news that seemed like a bolt from the blue to him: First, the heads of several taxpayers who had a good relationship with him and had sent him a lot of money Nie Mai, the chief financial officer of Ruxin Leng Steel Factory, Li Hong, the chairman of Julong Real Estate Company, and Xia Hao, the general manager of Xinyuan Coal Industry Co., Ltd., have all been taken away by the K City Discipline Inspection Commission and the Anti-Corruption Bureau to assist in the investigation; Secondly, the two mistresses he took care of suddenly disappeared inexplicably in the past two days, and they were probably taken away by people from the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Anti-Corruption Bureau; In the next few days, he will be transferred to the provincial bureau as the director of the wage distribution center, and a new director is also in the pipeline...

These few news, like a sap hit head-on, knocked Li Li dizzy.He clearly felt that a noose had been put around his neck.And this noose is being tightened step by step, and it has already strangled myself...

In the past two days, the fear in his heart was like a flood, hitting him all at once, completely destroying his self-esteem and self-confidence.

He knew: Ye Ming is the only one who can untie this noose for himself now!The only way for me not to be strangled to death, not to go into a cell, is to beg Ye Ming to pull him and save him...

So, he no longer cared about the majesty of the party secretary and the director, and no longer cared about the identity and status of the leader, and came to beg Ye Ming humbly.

He even thought: As long as Ye Ming promises to save himself, even if he wants to kneel down, he will kneel down without hesitation...

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