Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 333 Secretary Deer's Proposal

Xia Bicheng, Secretary Li, Xu Lizhong and others were both surprised and amused when they saw Xia Chuchu bluntly asked the secretary of the provincial party committee to match her and Ye Ming in front of so many people, and they all showed uncontrollable expressions of laughter.Even Xu Lizhong, who was always unsmiling, had a smile on his lips.

Everyone in the room turned their eyes to Ye Ming to see his reaction.

Ye Ming didn't expect Xia Chuchu to be so bold and straightforward. Seeing that everyone in the room was staring at him with weird eyes, he couldn't help but feel ashamed and embarrassed, his face turned red all of a sudden, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Secretary Lu saw that Xia Bicheng was only smiling, but he didn't respond to what he said. He was a little unhappy, but he still had a smile on his face, and asked Xia Bicheng, "Comrade Xia Bicheng, I'm not a mess! It’s a new society, and we don’t talk about parents’ order and matchmaker’s words. However, Chuchu is your daughter, and the marriage must be approved by you as a father. If I want to be a matchmaker, I must first get you Your support is the only way! How about it? Bring Xiaoye and Chuchu together, so your daughter won't be wronged!"

When Xia Bicheng heard what Secretary Lu said, he knew that he had some thoughts about not agreeing with him at the first time. He was surprised, and quickly said with a smile: "Secretary Lu, if you can be a matchmaker for Xiaonv and Xiaoye, then It is our greatest honor! There are so many young men and women in the country, so many lovers, but how many couples can a provincial party secretary personally match? I am too happy now, how can I think that this will wrong Chu Chu Besides, Xiaoye is outstanding both in appearance and in talent and ability, and it is more than enough to match Chuchu. As long as Xiaoye does not dislike Chuchu's open-mouthed, straightforward, and carefree personality, I agree with all hands. However, since you are a great matchmaker, on the day Xiaoye and Chuchu get married, you have to come to their wedding! In that case, this marriage will be even more perfect. Hehehe!"

Secretary Lu didn't wait for him to finish, and responded repeatedly: "That's for sure, definitely come, definitely come!"

Xia Chuchu couldn't help being elated when she heard that her father had promised her to have a relationship with Ye Ming, and even discussed with Secretary Lu about her and Ye Ming's future marriage.Although her father just criticized her for being outspoken and careless, she didn't bother with him at this time, and looked at Ye Ming affectionately with big watery eyes, with a happy expression on her face, and she was already longing for herself and this The romantic scene when the redneck gets married...

When Ye Ming saw that Secretary Lu and Xia Bicheng had actually started to plan his marriage with Xia Chuchu, he never thought of asking for his own opinion, so he couldn't help laughing, but he couldn't say anything, so he had an unnatural smile on his face. Let them talk.

Fortunately, Li Jingya came out of the restaurant at this time, greeted Secretary Lu and Secretary Li with a smile, saying that it was time to eat.

When opening the wine, Secretary Lu saw three bottles of Wuliangye on the table, and hurriedly said: "Comrade Runji, we have a meeting tonight, so we should drink less alcohol, don't drink so that you blush and make others complain. I see, you , I, Comrade Xia Bicheng and Xiaoye, the total amount of the four people is limited to one bottle. Xiao Xu is going to drive later, so he is not allowed to drink."

Xia Chuchu was very happy today, and wanted to drink some wine. Seeing that Secretary Lu directly excluded her from the drinkers, she shouted: "Secretary Lu, what about me? Why didn't you count me in? Are you Patriarchal! I don't need to record a show tonight, I want to drink too!"

Secretary Lu was taken aback, and quickly smiled and said, "Chuchu is right in criticizing, I shouldn't exclude lesbians. If you want to drink, then we will open two bottles."

Li Jingya walked over and put her arms around Xia Chuchu's shoulders, and complained lovingly: "Chuchu, you need to drink less alcohol. When you host a show, you must pay attention to protecting your voice, it is a tool for you to make a living! If you drink If there are too many, it is easy to damage the throat."

Xia Chuchu waved her hand carelessly, and said, "Godmother, don't worry, I have my own measure. I'm going to have a few cups of matchmaking wine with Secretary Lu in advance today, so that he can remember what he promised me, and don't rush away when he's busy with work." I forgot about it. Hehe!"

Secretary Lu hurriedly said: "Chuchu, don't worry, I will never forget what I said and what I promised, and I will never break my promise. If you don't respect my wine today, I will seriously perform my duties as a matchmaker. Of course, if you can offer me a few glasses of wine, I will remember it better. Hahaha!"

Xia Bicheng looked at his precious daughter with a smile, and said: "Chuchu, don't be too presumptuous! A girl must be quiet to be cute, you know? You are so crazy, fortunately, Secretary Lu and Secretary Li are not fussy people. Otherwise, you will suffer."

Secretary Li hurriedly said: "Bicheng, don't scare Chuchu! She has such a temper, and we like her very much. What do you want her to change? Once her personality changes, she won't be Xia Chuchu anymore!"

Xia Chuchu took Secretary Li's words very seriously, sticking out her tongue at her father proudly, and began drinking with fists and sleeves.

After toasting each other for a few glasses of wine, Secretary Lu saw that Ye Ming still wanted to respect him, and suddenly had an idea that he really wanted to take this opportunity to test Ye Ming to see if he was really as good as others said. He has a strong memory and extensive knowledge.Moreover, he also really wanted to use this method of school examination to let his son show off his real talents and show it to Li Runji, Xia Bicheng and others, so that he could be secretly proud of himself-his mentality is actually like many Just like the parents who have a very outstanding son, they always want to use various occasions to show off their son's talent to others, so as to satisfy their self-satisfaction...

So, when Ye Ming stood up holding a glass of wine again and was about to respect him, he smiled and shook his hand, and said, "Xiao Ye, you sit down first. When I was in Xinleng, I heard from the two leaders in your bureau that , your memory is very good, and you can almost remember it with a photograph. Moreover, you have read a lot of books, especially books on literature and history. Recite all the poems and couplets in "Dream of Red Mansions". Coincidentally, I am also learning Chinese, and I also like reading books on literature and history. So, I want to test you now: I will give you a question, and you will answer. The answer is up, I Drink half a glass of wine; if you can't answer, drink a glass of wine. How about it?"

Ye Ming is at the age of being competitive, and he is very confident in his knowledge of literature and history. Seeing that Secretary Lu came up with such a school examination method, he was in the middle of his arms, so he replied with a smile: "Secretary Lu, you have a meeting tonight, and you drink alcohol. Feel free, don't drink half a glass. If I can't answer, I'll drink two, okay?"

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