Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 342 Bidding

Li Wen on the stage was originally in a very embarrassing situation - it turned out that before she came on stage, the owner of the bar specifically told her: don't have a confrontation with Guo Fei.If he makes any demands, try to satisfy him.

She told the boss clearly at that time: she would not accompany Guo Fei to drink, because she had her period today and could not drink.In addition, as long as Guo Fei's request is not too excessive, I can satisfy him.

However, she never imagined that Guo Fei would make such an excessive request. Apart from asking her to sing the song "Dancing Girl", she also had to wear a three-point dress and wriggle around on the stage like the sassy fox who just stepped down. This is unacceptable to myself anyway.

However, she also knew that if she didn't agree to Guo Fei's request, not only would the boss be angry, but she might not be able to come here to sing and earn extra money in the future.Moreover, Guo Fei and his group of rotten people will definitely not let him go, maybe it will be difficult for him to get out of the glass door of the bar tonight...

Just when she was desperate and unable to do anything, unexpectedly, in the dark corner opposite, a girl suddenly stood up and was willing to pay 1000 yuan to ask herself to sing "Moonlight in the City", which made her feel desperate Raw feeling: Because according to the rules of the bar, when ordering songs, the customers below can bid freely, whoever bids the highest price, the singer will sing for him; moreover, each singer can only sing two requested songs at most, In order to avoid vicious competition among singers.

As for myself, I just sang "The Horse-set Pole" for Guo Fei and the others. If I finish singing "Moonlight in the City" ordered by the girl, I should be off the set, and I can avoid being humiliated.. ....

Thinking of this, she glanced gratefully at the place where Xia Chuchu was, and was about to say thank you when someone shouted from Guo Fei's side: "Brother Fei offered 1500 yuan to ask Sudan to sing "Dancing Girl"!"

Xia Chuchu shouted without hesitation: "I'll pay 00 yuan!"

After shouting this, she turned her head to look at Ye Ming with high spirits, and asked angrily, "You bumpkin, how much money do you have with you? I'm going all out today, and I must win the right to order songs!"

Ye Ming knew that she had a good heart, and the bidding was not purely out of anger, but because he didn't want to humiliate Li Wen on the stage, so he replied: "Chuchu, you can bid at ease, I have money in my bag."

It turned out that just in case, when Ye Ming visited Secretary Lu and Secretary Li this time, he specially brought some extra money, about 2 yuan in the bag, so that Xia Chuchu could bid with confidence.

Hearing that he was rich, Xia Chuchu became courageous, so she turned her head and stared at Guo Fei and the others over there, waiting for them to bid again.

There was silence for a moment, Guo Fei suddenly stood up, squinted at Xia Chuchu wearing sunglasses, gritted his teeth and shouted, "I'll pay you three thousand!"

Xia Chuchu didn't wait for his words to fade away, and immediately shouted: "I'll pay five thousand!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the bar.All eyes turned to Xia Chuchu, with expressions of surprise and admiration in their eyes.

However, because Xia Chuchu deliberately found a place with the darkest light to sit, and her huge pair of sunglasses concealed her very well, so the people in the bar, including Li Wen on the stage, still did not recognize her. Come.

At this time, a bald-headed guy from Guo Fei who was a little older in grade came over, glanced at Xia Chuchu, and suddenly cursed: "You idiot, are you trying to make trouble? Believe it or not, I'm here Strip you naked?"

When Xia Chuchu heard his rude words, she was furious, and instead of cursing back at him, she suddenly picked up a glass of foreign wine on the table, aimed at the guy's bald head and poured it over.

The bald guy didn't expect her to be so aggressive, and he was completely defenseless. The glass of wine was poured on him all at once, and he turned into a drowned chicken. He couldn't help becoming angry, and suddenly his eyes flashed fiercely, and he waved the vinegar bowl Aim at Xia Chuchu's head with his fist and hit him.

However, his fist was only half stretched out, and a hand suddenly stretched out from the slanting stab, like a pair of iron clamps, it clamped his fisted wrist all at once.Then, there was a piercing pain, which made him unable to bear the "ouch", and he almost jumped up in pain.

Then, he heard a cold voice in his ear: "Brother, good men don't fight with women! Are you still a man if you stretch your fists at girls? If you want to fight, you can, I will accompany you! You Aren’t there still several people over there? Call them all over, whether you come one by one or together, I will accompany you to the end. However, if you are injured or disabled, don’t blame me for being vicious!”

The person who made the shot was Ye Ming. After saying these words coldly, he put more strength in his hand, making the bald head scream like a pig.

At this moment, a few security guards rushed out from the back of the stage, separated Ye Ming from the bald head, and stopped some bad guys from Guo Fei's side who wanted to rush over to help.

A middle-aged man who looked like a boss flashed out from behind the security guards, clasped his fists at Guo Fei's table, and said with a smile on his face: "Master Fei, brothers, please calm down, don't hurt your peace! All this happened because of Miss Sudan on the stage, so the person who untied the bell had to tie the bell. I would like to make an immature suggestion here: Wait for Miss Sudan to sing "City After singing, she will come down to accompany Fei Shao to drink a glass of wine, this way, both sides will be taken care of, and everyone will save face, okay?"

Although that Guo Fei was domineering, but because he often played in this bar, and the bar owner often gave his father money, he didn't dare to offend him too much, so he nodded unwillingly and agreed to his plan.

And Li Wen on the stage, because she was grateful for the mysterious girl who was willing to pay a high price of 5000 yuan to relieve her from the predicament, and seeing that only two of them were drinking, she was afraid that they would suffer from a fight with Guo Fei and his gang, so she After promising to sing the song, he stepped down to offer a glass of wine to Guo Fei.

At the same time, she was secretly thinking: later, she would like to thank the two kind-hearted people, a man and a woman.She would like to invite them to supper if they wanted to.

After singing "Moonlight in the City" full of emotion, Li Wen once again bowed deeply to Xia Chuchu's position in the audience, said "thank you" a few words, and then walked off the stage quickly , went straight to the table where Guo Fei was.

Ye Ming and Xia Chuchu didn't want Li Wen to recognize them, so when Li Wen finished singing and left the stage, the two got up and walked to the door, planning to leave before Li Wen came to thank her.

However, just as Ye Ming opened the glass door, he heard a crisp "pop" sound from Guo Fei's side.After that, I heard Li Wen's voice scolding angrily: "Rogue!"

Ye Ming was taken aback, turned around quickly, and looked over there, only to see Li Wen's hand was firmly grasped by two rotten boys, while Guo Fei was slapped by Li Wen while holding his hand half of his cheek, and said viciously: "This stinky bitch, shameless! Brothers, beat me to death!"

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